if its on 4 easy pays i'll buy it, if its not i wont i can't justify the whole chunk this month as its my sons bday in a few weeks and my big mouth promised him a trip to NYC for it lol (although that might work out well as i can guilt him into going to her store out there to get me something LOL)...
I love the shape of Eva but the dusty blue shade was not what I was expecting, I prefer it in the crook of my arm actually, I'm less than 5ft 5 so i'm a lot shorter than you, but its fine on my arm... i'm going to be using my new black cherry eva on saturday actually for a wedding

I think the eva is one of the nicest most elegant shapes of her bags, i know what you mean about bearing to part with it, I really dislike the colour of the dusty blue but have not packed it up to return yet, i keep telling myself i still have the black cherry haha, how sad are we?