Lounge wear


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Mar 7, 2012
How much do you spend on clothes to lounge around in (just incase someone comes to the door)

That annoying stylist has said we should wear a pair of trousers at £109 and a top at £90 something

Well I've just cooked a stir fry in a pair of jeans, t shirt, splattered the front of it so it will be shoved in the wash tomorrow. However if someone came to the door the fact that I would surely have to sling a fleece over the top to hide the splatters just wouldn't be good enough. Of course if I bought the Q product I would have spent £200 but it would look as if I had spent thousands (so she said) Vicky B I am not and none of my neighbours are either.

Give me strength.
I started to watch the fashion show at 8pm today, however, the things shown were such a mess that I turned off. When the models look a complete state it's time to go.

I went into the front garden in my PJs and luminous pink dressing gown this morning to feed the birds and I think the whole lot came to about £20 and I scared away the pigeons as well. I do not have special clothes to answer the door lol.

I saw the £100 plus trousers. If they think that's a reasonable amount to pay for something to wear around the house then they live in a very different world from me. I thought the trousers were bloody awful anyway.
I saw the £100 plus trousers. If they think that's a reasonable amount to pay for something to wear around the house then they live in a very different world from me. I thought the trousers were bloody awful anyway.

Unfortunately the only sort of woman they would good on are exactly the sort who would lounge around in £100 trousers they are also the sort who can travel for 10 hours and arrive looking like a fashion plate without a crease.
How much do you spend on clothes to lounge around in (just incase someone comes to the door)

That annoying stylist has said we should wear a pair of trousers at £109 and a top at £90 something

Well I've just cooked a stir fry in a pair of jeans, t shirt, splattered the front of it so it will be shoved in the wash tomorrow. However if someone came to the door the fact that I would surely have to sling a fleece over the top to hide the splatters just wouldn't be good enough. Of course if I bought the Q product I would have spent £200 but it would look as if I had spent thousands (so she said) Vicky B I am not and none of my neighbours are either.

Give me strength.

Steady on LATi you'll have QVC trying to flog us a £95 designer pinny for those intending to stir fry...I assume your chef has the night off and your lady friends wot lunch are having a face/butt/**** lift :mysmilie_59:
Lounging wear and beach cover up.These terms are usually used when a garment is pretty awful ,over priced and not to be seen in public.....
I can recommend the Kim & Co 'wellness trousers" for slobbing around - they are super comfie and wash really well.
Hey Italians, I sit in my Dunnes(bought in the sale never full price), brushed cotton in the winter jammies at £4 a pair.:mysmilie_59:

In summer its the t shirt cotton sort.
i dont wear proper pj's. i buy soft long baggy tops and bottoms in the gap sale. i have a strict budget of £10 a piece. technically they are pj's but they can be worn out with my ugg slippers to buy a pint of milk, answer the door or lounge in the garden
I forgot about the fashion show last night, but after watching the 'Chelsea muse' hour earlier on... I had more than enough of qvc fashion for one day. I just might be interested in a designer pinny. lol
Steady on LATi you'll have QVC trying to flog us a £95 designer pinny for those intending to stir fry...I assume your chef has the night off and your lady friends wot lunch are having a face/butt/**** lift :mysmilie_59:

Even if I wear a pinny I seem to manage splatters on it bits it doesn't cover. I think it is a fetching little boiler suit I need - LIGHTBULB MOMENT- one of those jumpsuits they have been raving about all weekend! (Just as long as I don't need the loo)
No chef but a really good bottle washer!
I don't cook so I don't get splatters, but I'm usually covered in dirty paw prints. I slob around the house in the cheapest t-shirts/sweatshirts and jogging pants I can find. I never answer the door (I have a parcel box for deliveries).
How much do you spend on clothes to lounge around in (just incase someone comes to the door)

That annoying stylist has said we should wear a pair of trousers at £109 and a top at £90 something

Well I've just cooked a stir fry in a pair of jeans, t shirt, splattered the front of it so it will be shoved in the wash tomorrow. However if someone came to the door the fact that I would surely have to sling a fleece over the top to hide the splatters just wouldn't be good enough. Of course if I bought the Q product I would have spent £200 but it would look as if I had spent thousands (so she said) Vicky B I am not and none of my neighbours are either.

