Marverine, you are ........


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Registered Shopper
Apr 27, 2009
painful to watch.

You draaaaag out your words with loads of ummmmm and eeeerrrrrrrs, to such an obvious degree that its clear to all of us you are getting instructions through your earpiece, - like the rest of 'em you talk such a load of bilge that you don't know what you are saying most of the time, then you lose your thread because you're being told to 'cut' to a Hot pick !

Your cv claims that you have a background in broadcasting, so you should be better at studio procedures, - if these failings are obvious to us, then there's no wonder you have finished up on a shopping channel instead of climbing a corporate ladder.

You are not a natural in front of the camera, and I feel uncomfortable watching you.
I couldn't agree more. Jacquie Joseph on Create and Craft could be Marverine's twin. I can't bear to watch her either, so drawn out, , stuttering, laughing at inappropriate times,embarrassing to watch. Annoying if there is something you miss by having to check the items that were on the show later on the web.
Marv is patchy, but sometimes I think she's a great watch. Depends on the guests.

I think the level of talkback you get on QVC probably makes news and current affairs pale in comparison. Some of the others make it look easy. Others less so.
None of the new bunch are naturals, from Chloe "absolutely, incredible, indeed" Everton, Jackie "oh I'm so embarrassed" Kabler to Marvarine "I haven't got a clue" Cole, I don't watch QVC much now because the presenters are dire.
None of the new bunch are naturals, from Chloe "absolutely, incredible, indeed" Everton, Jackie "oh I'm so embarrassed" Kabler to Marvarine "I haven't got a clue" Cole, I don't watch QVC much now because the presenters are dire.

Don't forget Sarah "I know more about the product than the guest, and I'm far more interesting to listen to" Griffiths.
Marv is patchy, but sometimes I think she's a great watch. Depends on the guests.

I think the level of talkback you get on QVC probably makes news and current affairs pale in comparison. Some of the others make it look easy. Others less so.

I agree that it often depends on the guest. I saw her with the "bag ladies" earlier and it was obvious she was struggling. I don't think those women are easy to work with but a more accomplished presenter would be able to manage them more effectively. I've seen her present other shows quite capably though.
I couldn't agree more. Jacquie Joseph on Create and Craft could be Marverine's twin. I can't bear to watch her either, so drawn out, , stuttering, laughing at inappropriate times,embarrassing to watch. Annoying if there is something you miss by having to check the items that were on the show later on the web.

Sold out and gone! Aaaaargh!
I just find Marverine painfully embarrassing to watch so I switch over when she's on.
I agree, I can't stand to watch Maverine, it's soooo painfully slow, and her whining voice really gets on my nerves !
Marverine and Craig are unwatchable as far as I'm concerned, they will never sell me anything, I rush for the off button when ever they appear.
painful to watch.

You draaaaag out your words with loads of ummmmm and eeeerrrrrrrs, to such an obvious degree that its clear to all of us you are getting instructions through your earpiece, - like the rest of 'em you talk such a load of bilge that you don't know what you are saying most of the time, then you lose your thread because you're being told to 'cut' to a Hot pick !

Your cv claims that you have a background in broadcasting, so you should be better at studio procedures, - if these failings are obvious to us, then there's no wonder you have finished up on a shopping channel instead of climbing a corporate ladder.

You are not a natural in front of the camera, and I feel uncomfortable watching you.

Absolutely, I couldn't have put it better myself. Although she has a background in broadcasting, that's quite a wide scope I'm thinking, because she is definately not a natural presenter, I have to turn over when she's on as it bothers me to watch her.
Essentially selling a dud product is markedly harder than say anything with provenance like certain electrical appliances, the old 'mutton dressed as lamb' springs to mind as well

just look at ideal world when they are selling bs products ; they roll out Genevieve in a sexy outfit and let her cleavage sell the inventory :mysmilie_847:
Will watch Marve and Craig over Franks, Claire, Huntley and Flint any day of the week. I don't find their delivery poor at all.
Saw a bit of Marv on yesterday with Marla Wynn and she wasn't at her best - she was acting a bit like Marla was getting on her nerves. Marv can be good but she's hit and miss. I don't watch much of her as the funny faces and weird sentence construction makes it hard going.

Even the lovely Kathy got on my nerves the other day with more of her uuuummming & eeerrring & ahhhing than usual when she was on the Kipling show the other day.I have to say the only one I can listen too without any aggravation is is Miss QVC Julia!
She was on with Sarah Jagger doing Laura Geller the other night and l thought she was slightly better. She is worse when she does anything with food or Yankee Candles because its all fake oohs and says and eye rollings. She definitely gets switched off then as l can't stand it!
Saw a bit of Marv on yesterday with Marla Wynn and she wasn't at her best - she was acting a bit like Marla was getting on her nerves. Marv can be good but she's hit and miss. I don't watch much of her as the funny faces and weird sentence construction makes it hard going.


Did you see Marvine --'I'm wearing the grey and blue'--Marla-- 'No that's the black & white'
Will watch Marve and Craig over Franks, Claire, Huntley and Flint any day of the week. I don't find their delivery poor at all.

It wouldn't do if we all liked the same things/people. I find Marverine's gurning, stop start delivery unwatchable, and Craig's smarmy person pleaser style irritating, I can imagine his boss asking him to jump and Craig asking how high.....Still like I said each to their own, and we can always use our off button.
Even the lovely Kathy got on my nerves the other day with more of her uuuummming & eeerrring & ahhhing than usual when she was on the Kipling show the other day.I have to say the only one I can listen too without any aggravation is is Miss QVC Julia!
I like Kathy but get fed up hearing about her daughter Becks Wedding.
It wouldn't do if we all liked the same things/people. I find Marverine's gurning, stop start delivery unwatchable, and Craig's smarmy person pleaser style irritating, I can imagine his boss asking him to jump and Craig asking how high.....Still like I said each to their own, and we can always use our off button.

I can only imagine these 'presenters' do an amazing presentation tape when auditioning for these jobs, and I wonder how many of those who employed them sit with their heads in their hands when seeing the employees live on tv, and say "what HAVE we done ???" Because I'm sure I would ! I suppose we have to wait until their contract runs out.

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