Made in China?


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Sep 6, 2009
Hi all

I just got my DG Classic Jean jeggin x 2 today. I was about to try one on and saw the label " made in china"
I have just put them back in the bag. I will be posting back to QVC.

I won't knowingly purchasing any more goods made in China! It's going to hurt but I have to say no!
Nearly all hi-tech stuff is made in China these days, including mobile phones, the iPad, iPod, and the disks inside your computer.

Even the Gtech sweeper was made there! I think they implied it was British, I think the company probably is, but they are made in China.
Nearly everything I pick up in US stores when on my hols has been made in China. I hadn't thought about the issue of slave labour for poor wages and in terrible conditions.
Nearly everything I pick up in US stores when on my hols has been made in China. I hadn't thought about the issue of slave labour for poor wages and in terrible conditions.

Would you still have bought the items if you had thought about it?
Kenwood used to be a great British brand but now it's owned by an italian company and everything is made in China.
depends if you care about patents or intellectual ownership rights I suppose, or if you buy from Chinese sources that comply with safety laws in other countries
or indeed have any views about workers rights, employment laws and rights
but not sure that shabby was what the OP had in mind when sending the trousers back. I do feel it will be very difficult not buying things that are made in China
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I agree WildRose - one would be hardput to find anything that isn't China made. There was a big hoo ha in the press recently about all of our souvenirs for the Olympics being made in China - all comes down to one thing - cheap labour. I think even Dyson now manufuctures in Malaysia. The only couple who spring to mind who DONT are Kim & Co and Tiana B
There was something on the TV news yesterday about Apple products being made in China. Just googling the topic I found this article commenting on the recent Times newspaper article about Foxconn, the Chinese factory that makes IPhones, IPads plus products for many more very popular household Amazon, Microsoft etc. If any negative publicity forces these Chinese companies to improve the working and safety conditions for their workers, then the bigger the stink raised the better!

I do have an issue with companies selling expensive branded goods made in countries where the workers have no rights and are paid a pittance. But it really is a catch 22 situation. My Dad makes garments and employs British workers - his two problems are - getting workers who are prepared to work (!) And staying competitive as others in the trade are getting things made abroad.

Until we stop buying lots of "cheap" things, and buy a few good quality home produced things, one half of the world will become a huge sweat shop fuelling the infinite materialistic greed of the other half.

It really gets to me that QVC sell American tat, rathervthen giving British jewellery and fashion designers a much needed and deserved platform.
I have to say this battle of Made In China should have been fought many years ago. Its far too late now. The Americans scream we want stuff made in the US on the QVC board there. But the factories and manufacturing has moved long ago and will not be coming back now. People would not for one pay the prices for products made in the UK or US, if you do find them they are far more expensive and we go "I'm not paying that!"

Apple etc where caught out a few years back and the conditions are the same now when caught again. The oh we will do better, we promise. We all go okay and continue to buy the tech stuff and don't think.
its business and thats what businesses want us to buy lots and lots of stuff to keep them in business. shopping is seen as something we do all the time sometimes more for liesure than real need.
i am old enough to remember having one coat at a time and one or two shoes now thats not the case. people shop in primark and buy oodles of clothes that they dont even have the room for my daughter a typical candidate
So on the QVC facebook page they are complaining at the prices of Kim & Co, other brands on Q are so much cheaper. Perfect example, products made in Canada so course they will cost more than something made in China.

Also when is Apple coming back I want to buy something on easy pay.

People at the end of the day will always think of their own needs when they want something.
My son is currently doing a piece of Geography work on sweatshops. It's quite an eye opener.

HOWEVER......would I swallow my principles to buy something at a cheaper price and ignore where it was made? Yes, I probably would, to be honest. I don't say that with an ounce of pride - I am just being honest. I suppose it's a case of out of sight out of mind, really. In terms of some things, I seem to have a social conscience, but not with manufactured goods for some reason. I admire the opening poster who returned her goods - I just don't think I have the same amount of moral fibre in me! I doubt I am alone, though.

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