lulu guinnesss tsv this sunday.......


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ArtDeco - do you know where her bags are made? Is it UK? Do they have a made in... label inside? I'm hoping they would be, am very tempted today but don't really want to pay that much money for something designed over here but made in China.

I've just climbed up into my top cupboard where said item now resides (it doesn't function too well as a nappy bag so I'm saving it in case I ever regain any child-free days of glamour...) and discovered that it was in fact made in China. OH came into bedroom whilst I was retrieving it and said she remembers me commenting at the time I bought it that you wouldn't know it was made there as it really is impeccably put together and finished.

The good thing with QVC of course is you can try a bag and return it if you're not happy with the quality IRL (and you're only risking return P&P if you email them under DSR and return within seven days etc etc) Not that I'm encouraging you to spend...:angel::wink:
I really like her, she has such a genuine air, and seems to really enjoy what she does. How different from Misery Guts Hoppen.
I've just climbed up into my top cupboard where said item now resides (it doesn't function too well as a nappy bag so I'm saving it in case I ever regain any child-free days of glamour...) and discovered that it was in fact made in China. OH came into bedroom whilst I was retrieving it and said she remembers me commenting at the time I bought it that you wouldn't know it was made there as it really is impeccably put together and finished.

The good thing with QVC of course is you can try a bag and return it if you're not happy with the quality IRL (and you're only risking return P&P if you email them under DSR and return within seven days etc etc) Not that I'm encouraging you to spend...:angel::wink:

Thanks much appreciated and I'm gobsmacked they're made over there, the Chinese don't get any extra money for making items whether it's for Primark or designers, so I'm a bit reluctant now. I always assumed for the prices they were British made. Silly me. Your bag sounds like an early one so could be a collectors piece. Nice one. :up:
Lulu Guiness has Bipolar Disorder. I rather like her actually, although not keen on her bags.

This is taken from an article in the Telegraph a couple of years ago:

She has also learnt how to manage her depression, which was triggered by the birth of her first child, and led to a diagnosis of bipolarity. 'God, we were so lucky, even 15 years ago - the awareness, the lack of stigma, the medication.' She laughs. 'It's a very difficult illness to understand when it's happening to you, and not a pleasant thing, but the silver lining' - she lets out a big sigh - 'is that you spend a lot of time with other people who are depressed, you appreciate things a bit more and, through doing therapy and group sessions, you become a much wiser person. I think you learn to empathise. I'm not judgemental any more. I'm not as critical.'

Has she learnt the danger signs? 'Totally. I'm very self-aware. I know my behaviour patterns. The main danger is that, time and time again, I've stopped taking my medication. You think, "Hurray, nothing's wrong, I'm happy," so you stop, and then… I've done this to myself too many times, so now I just take the dosage down very, very low.'

When she talks about this her eyes are closed, and she doesn't open them until her next sentence. 'Most things make me happy,' she says. 'My natural character is optimistic. I'm a bipolar optimist.'

Oh I see, some of her mannerisms make more sense to me now.

I've just climbed up into my top cupboard where said item now resides (it doesn't function too well as a nappy bag so I'm saving it in case I ever regain any child-free days of glamour...) and discovered that it was in fact made in China. OH came into bedroom whilst I was retrieving it and said she remembers me commenting at the time I bought it that you wouldn't know it was made there as it really is impeccably put together and finished. The good thing with QVC of course is you can try a bag and return it if you're not happy with the quality IRL (and you're only risking return P&P if you email them under DSR and return within seven days etc etc) Not that I'm encouraging you to spend...:angel::wink:

There are LOADS of impeccable things made in China,it all depends on the craftsmen you hire. In fact it could be argued if you want an absolute robot finish on a product pay a Chinese person some decent scratch and they'll do it.

By the way 99% of I-Pads and Apple products are made in China, if you can overlook the fact that folk are committing suicide, rather than work in these factories, then Apple products are pretty impeccable.....errrm,except for when they aren't,lol.

Thanks much appreciated and I'm gobsmacked they're made over there, the Chinese don't get any extra money for making items whether it's for Primark or designers, so I'm a bit reluctant now. I always assumed for the prices they were British made. Silly me. Your bag sounds like an early one so could be a collectors piece. Nice one. :up:

They do, depending on who they work for. There's no way in hell Lulu could pay workers the same amount that Butler and Wilson pay, for the finish she requires.

By the way, Anne "green teeth" Dawson is totally ruining the Lulu hour for me with her presence.

I'm warming to LuLu. Haven't bought any of her stuff although I would happily pay the prices if I really liked something. The only thing I don't like is when expensive handbags go in sales (as LG does). I've bought a few Louis Vuitton's as you know they NEVER get discounted and are classics.

When she first joined QVC I didn't like the fact she didn't seem to know everything about her own bags but I guess that might have just been nerves. Shes now much more friendly and seems happy to be on.

Can't believe noone picked up on alittle Anne comment in the hour. Lulu pointed out one bag was great for your hols and that you could use it if you were going off to Florida, Spain........ Anne stated she didn't have anything coming up in the next few 'weeks'!!!!!!!

