No she is still on Q, I suppose she is just keeping a 'toe in each sea', so that should the 'proper telly' (well regional 'proper telly') fail she has always got Q to fall back on. I suppose though with no autocue and voices constantly in the ear, it must be fairly difficult. I mean news-readers only have to read from an 'auto-cue' in a serious voice. She is photogenic so good on the camera, it is just like so many other of the presenters it brings out the 'worst' of them. Though of course Q can't be blamed for some of the other presenters, not of course mentioning any names, DF, CE, CH, SG, JF (sorry don't know what came over me there, my fingers had a 'mind of their own'). Back to Marv though she has said on air that she still broadcasts on BBC Midlands and given what has happened recently, I suppose they need 'bums on seats'!