Lulu Whining About Aging and Being Lonely


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Jun 24, 2008
Yes, our Lu whining about being alone and aging to Daily Mail.

But wait, she is launching Time Bomb(her new range according to DM. Who have already written about it for 2 or 3 years.:mysmilie_15:), in Selfridges.

But not one mention of the range or our Lu being on QVC first with Time Bomb.

Lu is going up up up with her new beauty range and just does not need to mention her loyal customers on QVC now.
Interesting where she says she used to have botox and fillers until Time Bomb but now she doesn`t .....
Yeh right !
I understand where she's coming from. I'm 60 and have friends older than me who have exactly the same thoughts and worries. I think it's harder for someone in the public eye, never knowing whether someone wants to be with you because they genuinely care for you or because they want to bask in reflected fame. People assume because she's famous and has money she doesn't have the same problems and insecurities as everyone else, but of course she does.
In my humble opinion their are people in wheelchairs ...or caring for people in wheelchairs....or people with severe disabilities....some people need to get a reality check ....can't warm to her ...she didn't even look after her son ....gave him to hubby ....stop whining and visit a cancer ward Lu Lu ....that will put your life in to perspective!!!!
My god people here are so judgemental - how easy it is to condemn others from the safety of your keyboard without actually knowing anything about the reality of the circumstances of what you're condemning. I'm a carer for my 89 year old mother, and I have a disability which affects me every minute of every day, but I also have able-bodied friends and relatives who suffer from depression, and Lulu is clearly depressed. Depression and loneliness are not things someone can turn off just because there are other people with more difficult circumstances to contend with. Depression is also not selective, it doesn't just affect people with obvious problems. Having seen people I care about battle depression and loneliness I can honestly say that I'd rather have my disability than deal with that.
I know that we all tend to consider physical illness as being more real than mental ones, perhaps it is partly because mental illness are not obvious all the time to the observer.

However cynically I think there is an illness more obvious in media related individuals which is not depression as we would know it, but rather an inability to cope if it not me, me, me all the time. This may, or may not be any less of a disability but it is hard to really care about some like Lulu. Trying to keep down a job, hold a family together whilst being a sufferer is a completely different kettle of fish.
If I come across as harsh i hold my hands up ...I know about depression youngest son had this as a young teen ...nearly admitted to hosp but thank God he wasn't ....however ...if Lu Lu was paid loads for this article ...I'm hoping a donation from her given ....even if only ten quid towards depression or something ....but ...we could all do with writing our blessings down ....and doing something constructive about it ...and many show biz people have a privileged life ....and many Do not get there through being twee and gentle ....ruthlessness friends boy has epilepsy ...everyday he has fits ....he is often in a wheelchair ....he will never get married or have children or a job....he is partially paralysed down one side of his brain and body ...I feel helpless when she tells me about her life with her lad ....she won't send him to a home as she is terrified of ill treatment ....not even for restbite....i often pull myself up and think of John when i whinge ...
I don't find it hard to care about someone like Lulu. She's no different from any of us. The problem people have, I think, is that someone like her seems to have no worries - she has fame and money and could, theoretically, have anything she wants. How can she possibly not be satisfied with that? The fact is, though, that she's had to hold down a job just like the rest of us, with her job being completely dependent upon looking great ALL the time. Can't ever leave the house without looking immaculate, can't slob down to the corner shop for a Sunday paper in trackie bottoms and without makeup, because it could literally threaten her career. Knowing that every word she says could finish up in the papers, never knowing if someone wants to know her for who she is and what they can get from her. Not the pressures most of us have to deal with, but pressure nevertheless, and horrendous if you're depressed and are of the age where you can't any longer stop the looks that your life has depended on for the past 50 years deteriorating. Look how much QVC customers shell out for skin care and gadgets to try to hold back time - imagine how it must feel to be ageing when you're photographed every time you set foot outside the door.

