Longest request time?


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I'm sitting here patiently waiting for my request for the last 3 hours 20 minutes :33: . Its deffinately instock as i requested it the "proper" way through help at rocks and it was supposidly coming up. Only that i would really like the mystic topaz bangle and i have a basket ready to be checked out i would have given up hours ago.

Sorry felt like i needed to rant

ruth x
Just asked live help again and apparently there is only one left so cant be auctioned
what a waste of a night
Just asked live help again and apparently there is only one left so cant be auctioned
what a waste of a night

This is one of the reasons I stopped watching. I was promised a request to be shown, hours later they told me that it was not possible as it was the last item.
However, another request for a last item came up, and it was granted!!
They do auction last items, but it is hit and miss if you can request them.
All the presenters have a different approach.
Over the last 10 days I have not been able to login, I could't check out my basket either. Well, I think this has cured me and saved me ££
They should sort out their policies in dealing with request and technical issues urgently
How disappointing Ruth and Tia. Hope Tony/John or Katherine are reading this. I could not use the buy button yesterday either!! O well saved me money too :)
Sorry if this sounds like a rant, and I really hope I don't offend anyone because I honestly don't mean to....BUT....

There are no other tv channels or auction sites that give you the chance to request items. The whole request phenomena started when Rocks first started and we were making comments in chat of stuff we would like to see. It has never been formally launched by Rocks as a part of their service, and as such it doesn't really have a formal process. This is why different presenters have different ways of doing things.

At the end of the day, Rocks could very easily say to all of us that if we are that desperate to own a particular item either buy it off CR or wait patiently and hope it comes on Rocks - this is what we have to do on Gems or TJC or Rocks & Co, so it would be tremendously easy for Rocks to say that requests are causing too many problems, so they are either going to have say 1 weekend a month dedicated to requests that have been emailed over the past month, or no requests at all.

Its also worth bearing in mind that by giving us the ability to request items they are actually losing themselves money. Lets face it, most of us (ok me!) don't have the patience to wait and wait for a particular item, and would probably end up buying it on CR after a while. Given that this is the case, you can hardly blame them for not putting any further investment into a request process.

I think we have all gotten so used to being able to request pieces, that we have started to take it somewhat for granted that we can make a request and get the piece that we want at a cheaper than Coloured Rocks price, because lets face it, that is the only reason any of us makes a request. However I can't help but think that we should remember that this is a priveledge and not a right! JMO!

As for the technical difficulties....I have never had a lick of bother, so I guess I can't comment!! See, sometimes I do just shut up!! hee hee!!!

As I said, I hope this doesn't offend anyone, it certainly isn't meant to. I guess we all have different opinions about some things, and that is what makes this such a spirited board - we all have differing opinions and don't jump on each other for expressing one that differs from our own. :)
Sorry if this sounds like a rant, and I really hope I don't offend anyone because I honestly don't mean to....BUT....

we all have differing opinions and don't jump on each other for expressing one that differs from our own. :)

No offence taken PR.... we are all different!!

What makes CR succesfull is the the request process which makes them unique to any other gem selling website, and I am sure that CR sell more items in the auction than on the CR website. They still make a profit on the auctions, even if it is minimal.
I have not bought anything on the main CR site, when I know that I can get it cheaper by requesting it.
I do not really see the requests as a kind gesture to us, as it is a selling strategy CR decided to try. If they would be making losses, it would have been suspended I am sure .Once they start offering us requests, it should be done in a consequent matter, and a set of request-rules should have been decided on

Don't get me wrong, I have bought many lovely pieces from them since last summer and CS is really outstanding and refreshing, as they do really care about their customers

More than the request problem, which is a minor one, the technical issues are driving me crazy. I can't login, as I am apparently logged in (which i am not) and can't press buy nor check out.
I find that the presenter or whoever is in CS usually say fairly quickly if the item is only available on the CR website.It is frustrating and disappointing if you seem to be waiting a long time for a request,but I think that the request issue is dealt with pretty rapidly on the whole.

