L'Occitane TSV - 09/09/12


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ive tried that Bayliss and Harding stuff and it does not compare as it dried out our hands quite badly, mum had a nasty rash after using one of the hand creams so we wont buy that brand again.

she will be sticking with the L'Occitane in future
I like the handwash too but it's so expensive, especially when hubby uses two pumps. Git!! I have the Bayliss and Harding and find it ok. It's not as thick as L but it washes my hands and has a nice fragrance. As for shower gels I am still using from the stash I built up from Elemis and Philosophy. After that it will be good old M&S or Superdrug as I'm trying really had to boycott the animal testers. It's not easy though, have been though about 5 mascaras in a two week period and had to give in and buy my beloved Maybelline again. I'll just close my eyes so I can't think about it!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
the l'occitane handwash is the best i have ever used. it lasts us around 9 months each bottle and we have 3 on the go. when i buy handwash from the supermarket its so watery it lasts a few weeks so it works out cheaper to but l'occitane in the long run. i tend to buy refills have done for years. but i am not happy to support a company that allows testing on animals so thats that...
the l'occitane handwash is the best i have ever used. it lasts us around 9 months each bottle and we have 3 on the go. when i buy handwash from the supermarket its so watery it lasts a few weeks so it works out cheaper to but l'occitane in the long run. i tend to buy refills have done for years. but i am not happy to support a company that allows testing on animals so thats that...

Really? With 3 of us at home, I find. A bottle of L'Occitane liquid soap lasts about a month max in our house. Its in the bathroom so all 3 of us use it. If only it lasted 9 months! Have gone back to supermarket stuff because even if we use a bottle a week that's £4 a month rather than £12 a month or so.

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i have one in the bathroom,one in the kitchen and one in the downstairs loo and its just 2 of us now but i have been using l'occitane shea butter handwash for 8 years or more now. when i buy the supermarket ones they go too fast as they are runny..
i have one in the bathroom,one in the kitchen and one in the downstairs loo and its just 2 of us now but i have been using l'occitane shea butter handwash for 8 years or more now. when i buy the supermarket ones they go too fast as they are runny..

How did we all ever manage without handwashes. When i was growing up and bringing my children up , we only ever
used a bar of soap. How and why did it change, television, hotels, etc etc :thinking:
We became anti bacteria phobes sparkly. When I was a kid the whole family shared one bar of soap in the bathroom and one bar of soap at the sink but then it was decided that more germs were being spread from person to person by using bar soap and also the mush often left behind in the soap dish was undesirable too. Once liquid soap took a hold it became more than just a soap, it became a cosmetic and ornamental too with it`s pretty colours and pretty bottles. I think the first liquid soaps advertised were the " anti - bac " ones which put a lot of emphasis on killing germs and then the manufacturers jumped on the band wagon and glorified it into a cosmetic.
It took some effort and persistence to get my mum off the nasty cracked bar of soap by the kitchen sink and onto a hand wash but by god I've managed it. Now every time I take her to the supermarket and see her popping a new bottle into the trolley I just have to give her a look, and she tells me to shut up :0)

She'd faint if I suggested she pay £14 for one though!
We became anti bacteria phobes sparkly. When I was a kid the whole family shared one bar of soap in the bathroom and one bar of soap at the sink but then it was decided that more germs were being spread from person to person by using bar soap and also the mush often left behind in the soap dish was undesirable too. Once liquid soap took a hold it became more than just a soap, it became a cosmetic and ornamental too with it`s pretty colours and pretty bottles. I think the first liquid soaps advertised were the " anti - bac " ones which put a lot of emphasis on killing germs and then the manufacturers jumped on the band wagon and glorified it into a cosmetic.
Yes you"re right Vienna, but i work in a hospital, surrounded by all sorts of germs, and we have all those gel things all over the place. But i believe we all need a few germs to build the resistance up, all those anit bacterial sprays are not good. I think working in the hospital i"ve built up a resistance to germs, although i"ve been of work for 4 weeks with a bad viral infection, but the funny thing was i wasn"t at work, of and on holiday for 4 days, and came back with it. And when we all shared one bar of soap we never had radiators in bedrooms, all softly softly now. And liquid soap is the in thing now.
Yes if i was doing my weekly or monthly shop i would never have come across a liquid soap at £14.00 and just pop it in the trolley, I would have had a heart attack at the check out. Good soaps don"t crack and go squishy. I"ve just taken to buying M and S soaps now. Cheaper and no difference. IMO
Yep Sparkly for 13 years I managed a hostel for homeless people and there were all kinds of germs flying around the place. Many of our clients had Hepatitis, HIV, DVT, TB, flu, body lice, fleas, head lice, scabies etc especially if they`d been living rough for a time or if they had drug or alcohol problems or were malnourished and in poor health. Somehow I escaped everything and never seemed to ail a thing. I finished work last year and since then I`ve ailed shingles, kidney stones, chest infection and other minor ailments. Damned annoying it is too ....
Back to soap though ... hands up who remembers carbolic smelling original lifebouy or the hard block of fairy household stuff ?
I used to love Wrights Coal Tar when they did it in the green piney scent. My god you knew you'd had a wash when you'd used that. I don't think it did much for your "acid mantle" though.
Yep Sparkly for 13 years I managed a hostel for homeless people and there were all kinds of germs flying around the place. Many of our clients had Hepatitis, HIV, DVT, TB, flu, body lice, fleas, head lice, scabies etc especially if they`d been living rough for a time or if they had drug or alcohol problems or were malnourished and in poor health. Somehow I escaped everything and never seemed to ail a thing. I finished work last year and since then I`ve ailed shingles, kidney stones, chest infection and other minor ailments. Damned annoying it is too ....
Back to soap though ... hands up who remembers carbolic smelling original lifebouy or the hard block of fairy household stuff ?

My dad who is nearly 80 SWEARS by the original red Lifebuoy Soap...says it's the only soap he uses that makes him feel clean. A few years ago I found somewhere online that stocked it and bought him 6 bars to give him for Christmas. When the parcel arrived I knew what it was before I opened it cos of the smell!! :wink3:

I've tried Baylis & Harding and personally I don't think it's a patch on MB or L'Occitane.
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Yep Janey my hubby ( he`s 61 ) won`t use shower gel either and he swears by block soap. Thankfully he doesn`t hanker for Lifebouy so I`m able to get away with buying nicer smelling and more gentle soap. I generally pop into Lush and buy him a huge chunk of Honey i washed the kids which smells nice without seeming too feminine a smell for him. He`s none the wiser anyway, to him soap is just soap but he often talks about when he was a miner in his 20`s to 40`s years and they shared the pit baths and huge blocks of carbolic to shift the coal dust. I`m surprised he has any skin left after 20 or more years of using harsh soap !
Yep Sparkly for 13 years I managed a hostel for homeless people and there were all kinds of germs flying around the place. Many of our clients had Hepatitis, HIV, DVT, TB, flu, body lice, fleas, head lice, scabies etc especially if they`d been living rough for a time or if they had drug or alcohol problems or were malnourished and in poor health. Somehow I escaped everything and never seemed to ail a thing. I finished work last year and since then I`ve ailed shingles, kidney stones, chest infection and other minor ailments. Damned annoying it is too ....
Back to soap though ... hands up who remembers carbolic smelling original lifebouy or the hard block of fairy household stuff ?
Me me me and pears soap and vosene shampoo he he
Vosene takes me back to Sunday nights when my mum used to wash my hair before school the next day. I smelt some in Superdrug recently and it doesn't smell the same anymore.
i do love l'occitane bars of soap but i am planning to but my bars in tkmax when my stash is gone

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