Lulu Time Bomb TSV 19/7/14


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Lulu, or anyone fronting a skincare company, having intervention doesn't mean the products aren't good. There's only so much a pot of cream can actually do. It wouldn't put me off buying a range at all to know the person had had botox or whatever. It doesn't mean the products don't work, at all. It sounds like the Lulu products are generally unpopular and not very good, and fair enough, but it's not because she has botox and surgery. If skincare is going to make a difference to skin ageing then it's far more likely to do so used as a preventative from a young age, once damage is done (not using sunscreen etc) then there's very little skincare can do. It being effective is about keeping skin clean, hydrated, comfortable, bright, protected from sun without irritating it, not magically wiping out wrinkles.
I have no issues with people having fillers or botox or other procedures but it annoys me when they say they haven`t had them and pretend it`s all down to a few jars of cream. It`s misleading at best and downright bare faced lies at worst and when they`re making money out of people being gullible enough to believe those lies, then it`s tantamount to extortion IMO.
I have no issues with people having fillers or botox or other procedures but it annoys me when they say they haven`t had them and pretend it`s all down to a few jars of cream. It`s misleading at best and downright bare faced lies at worst and when they`re making money out of people being gullible enough to believe those lies, then it`s tantamount to extortion IMO.

Well yes, I agree there. They certainly shouldn't claim creams etc are what's responsible for how they look when it's mostly down to intervention.
Some of us have long memories... how about the ad Q used to show of Lulu pottering around talking about how it all started? She definitely used to suggest she mixed lotions and potions herself and then wanted to share her secrets.
This was from an article/interview in Daily Mail

"One day I was talking to my friend Gail Federici (who used to run the global haircare business with my ex-husband John Frieda), who said: ‘You know, Lu, this is so blindingly obvious: if women all want to know what you put on your skin, why not create your own line?’ The whole process took three years."

but yet this is on a website that sells the Time Bomb range!

Over twenty years ago, Lulu began working with award-winning chemist Dr. Joe Cincotta to formulate her skin care range Time Bomb. He is perhaps best known for the work he did with the John Frieda Professional Hair Care Company, but is fast gaining recognition for the work he’s done with Lulu on her personal care ranges. Lulu has been relying on Joe’s formulations for her own beauty care regimen for decades and credits her youthful appearance to the products they worked on tirelessly together.

Lulu’s Time Bomb debuted on QVC in 2007 and quickly became a top seller – demand was so high that a shipment carrying the products was actually stolen before it could be delivered to QVC’s warehouse.

So, did it take 3 years or 20 years??? And people were so desperate to get it they had to steal it!!?? :mysmilie_13:
Some of us have long memories... how about the ad Q used to show of Lulu pottering around talking about how it all started? She definitely used to suggest she mixed lotions and potions herself and then wanted to share her secrets.

I don't think it was even long ago those ads were aired... surely only a matter of weeks or months ago?
I doubt she ever owned the company in any form. She was always just the face of the brand, she needs to earn her money and its not through much singing these days.

The only mention of Marie McLaughlin McDonald Lawrie is in regard to the Classc Rocks collection; Lulu's signature accessories. It does not, however, explain which those items are!
Sometimes I don't get the dislike, hostility and sometimes downright loathing LuLu is subjected to on the internet. It is a wonder she had any sort of career at all, given that people had to actually buy many of her records somewhere along the line. Celebrities are often polarising in terms of love or hate, yet you have to look along way online to find some love for "our Lu!"

The beauty industry is full of hyperbole and highly exaggerated claims and stories.

Do we really believe Dennis from Ojon was given a pot of miracle hair-transforming paste by his then Mother-in-Law, taken back from her travels, which he then kept in his bathroom cabinet unused for two years. Only to magically decide to use one day and be so blown away by that he booked a flight, chartered a canoe, and sailed up the amazon in search of the villagers with beautiful long enchanting hair?

Do we really expect Lu to come on air and say well money was getting a bit tight, I have a really grand waterside mansion in Little Venice to maintain, so I was chatting with my ex about how I could raise some cash, without having to do those silly yoghurt commercials again, and he was like, "Well I made millions out of flogging my shampoo range at boots, before selling the company and banking some seriously big wonga, I'll tell you what you should do, get the guys in the lab to come up with an anti-ageing line!" So I did, and here I am! Might work for Joan Rivers!
Sometimes I don't get the dislike, hostility and sometimes downright loathing LuLu is subjected to on the internet. It is a wonder she had any sort of career at all, given that people had to actually buy many of her records somewhere along the line. Celebrities are often polarising in terms of love or hate, yet you have to look along way online to find some love for "our Lu!"

The beauty industry is full of hyperbole and highly exaggerated claims and stories.

Well, I can't speak for anyone else on t'interweb but, for me, it's the portrayal of herself as some kind of guru who is blessing us with her wisdom.

The 'you too can look fresh-faced like me' and the 'I take a personal interest and have a critical input into every product' kind of statements particularly get my goat.

