Liz Earle TSV - 06/02/10


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Now don't be naughty Chris just because loveheart is away for the day!! :mysmilie_17:

The only product I'm interested in in this TSV is the new body cream. Would you lovely purchasers post a review when you have used it?
This link says she was 46 and its from June last year, so 47 this year.

The nanny will look after it anyway.

Yes, she'll probably have a nanny, that's not so unusual it it! She is after all a working woman, and will need support. I'm almost the same age as LE, with three children and work long hours. If I fell pregant unexpectedly, I would also hire help as I did with the other children and wouldn't feel guilty. The only difference now is that my 3 teenagers would help with a new baby, and I'm sure that LE's older children will be more than willing to help out. Nanny or no nanny, she's carrying the child, she'll give birth and she'll be responsible for the baby. Not easy as you get older. I'm sure I could cope physically now, but not sure whether I'd be psychologically as capable!
Now don't be naughty Chris just because loveheart is away for the day!! :mysmilie_17:

LH is away for the day? Chris......get 10 of 'em! :mysmilie_697:

The only product I'm interested in in this TSV is the new body cream. Would you lovely purchasers post a review when you have used it?

I really like it - it's thick(ish) but not overly so, sinks in incredibly quickly & is totally non-greasy, which I love as I hate greasy feeling products, so this is one of only a handful of body creams/lotions that I like to use!
You don't need much of it, I tend to warm it in my hands first & then smooth it onto my arms, legs etc., it could be a little claggy if you overdo the amount I reckon?

Hard to describe the smell, it's kind of fresh & herby, bit of a marmite smell but I think it's delightful, very clean & refreshing as well as soothing!
I think it's definitely worth trying & it does leave your skin nice & soft & you don't need to use it every day, you could alternate with a lighter body lotion & still benefit from it!
It certainly feels like a 'treat' product anyway & as AY would say, very lux-uuuuuur-ious! :)
I had two late totally unplanned pregnacies at age 42 and 43 and sadly miscarried both, the last one was twins, I wish her luck as I think it is difficult as we grow older. I guess she will have the very best private care (i'm not knocking the nhs as I had good care and a lot of support after the miscarriages). My grandma had my uncle at age 45, no problems and he was the brightest of a very clever family.
My parents had me later in life Mum 38 and Dad was 45 I thought they were old but thankfully my best mate thru school had similarly aged parents. My sister is 11 years older and my brother 9, my sister pretty much brought me up til she left for uni when I was 7; she says our parents were "old" in their attitude regardless of their chronological age but I struggled as a teen as they were so out of touch. I ran away and moved out as soon as I could. Sadder still my Dad died when I was 27 and Mum died a few years ago; I deeply regret that my kids (13 & 15) never knew their Grandpa.

My own Grandpa born 1899 was one of 10 kids with a 25year age difference between the youngest and the eldest so it's certainly nothing knew. It's difficult to say what the ideal age is have your first or last child, I had a surprise pregnancy at 40 but miscarried quite late on and I was furious with the tossers who told me it was probably for the best and maybe it would have been a real struggle for me to cope but of my 5 miscarriages this was the hardest to accept because I knew I'd blown my last chance. (hugs to silversequin)

Sorry to ramble on but I'm very happy for Liz Earle, if a little envious. She's better placed than most to have a big family and being pregnant certainly seems to agree with her.

Jude xx
Sorry, but the therapist is not the best choice to help sell the products is she?? It sounds like she can't even be bothered to speak!! Enthusiam lovely, try it - you may get a bonus if they sell loads :mysmilie_17:
You're so right she sounds half asleep. Having said that her monotonous voice is sending me too sleep.
I had the last of our 7 children when I was 38 and OH 40. It was easy because I 'd had loads of experience and with it being Liz Earle's 5th one she'll be fine. I'm really envious tbh:mysmilie_12:
congrats to Liz,I hope she keeps well
good on her,I had my last one at 35 and they said I was an older mother at the hospital I went to ....the cheek of it!!!!!!!!!!
I have been good and resisted the tsv by the way
got a stash to use,have only used c and p a few times recently I think its been making me spotty !!!
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Still undecided as to whether to go for the TSV or not, let's see:

Def want:
IBST Spritzer
Nourishing Treatment Mask
Gentle Exfoliator (though prefer the pump version)
Fragrance sample - would like to try this

Don't need or don't want:
C&P - prefer pump & currently liking the new Elemis cleanser anyway
Hand Repair - prefer Lulu's Hand to Hand Combat one
Superbalm - don't use it much & currently got new one in bag
Superskin Body Cream - v nice but got a spare Elemis Lime & Ginger one
Superskin Moisturiser - again, nice but currently using Elemis PCMC

Nope, that didn't help at all, still gawping at TV going 'Um, err, shall I, shan't I......!'

