Um, who was it that said "any publicity is good publicity" ?
I'm the same age as Lulu, and I find it irksome that most of these 'celebs' these days want to offload their illnesses, their childhood traumas, eating disorders, marital problems, bullying, book writing on grief etc etc in the public domain. WHY ?..... all in the name of publicity. Its just fodder for the weekly magazines with lurid headlines to entice more sales.
Sorry, but if these people are talented enough to entertain, then I pays my money to be entertained, and not for the need of Counselling once I've read their personal life stories !! I don't buy into this 'down to earth' crap - they all chose to be in the show biz industry, so if they cant 'entertain' anymore then they should get out of it and retire........ quietly.