Give me strength.

If someone gives you strength, then I hope they'll have enough left over to give me some too. I cannot agree with you more. I do not wear good clothes when lounging, in fact it has always been my 'thing' when I came home from work, to get out of my work clothes, so that I kept them nice, and get into some rubbish, even glamorous rubbish, to do housework or simply lounge about, which includes cooking. Although I'm now retired, I do the same thing. I come from an Italian/Maltese background and all of the women in my family near and far, treat their clothes the same way, in fact, I'm quite proud of it.

Wear whatever you like, and for the less than great quality sometimes seen on Q, there is no way I'd pay £200 in total to 'lounge' sorry.
The moment I come home it is straight up and out of good clothes and into jeans and sweatshirt.

I was also brought to keep clothes for good. This is a double edged sword in that I don't get wear out of things which either are out of date or out of size yet often have been worn only once or twice. Because I associate jeans and t shirt with housework I'm not very good at doing "casual"

I would never dream of cooking or cleaning in something even remotely decent (unless someone was visiting) it is so bad that if I was coming in, eating and going back out I would change in between. I love food and quite enjoy cooking but I detest the smell of cooking around the house or on my clothes. This isn't helped due to Mr L wanting fish most days.
I have some old jeans and tops that I slouch in at the weekend. My hair is a mess as I give it a break from the hairdryer etc. I look a mess and you can guarantee the doorbell will ring and visitors will arrive.... :mysmilie_13:
This thread reminds me of my my gran, who was one of these people who refused to answer the door to anybody, no matter who, without a full face of makeup, hair immaculate, full jewels and dressed in House of Frasers finest if she was going out or M&S's if she was staying in or doing housework.

I always remember one day, when i was about 6-7yrs old my dad asking her. Why she insisted in getting all "dolled up" everyday even if she wasn't going anywhere?

Gran: "You never know who you are opening the door to"
Dad (being a bit dim): "Thats what the spyhole in the door is for and that thing down there" (pointing at Candy her poodle, who hated and terrorised everybody, except her)
Gran: "It could be the Queen or any of that lot"
Dad: "Why would the Queen or any of them be coming to visit you"
Gran: "They need to use the toilet like everybody else and i'm not having my photo in the paper looking like a tramp".

Wisely he just quit while he was losing, as lets be honest, how do you tactfully reply to that.

Best of all, She always kept a best of the range white Christy's hand towel, still in its wrapper, with an unopened bar of Pears soap and a roll of "special" extra soft Toilet paper, that nobody was allowed to even think about touching, let alone use, just in case it ever happened. Extremely unlikely, bearing in mind she lived on the top floor of a tenement in Glasgow, but hey, we can all dream.
My Mum didn't go THAT far, but like most of her generation had a 'china cabinet' where the 'best' crockery lived. The vicar turned up once and there was an almighty scrabble to get a cup and saucer discreetly out of the cabinet and into the kitchen to have the dust washed off it before it was handed to the man of the cloth. When she died, sadly nobody wanted the 'best china' so it was despatched to the charity shop.

For me, my lounging 'gear' are nighties at two for £16 from Bon Marche !
like most of her generation had a 'china cabinet' where the 'best' crockery lived. Yip she had one of those as well, we all called it "the sore bum cupboard", because thats exactly what you ended up with, if you dared to go near it.

As for lounge wear mine mostly consists of whatever joggers & hoodies my sons have grown out of or no longer use and their sister hasn't grabbed. My slippers are an really ancient scruffy, but still intact, pair of Uggs. I wear formal stuff to work and most days it can easily take me 2hrs to get home, so when i come in I just want to be comfy. When people come to the door, I don't really care what I look like, as long as i'm clean and decent, if they don't like it they're free to leave.
I went into the front garden in my PJs and luminous pink dressing gown this morning to feed the birds and I think the whole lot came to about £20 and I scared away the pigeons as well. I do not have special clothes to answer the door lol.CC
Wow! A double whammy!

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