Does anyone know how many have sold and if there will be a OTO.

Many thanks,

T x
Still undecided as to whether to go for the TSV or not, let's see:

Def want:
IBST Spritzer
Nourishing Treatment Mask
Gentle Exfoliator (though prefer the pump version)
Fragrance sample - would like to try this

Don't need or don't want:
C&P - prefer pump & currently liking the new Elemis cleanser anyway
Hand Repair - prefer Lulu's Hand to Hand Combat one
Superbalm - don't use it much & currently got new one in bag
Superskin Body Cream - v nice but got a spare Elemis Lime & Ginger one
Superskin Moisturiser - again, nice but currently using Elemis PCMC

Nope, that didn't help at all, still gawping at TV going 'Um, err, shall I, shan't I......!'

Im the same. Im on my last few drops of c+p. And ive ran out of instant boost but i love superskin. Arrgh im umming and arr-ing. I will use it all its just the p+p putting me off a bit.
Im the same. Im on my last few drops of c+p. And ive ran out of instant boost but i love superskin. Arrgh im umming and arr-ing. I will use it all its just the p+p putting me off a bit.

Well, the general rule of thumb is 'if in doubt, don't!' but I'm much better at quoting rules than actually following them! :mysmilie_17:
Ah, what the heck, 'tis good value & it's not like LH is here to slap my wrists........! :mysmilie_17:
I am not going to get it, have made up my mind, well done me!!. Wish I could have a fragrance sample tho.
True enough, BUT she has worked very hard to get to her position and although she won't have personal money worries, we should remember that she employs many people. You can't really compare the stress of running a business with the stress of ironing!!

:mysmilie_687: And has earned every penny.

Liz changed her hair and she looks fab, younger and less mumsy.

I am using the superskin boby cream and, like kitten, I like it too.
If I admit to buying 4 :mysmilie_34:, will I be forgiven if I then say some bits are to restock and some to give away ????

The superskin body cream is just wonderful and I mix it with a bit of LE Aftersun Gel to make both go further and get even better results. Helped my dry skin no end and I now don't need to use it every day (even though I do cos it's so fab!! Doesn't irritate my very sensitive skin either and have been able to use all LE products apart from the energising bits during cancer treatment :mysmilie_753:
True enough, BUT she has worked very hard to get to her position and although she won't have personal money worries, we should remember that she employs many people. You can't really compare the stress of running a business with the stress of ironing!!

I guess if you have 5 kids, a job,a mountain of ironing, and a heap load of money worries.. for some it will be every bit as stressful as running a multi million pound business empire.
Just a different type of stress!!!
If I admit to buying 4 :mysmilie_34:, will I be forgiven if I then say some bits are to restock and some to give away ????

Nah, Loveheart's not here today, we can do what we like, buy what we like.......woohoo! :mysmilie_697:

The superskin body cream is just wonderful and I mix it with a bit of LE Aftersun Gel to make both go further and get even better results. Helped my dry skin no end and I now don't need to use it every day (even though I do cos it's so fab!! Doesn't irritate my very sensitive skin either and have been able to use all LE products apart from the energising bits during cancer treatment :mysmilie_753:

I never thought of mixing the Aftersun Gel with it, might try that!
I love the Aftersun Gel, is brilliant for all sorts of things, not just after sun care! I have put it on sore fingers, grazes, all sorts - it helps dull the pain & doesn't sting!

(I react quite badly to some soaps & stuff & got a nasty reaction recently from hand washing something, hands were covered in split skin, bright red & throbbing as though they'd been burnt, it definitely helped & I now keep a tube permanently in the bathroom as part of our 'first aid kit'!)
I have stopped using liz earle products used them for years but the last batches of c&p have left me spotty with blackheads and rash on my hand to. I am using elemis sos kit at moment to try and get back to normal and have a vast improvement already, i will reintroduce liz range again when this is used up but it does not seem as good as it once was perhaps my skin is to used to it and it just doesnt work for me. The body scrub feels different too i prefer the soap and glory one

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