It may be that the OP missed it being announced that it wasn't available to auction,especially if the presenter just says the code no. of the item........I don't know if this actually happened it's just a guess on my part.
I think the phrasing can be misleading - I see some presenters now saying 'last one available on rocks tv' but think when they just say 'last one available' - we should take this to mean the same thing ?

I rarely request as I have rocks on with the volume of most of the time (OH would start divorce proceedings otherwise as it's on lappy every night !) so can't hear them if they say not available. I know it sometimes appears in chat, but it's easy to miss it and would probably be a big undertaking for CS to notify us this way. Don't know how they'd get round this, but hope the facility to request stays as it is a great feature.
Can I just add, the Rocks krew are always asking us to put our requests in via email, and any time I've used email to request something that's CR only, the help team have replied to my email and told me.
I may just have been lucky, but that's definitely been 100% my experience since the rules changed to make them keep one back for CR.
Sorry if this sounds like a rant, and I really hope I don't offend anyone because I honestly don't mean to....BUT....

There are no other tv channels or auction sites that give you the chance to request items. The whole request phenomena started when Rocks first started and we were making comments in chat of stuff we would like to see. It has never been formally launched by Rocks as a part of their service, and as such it doesn't really have a formal process. This is why different presenters have different ways of doing things.

At the end of the day, Rocks could very easily say to all of us that if we are that desperate to own a particular item either buy it off CR or wait patiently and hope it comes on Rocks - this is what we have to do on Gems or TJC or Rocks & Co, so it would be tremendously easy for Rocks to say that requests are causing too many problems, so they are either going to have say 1 weekend a month dedicated to requests that have been emailed over the past month, or no requests at all.

Its also worth bearing in mind that by giving us the ability to request items they are actually losing themselves money. Lets face it, most of us (ok me!) don't have the patience to wait and wait for a particular item, and would probably end up buying it on CR after a while. Given that this is the case, you can hardly blame them for not putting any further investment into a request process.

I think we have all gotten so used to being able to request pieces, that we have started to take it somewhat for granted that we can make a request and get the piece that we want at a cheaper than Coloured Rocks price, because lets face it, that is the only reason any of us makes a request. However I can't help but think that we should remember that this is a priveledge and not a right! JMO!

As for the technical difficulties....I have never had a lick of bother, so I guess I can't comment!! See, sometimes I do just shut up!! hee hee!!!

As I said, I hope this doesn't offend anyone, it certainly isn't meant to. I guess we all have different opinions about some things, and that is what makes this such a spirited board - we all have differing opinions and don't jump on each other for expressing one that differs from our own. :)

sorry to be a pain, but actually TJC, gemstv and rocks and co you can request items. Gems have request hours i believe, and i have emailed requests to TJC and rocksandco and have had email replys telling me when they can get my request on etc.
sorry to be a pain, but actually TJC, gemstv and rocks and co you can request items. Gems have request hours i believe, and i have emailed requests to TJC and rocksandco and have had email replys telling me when they can get my request on etc.

Hey, don't think you are being a pain...you are absolutely not!! Differing opinions are what makes a conversation lively!! There's only a problem when people start chucking insults around and calling each other stupid....and I've had my good girl pill today, so everyone is safe!! :59:

These times for requests are few and far between with Gems, and there must be so many people requesting that they can't get through everything so the potential for disapointment is far higher. Also, I should imagine that TJC and Rocks & Faux (my pet name for Rocks & Co...hee hee...oh no that must be the good girl pill wearing off!!) are letting you know of the next time that your required piece is scheduled to be auctioned. Given what I know of their CS, I very much doubt they are organised enough to be able to take a request from a customer, pass it through to the schedule organiser, get it scheduled then pass it back to CS to let the customer know!

I just can't help thinking that we take it a bit for granted that we can ask for a piece and expect it to air within a couple of hours, or in some cases (and I mean the chat perma-requestors who end up screeching their requests rather than the lovelies who request things in the appropriate manner) a couple of minutes!!
Hey, don't think you are being a pain...you are absolutely not!! Differing opinions are what makes a conversation lively!! There's only a problem when people start chucking insults around and calling each other stupid....and I've had my good girl pill today, so everyone is safe!! :59:

These times for requests are few and far between with Gems, and there must be so many people requesting that they can't get through everything so the potential for disapointment is far higher. Also, I should imagine that TJC and Rocks & Faux (my pet name for Rocks & Co...hee hee...oh no that must be the good girl pill wearing off!!) are letting you know of the next time that your required piece is scheduled to be auctioned. Given what I know of their CS, I very much doubt they are organised enough to be able to take a request from a customer, pass it through to the schedule organiser, get it scheduled then pass it back to CS to let the customer know!