That's way beyond the usual 'hyperbole' in my opinion.
I sit and chuckle at the desperate lengths JF goes to to flog more stuff. I NEED you on the phones, I HAVE A PANIC ATTACK if I haven't got my neck cream ! - same old story when its Decleor and Elemis etc etc

And who hasn't noticed how more pronounced and articulate Lulu has become in enunciating all the "scientific" jargon, together with all the hand waving when she's plastering the back of her hand with more gunk, compared to how she was in the early days, but still hides behind a couple of Peony pink flaaaaars !!!!! Linda Lusardi is another one, spouting all sorts of nonsense about glacial water in her skincare range. What DO these people take us for ?

Its only a matter of time before old pillow face Amanda Holden jumps on the bandwagon - she'll soon be in the right age bracket !
I watched the 2pm hour yesterday, while I sat down and had some dinner and I noticed that they really rushed through all the products they were trying to sell. Not only do I not have a clue what they sold, it was that quick, but I don't know who it's suitable for etc. either.

I did however catch that the duo of the eye cream is on the last available stock and won't be repurchased. However, Lulu decided to comment that she has seen/heard that when products come in duos/trios that they are popular. So does this mean if they aren't stocking it like this anymore that's it's not QVC? lol!
Sometimes I don't get the dislike, hostility and sometimes downright loathing LuLu is subjected to on the internet. It is a wonder she had any sort of career at all, given that people had to actually buy many of her records somewhere along the line. Celebrities are often polarising in terms of love or hate, yet you have to look along way online to find some love for "our Lu!"

The beauty industry is full of hyperbole and highly exaggerated claims and stories.

Do we really believe Dennis from Ojon was given a pot of miracle hair-transforming paste by his then Mother-in-Law, taken back from her travels, which he then kept in his bathroom cabinet unused for two years. Only to magically decide to use one day and be so blown away by that he booked a flight, chartered a canoe, and sailed up the amazon in search of the villagers with beautiful long enchanting hair?

Do we really expect Lu to come on air and say well money was getting a bit tight, I have a really grand waterside mansion in Little Venice to maintain, so I was chatting with my ex about how I could raise some cash, without having to do those silly yoghurt commercials again, and he was like, "Well I made millions out of flogging my shampoo range at boots, before selling the company and banking some seriously big wonga, I'll tell you what you should do, get the guys in the lab to come up with an anti-ageing line!" So I did, and here I am! Might work for Joan Rivers!

Well I don't hate her but I don't love her(I might even have a single bought as a child, it wasn't Shout), but do p*ss myself at the crap she comes out with. As I said earlier in this thread old episodes of Ad Fab showing on Gold and she was in 2 or 3 over the different series and looks harder and older back then. So the sh*te she is telling us about making the potions and lotions on her kitchen table etc. She has also mentioned in print the bad acne she had and the marks left. No way does she have them now. Chemical peels involved, fillers, botox etc are involved in how she looks today.

On digital spy they had a long thread about her in showbiz. A number of comments from people who had people work in theatres she worked in saying she was a total bitch to them for no reason.

But if people enjoy Time Bomb and want to buy it then they are perfectly entitled to. But do not expect the miracles Lulu talks about.
When the range first came to Q, the packaging definitely said 'Lulu's Time Bomb, but the Lulu part disappeared a couple of years ago, never to return.
Perhaps the 'Lulu' in the title was affecting sales !!!!!

(psssst I have it on very good authority - via wardrobe at the bbc, that 'our Cilla' displayed a different persona off camera, and many a muttering of "if her public could see her now ! " )
Perhaps the 'Lulu' in the title was affecting sales !!!!!

(psssst I have it on very good authority - via wardrobe at the bbc, that 'our Cilla' displayed a different persona off camera, and many a muttering of "if her public could see her now ! " )

I think that`s the case with many "celebs". I have a friend who writes comedy and has written for many of the well known comedians as well as comedy TV shows such as My Family. My friend says many of the people they`ve written for, off stage are as funny as a smacked ar*se, are bad tempered, rude and ill mannered, throw strops and actually dislike their fans or followers.
I think that`s the case with many "celebs". I have a friend who writes comedy and has written for many of the well known comedians as well as comedy TV shows such as My Family. My friend says many of the people they`ve written for, off stage are as funny as a smacked ar*se, are bad tempered, rude and ill mannered, throw strops and actually dislike their fans or followers.
I can totally believe that was the quiz show i heard about the other day that got me ...only one celeb said ...let's waive our fee was a charity programme ...nobody else wanted to .....and I have to put my hands up and say I didn't actually think much of this celeb before I heard about this ....gone right up in my estimation ...
Perhaps the 'Lulu' in the title was affecting sales !!!!!

(psssst I have it on very good authority - via wardrobe at the bbc, that 'our Cilla' displayed a different persona off camera, and many a muttering of "if her public could see her now ! " )

Its a well known secret that Our Cilla chuck, is one of the most hated nastiest people ever.

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