Liz Earle TSV - 06/02/10


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

JF needs to learn that if you want to lie you have to have a good memory. She gets on my nerves telling her stories and than having to correct herself. She has got me so annoyed I'm off to bed, night all-enjoy your TSV when it arrives!
Liz won't have any money worries,or concern about maternity leave or how she is going to get the other kids to school or how long it's going to take her to tackle the ironing mountain and the stress etc etc

I would imagine she will have all the help needed that someone in her position can buy!

Good luck to her..she does indeed look to be glowing.
The only thing I would like out of the tsv is the superskin moisturiser so I am resisting. I think Liz looks fabulous better than ever and her hair is lovely.
If the price is right Busy..but I ain't travelling to the tranquil waters of the Isle of White with my kettle,towels and birthing stool!!
I imagine Ms Earle has a private Obstetrician..after all at her age she is very high risk!!:mysmilie_61:
Ok all, I am away till tomorrow afternoon so I expect you all to behave well. If any farters want to keep an eye on the Liz lovers please feel free.
You'll be pleased with me LH. I was excited about the brightening mask so i'm a bit disappointed it's the nourishing mask which i don't really like. I don't need anything else as I have a huge stockpile of LE products. So as amazed as i am i'm letting out a huge f.a.rt. Lovely news that LE is pregnant again.

Can't I persuade you not to buy it Sharon? No? Well.....................:mysmilie_11:

Twinkle, during a major clear-out this week I had a good look at my stockpile......and I decided not to buy. It's stunningly good value but I'm holding off. :mysmilie_697:
Liz won't have any money worries,or concern about maternity leave or how she is going to get the other kids to school or how long it's going to take her to tackle the ironing mountain and the stress etc etc

I would imagine she will have all the help needed that someone in her position can buy!

Good luck to her..she does indeed look to be glowing.

True enough, BUT she has worked very hard to get to her position and although she won't have personal money worries, we should remember that she employs many people. You can't really compare the stress of running a business with the stress of ironing!!
She does indeed look blooming. What a go-getter! High powered business woman with 4 kids and another on the way. Makes Dawn Bibby's whingeing look rather pathetic in comparison (don't get me wrong, I quite like DB), considering that she hasn't got any kids. Both also similar in age. Anyway, all the best to Liz and her baby.

Great post, SusieJ!!!:mysmilie_696:

The nourishing mask is a life-saver for me, so I am really tempted. But I do not need any more C&P and face cream. Decisions, decisions, decisions...
This article from last year says she was 45 last march so now 46

I remember reading this last year and the penny dropped that she doesn't live on the IofW- I remember thinking what a lovely minime her daughter is (and how skinny!) . Having gone to bed learning she is pregnant I had a horrible dream that I was pregnant too! Having just got over loads of cancer treatment it was a real nightmare as I am only just getting my life back. I expect it's slightly easier if you are well-off and can hire help etc but if breast feeding it still becomes hard for mum,even if you have other people doing 'eveything else'. I remember how horrified my DD was when she learned I was pregnant at 41 and and it was unplanned. She uttered the immortal words 'well, you're never going to be able to preach to me about contraception now,are you?!) She was all of 11 and thought the whole school would be pointing and sniggering,especially as most of her mate's mums were a good 5-6 years younger than me. As it turned out, 2 other friend's mums announced they were preganant shortly after and I was saved! She has always absolutely worshipped my youngest DS too,luckily. Late children can be very blessed (although mine was left with problems from the traumatic birth and has also been diagnosed as Autistic. He's doing really well though and enjoys so much love from the whole family.)

So glad it's Liz and not me though-and I never looked as gorgeous as she does with any of my pregnancies ( or when not pregnant lol!), boo hoo!
This article from last year says she was 45 last march so now 46

I remember reading this last year and the penny dropped that she doesn't live on the IofW- I remember thinking what a lovely minime her daughter is (and how skinny!) . Having gone to bed learning she is pregnant I had a horrible dream that I was pregnant too! Having just got over loads of cancer treatment it was a real nightmare as I am only just getting my life back. I expect it's slightly easier if you are well-off and can hire help etc but if breast feeding it still becomes hard for mum,even if you have other people doing 'eveything else'. I remember how horrified my DD was when she learned I was pregnant at 41 and and it was unplanned. She uttered the immortal words 'well, you're never going to be able to preach to me about contraception now,are you?!) She was all of 11 and thought the whole school would be pointing and sniggering,especially as most of her mate's mums were a good 5-6 years younger than me. As it turned out, 2 other friend's mums announced they were preganant shortly after and I was saved! She has always absolutely worshipped my youngest DS too,luckily. Late children can be very blessed (although mine was left with problems from the traumatic birth and has also been diagnosed as Autistic. He's doing really well though and enjoys so much love from the whole family.)

So glad it's Liz and not me though-and I never looked as gorgeous as she does with any of my pregnancies ( or when not pregnant lol!), boo hoo!

my mum was 41 when she had me not old now though i know, my brother 20 and sister 21, i was and am still spoilt rotten by my sister even at 24 :mysmilie_701:
didnt bother me one bit having an older mum i didnt know anything different, my sister was always being mistaken for my mum, and mum for my nan :mysmilie_697::mysmilie_81:
good luck to her I say.I know shes an experienced mum - but I'm 36 with teenagers.Yes,I could cope with a new baby in my 40's - but I couldn't do what I'm doing now when that baby is 15 and I'm in my mid 50's....................makes me want to go and have a lay down :)
My mum was 38 & dad 42 when they had me, I was a mistake/suprise lol. My sisters are 5 & 7 years older than me, never bothered me having older parents either.
I'm about the same age as Liz, give or take six months or so, I would think.
Just coming up to 15 years ago I had my one and only child.
My DD was born 3 months early weighing 2lbs nearly killed both of us in the process.
It's just as well all females are not the same, some pop babies out like peas out of a pod.

I haven't seen Liz this visit as yet but by the sounds of she's looking very well.
I wish her, her family and her new little one all the very best.

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Really glad I went for the TSV - mine has been shipped today.

I'm really impressed as some times it seems to be awhile before items are shipped. When I placed my order by phone I was told when I could expect it delivered by - can't remember being told that before.

But now I am thinking.....should I have gone for 2?!?!


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