With regard to her not looking after her son, Lulu has talked about that and I also saw John Frieda interviewed about it, because people love to pick on it as an example of what a terrible person she is. The boy wasn't a child, he was a teenager, John Frieda was moving to the USA after their divorce and wanted to take the boy with him, and Lulu admitted that she was "a complete mess" because she hadn't recovered from a miscarriage and was devastated by the divorce. Both she and Frieda thought it would be better for their son at that time for him to live with his dad. The fact that her son and his family are so close to her is testament to the fact that he didn't have a problem with that.
Difference Lu can afford to get off the treadmill and remove the pressure, others do not have that luxury.

She no more wants to be out of the limelight than any other Diva so she should either shut up or speak out in conjunction with work with mental health charities. It just smacks of attention seeking otherwise and we all know our Lu fairly loves the attention.
It's not that I think she doesn't have any worries's just that some people have far worse ...." Always somebody worse off than yourself " and worse at sea" ......we are all human ....we all whinge's what we do .....if she is drawing attention to mental health charities ...fabulous ...go,Lu Lu ....but please please don't be a vacuous celeb ....don't cry and then mention the face creams you flog's not decent ...and I am saying in my humble opinion ......I will say this and mean it .....celebs are me me me .....most of the time ....and what rankles me .....they do charity programmes and then charge a fee....I digress I know ...but most celebs think only of themes elves....most not All ....most ....
She can't remove the pressure. If she retired tomorrow it would make no difference at all, the photographers would still be there and they'll be there until the day she dies. Also, I didn't say that she wants to be out of the limelight, what I said was that she's under no less pressure than the rest of us, personally and professionally, it's just a different kind of professional pressure. And she's no less likely to suffer from depression and to feel the same insecurities and fears as the rest of us just because of her profession. She's a normal woman, just like the rest of us, and I find it extraordinary that, just because of her profession, people can be so heartless.
You are Judging us now Scout ......If frank Bruno whinged i would understand more .....sever depression and admitted with it .....and always waved his fee for charity ...I know somebody who worked charities with him......we are human and we all judge ....we cant be holier than thou....nobody is perfect ...
It is not helped as she come across as a spoilt 60+ year old brat in every interview. If you don't feel you like the person you can't emphasise with their problems.
Yes May, and my judgements are based on what people are actually saying, and on what people are actually telling me they think, whereas everyone else here is judging Lulu on what they presume she's like and on huge presumptions as to what her life is like, when actually nobody has a clue what her life is actually like or what worries she actually has behind closed doors. Sweeping and often inaccurate generalisations are being made about most celebs being like this and most celebs doing that - and Lulu is being swept up in those generalisations based on a bit of blurb written in a tabloid, over which I doubt very much she had any editorial control. And yes, I find the presumptions, generalisations and judgements about her heartless.
I don't, nor do I have any wish to, "know" Lulu. My opinion is based on the public face she portrays and I don't like it.

If you know her personally then of course you can speak with authority but if you don't then you are basing your opinion exactly like the rest of us and, as you have every right to, find her more likeable and worth your concerns.
I actually love To Sir With Love ...the song .......i actually think she as a great voice ...but you are presuming too ...abut her life ....I can make my mind up as much as I like as so can you ....I'm not a heartless person ....I'm a flaws person but I am. It heartless as many people on here are not ....I know this from personal experience with them ...when as a newy on this forum ....they offered the milk of human kindness when I was distraught about my nieces ex boyfriend and father of her child ...was In a coma ....i Will defend these lovely compassionate people ....:mysmilie_12::heart::mysmilie_508:
I agree , To Sir with love is a corker. I have never denied she could belt them out better than most, the Adele of the 60's, but that is something else.
Clearly we have to agree to disagree. I think it's perfectly possible to empathise with someone's problems even if you don't particularly like the personality portrayed by the media. And I'm not in any way presuming about Lulu's life - I've continually said none of us knows, which is why I won't judge her. What I will tell you is that in a previous life, for nearly fifteen years, I worked and socialised every day with well known people, and they are rarely, if ever, as the media portrays them. They're no different from the rest of us, with the same worries and problems to deal with. A few, certainly, thought a bit too much of themselves, but most were perfectly pleasant people just trying to do a good job, and didn't think they were any better than the rest of us working with them. I met Lulu a few times over the years, and always found her to be a genuinely nice, very ordinary person. That was years ago, but I doubt her personality has fundamentally changed. And very few of the people I knew charged for charity appearances.

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