Max Wall reincarnated


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Dec 8, 2010
Did JR forget to get changed before she went on air tonight? A brown T shirt and black cigarette jeans (with purple eye shaddow!!). OMG it's Max Wall. She keeps on about "my producer". Why the hell does he not tell her she looks totally ridiculous. Talk about showing off your wobbly bits :mysmilie_5:
Did JR forget to get changed before she went on air tonight? A brown T shirt and black cigarette jeans (with purple eye shaddow!!). OMG it's Max Wall. She keeps on about "my producer". Why the hell does he not tell her she looks totally ridiculous. Talk about showing off your wobbly bits :mysmilie_5:

I have to agree with you Bensmum she looks a bl**dy mess. She must have got dressed in the dark , obviously not had access to a mirror. Her producer probably daren't tell her. :mysmilie_468: :mysmilie_466:
At least we can't see what she's wearing on her bottom half now. The chap that she is on with is copping a right eyeful though. I'm sure she puts her lowest cut tops on when she's on with a male guest. :mysmilie_466: :mysmilie_17:
I thought last night's ensemble was the worst yet. The knees of the "jeggings" had even gone a bit faded and looked really bad.
Julia can look fabulous, but why oh why does she choose to go on looking so awful? Surely a jewellery show should encourage her to dress up a little bit? None of us can be bothered to look our best all the time, but when we go to work, we tend to make an effort. Last night she looked as though she was slouching about at HOME. (and THAT might be the key to this.....!)
I thought last night's ensemble was the worst yet. The knees of the "jeggings" had even gone a bit faded and looked really bad.
Julia can look fabulous, but why oh why does she choose to go on looking so awful? Surely a jewellery show should encourage her to dress up a little bit? None of us can be bothered to look our best all the time, but when we go to work, we tend to make an effort. Last night she looked as though she was slouching about at HOME. (and THAT might be the key to this.....!)

I agree!

I wouldn't do the gardening in those jeans/jeggings/trousers whatever they are. They also make her bottom half look really weedy and stunted, for a woman who can look stunning, it shows complete lack of understanding of what suits her. She doesn't look polished or well groomed, she just looks scruffy and that, in my opinion, is not acceptable on tv.

So there!
I normally resist the urge to comment on presenters' appearances because none of us can look great all of the time; but.... oh my goodness, she did look a bit of a state given that she was at work in a 'presentation role'.

QVC should surely set some standards of dress? Maybe because it was a Household Helpers hour she thought that dressing down would be more fitting... but she still could have chosen a smarter top and trousers than the lived-in leggings and slightly-worse-for-wear t-shirt ensemble.

I'm starting to think that she is in denial about her age and is trying to dress to appear more youthful but it actually has the opposite effect. :confused: Why has she lost her way?
She's the Queen. She reads on here to see too much attention being given to CH, JF and JB and likes to draw your attention back to her, so what better way of doing it. !!!
I blame QVC management for not having standards of dress code.
I agree with most of the comments Julia needs to take a reality check.She is capable of looking very good & like all of us will have 'off days' ( I have just spent about 2 hours trying to make myself look presentable as I have a cold, bloodshot eyes & a cold sore so I can go shopping!) But I am not on the telly.When I saw JR with her grey roots showing & admitting to it I thought she was taking the p***.She needs to cover her bingo wings ditch the leggings & thats just for starters.
Poor Julia always comes in for criticism. To be fair, she is always mentioning how much she likes wearing those black skinny jeans. Sometimes I think she wears them in defiance to what is said on here. We all know she likes to show her figure off with tight fitting, low cut tops. Good luck to her if thats how she wants to dress . Seems as if she is making the most of having (dare I say it) lost weight, while she can.
I shall now go and hide...........................
I looked in on what mum was watching last night and I had to laugh. I mentioned to her that JR looks like how mum is before she's gotten dressed properly and is in her thermals and lived-in t-shirt.

The men always seem to appear on air smartly turned out, dare I say, even Glen at the moment, so I'm not sure why she feels she can get away with looking like a scruff pot. Perhaps she feels she's above reproach?

I just got a clip round the ear from mum!
I turned the show on for a few minutes last night to see what you were all talking about and I have to agree. If it is that she wants to show off her slimmer figure, there are much better ways to do it than looking like a scruff. She didn't look young and trendy, she looked as if she couldn't be bothered and I think that is an insult both to the guest presenter and to us whom she wants to part from our money.
I rarely comment on a presenter's appearance unless it is really bizarre but she is giving out all the wrong vibes. It's silly too, because she can look so good when she makes the effort. The long hair doesn't bother me, I think she suits it. The bingo wings don't bother me, I don't cover mine either, and they are very hard to get rid of but she was wearing the sort of outfit I wear when I'm cleaning the house or baking and I don't feel it is good enough for a presenter to dress that way.
I looked in on what mum was watching last night and I had to laugh. I mentioned to her that JR looks like how mum is before she's gotten dressed properly and is in her thermals and lived-in t-shirt.

The men always seem to appear on air smartly turned out, dare I say, even Glen at the moment, so I'm not sure why she feels she can get away with looking like a scruff pot. Perhaps she feels she's above reproach?

I just got a clip round the ear from mum!

I thought Glen looked good last night and I like his glasses :whew:
Poor Julia always comes in for criticism. To be fair, she is always mentioning how much she likes wearing those black skinny jeans. Sometimes I think she wears them in defiance to what is said on here. We all know she likes to show her figure off with tight fitting, low cut tops. Good luck to her if thats how she wants to dress . Seems as if she is making the most of having (dare I say it) lost weight, while she can.
I shall now go and hide...........................

You certainly don't need to hide from me-it's interesting to get an alternative take on why she might be doing it. I agree, actually, that her motives might be stubbornness, which is sort of what you said, because of the criticism she gets on here.
Sad thing, though, is that not ALL viewers are on here, and many of those will form an opinion of her based on what they see on screen and that can't be good for an "aspirational" channel like QVC.
When she was judging the search for a presenter, she had the nerve to comment on contestants' clothes and shoes, and then goes on herself looking scruffy. We all need a kick up the ar*e sometimes-me included-to encourage us to make the most of what we naturally have. Julia might be Queen of QVC, but if she is the Queen, god help the rest of them, as she is certainly not leading by example at the moment.

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