Lulu Guinness TSV


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TSV still available

The TSV was showing as available in black and aubergine with putty beige on waitlist 10 minutes ago or so on QVC, if anyone is interested. I have not been tempted by this TSV at all, so my C/C is safe for the moment.

F.A.R.T.S. 4 EVA O.K.
I've looked a couple of times Plint and each time the availability has been different, people having second thoughts possibly!
T K Maxx have two of her bags for £39.99 each, retail price well over £100 each !!!!!!!, I would get both pay postage and still have loads of money left for other goodies too !.
I love designer bags but they have to be leather (or fabric - not plastic though), just my personal preference -what I really don't like about this forum at times is the personal attacks on presenters/guests - especially around something like bipolar - it's not something to be mocked or sneered at - and the cattiness is unnecessary - I will no doubt run the gauntlet of an avalanche of rude responses by saying that I turn of Ralph and his Honora (imho overpriced for what you get) brand - but wouldn't dream of turning it into a personal attack -however, if anyone is a really big LG fan I suggest signing up for her newsletters and you will find 75% discounts in the sales - bags that are still on the QVC website were sold in her sale recently (eg Poodle Parlour Edith over £200 on QVC went for about £75) - so its the QVC prices that seem to be the real rip off here!

I don't think that anyone on this forum would mock anyone for being bi polar but we are allowed to have our own opinions aired . We can say who we like and dislike as that is just how we feel and I think that as we are all different it makes for an interesting forum. I do not want to be told who I can and can't make comments because it may upset someone. As long as we express our own opinions and do not attack anyone or say anything that is slanderous then I can't see a problem.
Lulu was presenting one of her bags, saying she couldn't get over the price; under £200.00! This may be cheap for her, but for the majority of us mere mortals being able to afford them is not the issue. Most of us can prioritise and find something more worthwhile to spend our hard earned cash on.
I have just received a KVZ bag and it is gorgeous. I can't see LG bags matching up to it.
T.J. Maxx in the states sell deigner bags about 1/4 of the price QVC UK sell them for as does Marshalls and Ross Dress For Less
I don't think that anyone on this forum would mock anyone for being bi polar but we are allowed to have our own opinions aired . We can say who we like and dislike as that is just how we feel and I think that as we are all different it makes for an interesting forum. I do not want to be told who I can and can't make comments because it may upset someone. As long as we express our own opinions and do not attack anyone or say anything that is slanderous then I can't see a problem.

and I was expressing mine!
I love designer bags but they have to be leather (or fabric - not plastic though), just my personal preference -what I really don't like about this forum at times is the personal attacks on presenters/guests - especially around something like bipolar - it's not something to be mocked or sneered at - and the cattiness is unnecessary - I will no doubt run the gauntlet of an avalanche of rude responses by saying that I turn of Ralph and his Honora (imho overpriced for what you get) brand - but wouldn't dream of turning it into a personal attack -however, if anyone is a really big LG fan I suggest signing up for her newsletters and you will find 75% discounts in the sales - bags that are still on the QVC website were sold in her sale recently (eg Poodle Parlour Edith over £200 on QVC went for about £75) - so its the QVC prices that seem to be the real rip off here!

I have looked back on the thread and found only 1 mention of the word bi-polar and could not see anyone mocking or sneering about the condition in that post.
I love designer bags but they have to be leather (or fabric - not plastic though), just my personal preference -what I really don't like about this forum at times is the personal attacks on presenters/guests - especially around something like bipolar - it's not something to be mocked or sneered at - and the cattiness is unnecessary - I will no doubt run the gauntlet of an avalanche of rude responses by saying that I turn of Ralph and his Honora (imho overpriced for what you get) brand - but wouldn't dream of turning it into a personal attack -however, if anyone is a really big LG fan I suggest signing up for her newsletters and you will find 75% discounts in the sales - bags that are still on the QVC website were sold in her sale recently (eg Poodle Parlour Edith over £200 on QVC went for about £75) - so its the QVC prices that seem to be the real rip off here!

I've seen some gobsmacking cattiness on here my lovely, and it always makes me feel uncomfortable too - but I have been guilty of making personal remarks myself, so I try not to get too sanctimonious when other people do it.


I can't remember anything bipolar-related, but perhaps I missed a veiled reference?

Either way, I'm ever so sorry that you're upset about it. :(

I think there is a definite overlap between QVC addicts and bipolar sufferers and many people go undiagnosed for years and years so none of us should mock people with an illness.

Thanks for the hint about the Lulu Guinness newsletter. I think she's fabulous. I haven't enjoyed watching QVC so much for ages!

I know what you mean about balking at paying these prices for plastic, but as someone who is trying to be more "furry friendly" I'm trying not to buy leather so LG may well be a good option for me. I love her quirkiness, and I want that lip shaped bag very badly! :sun:
I have looked back on the thread and found only 1 mention of the word bi-polar and could not see anyone mocking or sneering about the condition in that post.

That's what I thought, I couldn't remember anyone attacking her or mocking her because she's bipolar.
That's what I thought, I couldn't remember anyone attacking her or mocking her because she's bipolar.

Maybe it was when I said that she wasn't quite the full shilling but I was not talking about her condition as I would never mock somneone for that. I would use that expression to talk about myself sometimes when I am a bit scatty or anyone I knew to be a bit of a scatterbrain. It ws meant in a lighthearted way and not to cause upset to anyone.
She's def not the full shilling, but then most designers of her type of products are a bit zany-that's what I took you to mean, anyway. I knew you meant it in a light hearted way. Look at Zandra Rhodes-another designer who is odd, but a genius none the less!
I loved watching LG yesterday-breath of fresh air, but I am not keen on her bags-too overpriced for me. I will stick to my Radleys.
I love designer bags but they have to be leather (or fabric - not plastic though), just my personal preference -what I really don't like about this forum at times is the personal attacks on presenters/guests - especially around something like bipolar - it's not something to be mocked or sneered at - and the cattiness is unnecessary - I will no doubt run the gauntlet of an avalanche of rude responses by saying that I turn of Ralph and his Honora (imho overpriced for what you get) brand - but wouldn't dream of turning it into a personal attack -however, if anyone is a really big LG fan I suggest signing up for her newsletters and you will find 75% discounts in the sales - bags that are still on the QVC website were sold in her sale recently (eg Poodle Parlour Edith over £200 on QVC went for about £75) - so its the QVC prices that seem to be the real rip off here!

I take your point but surely discussing/gossiping about presenters is a pretty harmless activity and to be expected in a forum such as this. I've only recently discovered this site and have enjoyed the gossip immensely, as have,I'm sure, some of the presenters who come on here for a little nosy.

It's so difficult to discern mood and tone of voice, so to speak, in forum postings but my interpretation of "cattiness" here is entirely tongue in cheek. I don't remember reading anything downright nasty or malicious. Also
I haven't noticed any cliques or posters with a superior attitude.
Just a few thoughts... keep posting people! Lucy.
re above comment

Londoners - just to clarify, the bit about attitude and cliques wasn't in response to your post. I'm new(ish) on this website and read many threads in other forums ... :)

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