is there a problem with irish pork...
I am being a cow but the best part of £50 for 4 packs of mince. Theres yet again one born every minute. The great samsung rip off and now the great mince rip off. When qvc start moaning about falling profits we will all know why!
It's horrible having to rely on others and I can understand why people will pay over the odds so that they can do things themselves. However there are bargains to be had from some internet retailers but not QVC in this case.The thing is though that the same can be said for all things sold on the shopping channels. From make-up to candles, clothes to craft, it is all over priced, but they do manage to help those that are housebound with the feeling of independence. That feeling is priceless.
I think they should do more bargains and something about the price as well.
i think its sad that qvc does know that there are people that will buy owing to the fact they are housebound and we know from many of the t-callers this is the case. i dont condem people from buying to be honest but i dont like it when companies over charge people. reminds me a bit of money lenders that go on estates and rip off people too poor to get credit elsewhere.