I just can't help thinking that we take it a bit for granted that we can ask for a piece and expect it to air within a couple of hours, or in some cases (and I mean the chat perma-requestors who end up screeching their requests rather than the lovelies who request things in the appropriate manner) a couple of minutes!!

I've never seen a gemstv request hour, so can't comment personally on whether they get peoples requests on, i have been ignored on the times i have emailed gems, and only learnt that they do request hours from a kind member on here. Personally i have found TJC and rocks and co to be fab when i have emailed requesting certain items, they have responded quickly and been helpful etc. I don't tend to watch rockstv often as i cannot stand a certain presenter, and always my bad luck that shes on when i decide to give it a go and tune in! I can see how people could get upset at not getting requests put on, if they have done it all the correct way, and perhaps have waited it for it etc. Perhaps rockstv could sort out a requests system to remedy these issues. :)
Checking out

No offence taken PR.... we are all different!!

What makes CR succesfull is the the request process which makes them unique to any other gem selling website, and I am sure that CR sell more items in the auction than on the CR website. They still make a profit on the auctions, even if it is minimal.
I have not bought anything on the main CR site, when I know that I can get it cheaper by requesting it.
I do not really see the requests as a kind gesture to us, as it is a selling strategy CR decided to try. If they would be making losses, it would have been suspended I am sure .Once they start offering us requests, it should be done in a consequent matter, and a set of request-rules should have been decided on

Don't get me wrong, I have bought many lovely pieces from them since last summer and CS is really outstanding and refreshing, as they do really care about their customers

More than the request problem, which is a minor one, the technical issues are driving me crazy. I can't login, as I am apparently logged in (which i am not) and can't press buy nor check out.
Thank you for bringing the checking out process up. I wonder if Coloured Rocks realize how much they are losing by unreliable software. We are left struggling to log in or checking out when we could be buying. In the last week I have spent 17 and 24 minutes trying to check out and have lost many pieces I would have bid on as a result.

One solution would be to register our bank details , address etc, so that after every eight items we would be charged postage and package and there would be no break in buying whilst the auction was in progress.

At Christies I have a card which allows me to bid at any of their auctions in the world up to £75,000, this means that their customers can buy and pay without any problems.

This is a very large sum but something on the same lines would enable Coloured Rocks to make even more money and we would not lose out on buying gemstones.

With best wishes,

The request thing has always been a bit of a bug bear ..and i for one get so fed up of seeing a demand of requests in chat sometimes it can be lists or so it seems, i for one never use chat as i feel its like shouting at the presenters all the time ,ive always made my list of requests and put them thru an email ,and ive never had to wait or get frustrated as ive always had a reply straight away telling me what is and isnt available and when its coming up,so i can see why they ask us to do it . Steve mentioned yesterday that they are bringing in a new request system soon so we will have to see what that's about...As for leaving bank details etc NOOOO i dont think so as i for one am not in the league for buying "christies" style as i dont always use the same card ............
Here Here Scorps......in fact, if I could do a DOUBLY THANK YOU, I would have!! :)
I notice, Esclarmonde, that you are not concerned about the request issue. Funny that! :rolleyes: Would say though, manners are the one thing in life that is free. The words 'please' and 'thank you' are not going to add anything to the price.
Yes, I would treble thank you Scorps! There is nothing more frustrating than waiting patiently for a request you have asked for through the proper channels while watching requests (or demands as they often appear to be) in chat being dealt with as they appear!!

My other bugbear is when people jump in for an item when it is still at the start price and the presenter then drops the price anyway! Surely in an auction, the buyer jumps in at the price they are prepared to pay. This being the case, in auctions with only 1 item, the auction should close as soon as there is a buyer irrespective of the price it is at!
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