Meesh Hope / Mrs Overall


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I'm sure it was meant as light hearted banter. I don't think a woman going on telly to flog her wares is going to go out of her way to be nasty to a presenter. (even Charlie).

I find all the chit chat goes over my head I don't take much notice as it is usually banal clap trap.
Qvc never advertise her never see any of the presenters wearing her stuff.....................but in all honesty,nor does she really!!!She never comes in top to toe in any of her stuff :wonder:

Actually come to think of it,I rarely,if ever,see a presenter wearing QVC fashion at all.Years ago,JR had a bit of a thing for butler and wilson and their chinese necklines..................AY wore his ice cream dress (badly) to death...................but never,ever do I recongise any fashion on the presenters day to day...
I had a feeling that was meant to be flirtatious banter. Give him his due, he does his best to play along but the chemistry just aint there.

did consider that but it didn't come across that way at all to me. maybe because she was so obnoxious in any other way. at least he got his own back when she said 'how would you EVER cope without me' and he said 'i got by when you didn't turn up'
"Qvc never advertise her never see any of the presenters wearing her stuff.....................but in all honesty,nor does she really!!!She never comes in top to toe in any of her stuff"

hadn't thought about that but you're right. she only ever wears a top. bottom is skin tight jeans not her super wonderful trousers.
Back to the housecoat business...My nan used to wear them regularly..various shades of polyester ..vile things, but if push came to shove I'd rather wear one of those than anything from the house of Hope...a least me old nan's overall's weren't patterened!
her stuff is horrible, really horrible awful clashing colours, all that scratchy looking lace, layers of flounces, nasty floral prints and then there is the lovely Michelle herself. She puts me in mind of American Tan tights and frosted pink lipstick.
her stuff is horrible, really horrible awful clashing colours, all that scratchy looking lace, layers of flounces, nasty floral prints and then there is the lovely Michelle herself. She puts me in mind of American Tan tights and frosted pink lipstick.

Got it in a nutshell SSQ !
At the end of the day, her range obviously sells, if it didn't, she would soon be shown the door by QVC. So, despite what some might think. someone must like her clothes!! - the question is who ...

I wonder how much of her range is returned, or worn just the once, when they realise just how unusual her creations are lol
At the end of the day, her range obviously sells, if it didn't, she would soon be shown the door by QVC. So, despite what some might think. someone must like her clothes!! - the question is who ...

I wonder how much of her range is returned, or worn just the once, when they realise just how unusual her creations are lol

"unusual" now there's a diplomatic way of describing the tat she produces! But you're perfectly correct there Greatgable, someone must be buying it. I reckon it's Mrs James.

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