Marie & Chloe Anti Natal Class Thursday 10pm


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Dream Girl

Registered Shopper
Jun 5, 2017
Just turned on QVC with the 10pm Kipling hour.
Anyone else watching? Chloe keeps interjecting each bag sell with maternity questions to Marie.
Also now asking if they have chosen godparents and if she could be godmother to the baby.
I haven’t seen this but nothing Chloe does or says surprises me.I did like her when she first started but now just switch her off.She is far too manic and obviously has no filter on her mouth.
Poor Marie-Francoise. Every time she’s on, the various presenters ask people to send in their suggestions for names, and declare every large Kipling bag suitable as a nappy bag. So predictable, so cringe-worthy. I suppose it’s a cack-handed way of endearing customers to the brand by making them feel part of the real-life “Kipling family”.
Chloe has no filter, she'll slip up one of these days although, I doubt there is anything yet invented that will get a QVC presenter fired.
I quite like Chloe to be honest. At least she's got something close to a personality, unlike JF and CHuntley who are so false that it sets my teeth on edge.
I quite like Chloe too, she seem a near normal person. I have never heard her boasting about
what she has got. She loves her Teddy (dog) We are all different and have our own likes and dislikes, it would be boring if we all liked the same people/things.I dislike CR and I never ever watch him,and that works for me.
I’m all for a good laugh, in fact I love a good laugh, but with Chloe Everton I find her ”personality” quite aggressive, immature and always looks angry, she looks at the screen (constantly) as if she’d smack you soon as look at you, but each to their own, we all like different personalities it’s what makes the world go round.

Great minds Kathy, both put similar things :mysmilie_3:
Personally I’m not having go I do like when presenters aren’t doing the boring set script parrot fashion presenting.
But I didn’t know about Marie being asked lots of in depth questions, Chloe seemed genuinely interested.
Most things she was asked though she appeared unsure about either as her right she didn’t want to answer live on air.
Or that a lot she just hasn’t even made herself think about as yet in her pregnancy. Like when she said oh I just don’t know when do you buy things for the baby.
I don't mind Chloe so much but she ticked me off over the Kipling bags, she kept giggling like a girl. Then on the next show, with Skechers, there was more giggling, singing of made-up songs and everything but the products. To be fair, any presenter behaving like this would annoy me. I watch shows to learn about the products, not them. Is there a director in the gallery controlling things or not?
When she worked at Sky Sports as a presenter (why leave ?), she had to take down her Twitter account for over use of salacious innuendos. So she's 'got form' where the language is concerned.
When she worked at Sky Sports as a presenter (why leave ?), she had to take down her Twitter account for over use of salacious innuendos. So she's 'got form' where the language is concerned.

Well she’s in the right place now. Chuntley could teach her all about innuendos and she seems to be actively encouraged by Q.
I don't mind Chloe so much but she ticked me off over the Kipling bags, she kept giggling like a girl. Then on the next show, with Skechers, there was more giggling, singing of made-up songs and everything but the products. To be fair, any presenter behaving like this would annoy me. I watch shows to learn about the products, not them. Is there a director in the gallery controlling things or not?

The director had probably just finished his bottle and had been put down for a nap.:mysmilie_17:
When she worked at Sky Sports as a presenter (why leave ?), she had to take down her Twitter account for over use of salacious innuendos. So she's 'got form' where the language is concerned.

Oh yes she's definitely got form, she got the sack from Sky Sports because she just couldn't help herself on or off screen,, when she joined QVC every hour she did with Bibi Bijoux she'd make some sort of innuendo every time "balls" was mentioned, she even commented on the "length" and how size matters, she just can't help herself she still does it now, but hey it's QVC, she can say what ever she wants and not a thing will happen.
I don't mind Chloe so much but she ticked me off over the Kipling bags, she kept giggling like a girl. Then on the next show, with Skechers, there was more giggling, singing of made-up songs and everything but the products. To be fair, any presenter behaving like this would annoy me. I watch shows to learn about the products, not them. Is there a director in the gallery controlling things or not?

Some may remember on here, that a couple of years ago I wrote to the top banana - in the U.S who passed on the complaining about the behaviour of his 'staff' here in the UK to his UK Director. Mainly my moan was just what you said, all the matey chit chat about everything and nothing except the product they were supposed to be showing.
To be fair clearly something was said, as it noticeably stopped for a while, but it seems they don't give a monkeys anymore.
I read the title of the thread and thought they've started flogging stretch mark oil, bump encompassing leggings, nappy bags and the like. The market might be rather limited but the leggings could be useful if you overdid the mince pies. And you'd be well advised to squirrel it all away because... well because someone you know is bound to need it sooner or later.
But turns out it's yet more overpriced handbags.

I really like M-F though. Worth her weight in gold to kipling I imagine. Hope she comes back after the babe.

Marie-Francoise must now be cringing every time she has to come on air, but it is her job and she is very professional and just smiles it all off. The presenters should just be told to STFU. It's a baby for god's sake. Millions of people have them.


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