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Jan 4, 2009
West Midlands
This may be old news as I haven't posted for a long time but I tuned into BBC Midlands Today yesterday and who should be bringing me the latest headlines but the lovely Marv! Just as Jackie K used to do....
I was shocked to see Marv on Midlands today last night, she was much better on that than she is on Q, no eye rolling or other irritating behaviour, has she left Q, I so rarely watch nowadays I wouldn't know
I saw her too on Midlands news yesterday.
She seems much more capable when she has a script to read, she's absolutely useless on QVC
No she is still on Q, I suppose she is just keeping a 'toe in each sea', so that should the 'proper telly' (well regional 'proper telly') fail she has always got Q to fall back on. I suppose though with no autocue and voices constantly in the ear, it must be fairly difficult. I mean news-readers only have to read from an 'auto-cue' in a serious voice. She is photogenic so good on the camera, it is just like so many other of the presenters it brings out the 'worst' of them. Though of course Q can't be blamed for some of the other presenters, not of course mentioning any names, DF, CE, CH, SG, JF (sorry don't know what came over me there, my fingers had a 'mind of their own'). Back to Marv though she has said on air that she still broadcasts on BBC Midlands and given what has happened recently, I suppose they need 'bums on seats'!
Same with me. I decided I just could not watch her, as the eye-rolling, inane comments, and the general 3rd-rate acting really irritated me. If she's gone from Q, it's not before time, IMO. Sorry to be rude, but IMO she was not presenter material at all and it was like Amateur Night when she was on.

QUOTE=Letz-be-avenue;859460]I was shocked to see Marv on Midlands today last night, she was much better on that than she is on Q, no eye rolling or other irritating behaviour, has she left Q, I so rarely watch nowadays I wouldn't know[/QUOTE]

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