Whats Anne's background, how does she have so many hols when shes never at work much herself to pay for them??
I'm warming to LuLu. Haven't bought any of her stuff although I would happily pay the prices if I really liked something. The only thing I don't like is when expensive handbags go in sales (as LG does). I've bought a few Louis Vuitton's as you know they NEVER get discounted and are classics.

When she first joined QVC I didn't like the fact she didn't seem to know everything about her own bags but I guess that might have just been nerves. Shes now much more friendly and seems happy to be on.

Can't believe noone picked up on alittle Anne comment in the hour. Lulu pointed out one bag was great for your hols and that you could use it if you were going off to Florida, Spain........ Anne stated she didn't have anything coming up in the next few 'weeks'!!!!!!!

Whats Anne's background, how does she have so many hols when shes never at work much herself to pay for them??
I'm sure she has mentioned that she own's a property in Italy. So guess if she can get cheap flights she'll pop over (as indeed I would!) as often as poss. :wave:
"Aaaar Friedrich, twas the case of the disappearing posts and threads".

Hee, hee, this place is a constant source of amusement to me.:mysmilie_483:

Viva ST.COM!!!

Anyway, gonna try and find a way to order the bag Akimbo posted, not 100% sure I'll be sucesssful, but I'll give it a try.
I'm warming to LuLu. Haven't bought any of her stuff although I would happily pay the prices if I really liked something. The only thing I don't like is when expensive handbags go in sales (as LG does). I've bought a few Louis Vuitton's as you know they NEVER get discounted and are classics.

When she first joined QVC I didn't like the fact she didn't seem to know everything about her own bags but I guess that might have just been nerves. Shes now much more friendly and seems happy to be on.

Can't believe noone picked up on alittle Anne comment in the hour. Lulu pointed out one bag was great for your hols and that you could use it if you were going off to Florida, Spain........ Anne stated she didn't have anything coming up in the next few 'weeks'!!!!!!!

Whats Anne's background, how does she have so many hols when shes never at work much herself to pay for them??

On the intro to her QVC blog, it says that she has managed some of the country's most presteeeeegiiiiouuissssss restaurant's and has a personal development company.

Ok, I really must stop watching Lulu now - two bags down and a purse off British Airways shopping :headbang: and I've just fancied some umbrellas on Amazon (thanks OP!). But :mysmilie_468: I refuse to indulge any further! I am kinda hoping that one bag won't be to my liking, but am not holding out much hope! Anyhow, am justifying it by the easy payments on both bags and the fact that I have just come out of hospital so damn yeah, I deserve a treat (or 3) :mysmilie_50:

God, someone please drag me back to work, this sick leave has cost me a fortune :mysmilie_847:
[QUOTE=Capirossi;406334 I refuse to indulge any further!

you may want to steer clear of Harrods online shop too then!

*clicks on - searches Lulu - oops*

Well I got my mate in NY to order it for me in the end.

You can see why they haven't made this available to UK buyers, as on page 7 of this weeks Grazia mag, that exact same bag is advertised there for £175.:mysmilie_503:

What's even more annoying is that when you click on the American flag icon, the price comes up even cheaper, £50 to be exact,as opposed to £70 odd UK.

So after all the postage and potential -but unlikely-, customs charge is taken into consideration, I'll probably pay about £75 for this bag.Which I think is a fair price-point for this bag and it happens to be in the exact colour I want.

So thanks for the link Akimbo.:sun:
I like Lulu also, think I've said this before, she reminds me of that character from Will & Grace. Remember Karen?? Karen would be Lulu, if she had any actual talent.

The other things I like about Lulu are , she completely ignores the presenter sometimes and just talks over and around them, whereas this might seem rude coming from someone else, somehow when Lulu does it , it just makes me chuckle. It must be a toff thing(not me, her), where you just pretend you're paying attention to someone, but you've actually blanked them out. Lulu does this a lot.

Also Lulu appears to be ever so slightly medicated, this appeals to me also(legal meds, I hasten to add)

Lastly, I do like some of her bags and may one day purchase one if the mood takes me. I do think some of the things are overpriced but then there are others which I think are completely worth the money.

Not once in the two years since she's been on QVC have I ever, ever, ever, seen a stitch out of place or a wonky piece of embellishment when they do a close-up on the bags. The finishes on her bags are superb, so I'd be willing to shell out some extra cheddar for one of them.

On the flip side of that coin(although they are not in the same price bracket) the amount of times I have seen close-ups of Butler and Wilson bags with missing bits, wonky stitching and wot not, and I think, "how have they let that on air?, it's embarrassing".

Yeah, so Lulu is a bit of a kook, but she's a quality kook.:happy:

I thought the bow on the bone coloured TSV looked a bit crushed.
On the intro to her QVC blog, it says that she has managed some of the country's most presteeeeegiiiiouuissssss restaurant's and has a personal development company.

Neither have I.

I wouldnt employ this woman to clean my home.

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