Liz Earle - New Partnership


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Wow I'm really surprised at this, I stopped using Liz Earle skincare in November so I'm not too bothered. Can't blame her though really, although a little more honesty on her blog would have been nice.
I love Avon, since the credit crunch I have turned my favour towards the brand. Especially the Solutions range. Very well formulated day and night creams at good prices.

And if you look at the US website, each product has full ingredient listing.

I begrudge paying QVC prices now!

Good luck to Liz Earle, Avon is a good business.
I was an Avon rep for almost 20 years, started when my oldest was born. I also remember the Giorgio perfume I sold a fair bit as the price was so good compared to the shops.

When I stopped I had gotten fed up, everything had changed since I started, books etc so expensive unless you bought a load, and the amount you had to sell before you got commission was getting higher and higher.

I used to regularly qualify for the promotions, but even that begun to get higher and higher sales needed.

I laugh at the articles I read a little while back saying how people had gone into it after being made redundant and making thousands....

I do now have a book via a friend and whereas I would look for the 5 for a fiver offers and stock up, you can get so much in the supermarket for a pound each it's really not worth it.

It will be interesting to see if, as Donna says, a booklet of LE products does eventually get put out with the main book.

I used LE products for several years but stopped sometime back. I recently retried some and found they did not have the same effect as previously.
the bonanza has started

i wonder if avon have signed on the dotted line yet.

recieved a card in the post from liz earle with a great special offer. 200ml of cleanse and polish with the brightening mask (this is a superb mask) for £23!

it seems like a good idea to me avon and liz could mean better value all round!:clapping:
this is the worst thing liz could have done except close down the company. what a dreadful business move i wish i could replace liz earle but its not that easy. like the moisturisers are a fortune, i cant spend £100 on one!
will be able to pick it up in your local tesco's soon along with you bread. oh well!:cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash::cash:
Liz Earle is a very astute business woman.Wealthy and ruthless...a bit like Jennifer Kirk without the glitter.
My lovely Mum told me never to trust anyone whose smile never reached their eyes...that's Liz to me,everybody's friend,but not really.

No suprise she's sold out,plus she's probably knackered with a new baby.

I totally agree about Liz's smile.
There seems to be a lot of unhappy people on the Liz Earle facebook page but they keep on with their blanket explanations of "nothing will change for our valued customers" when asked about animal testing, where the products will be made, will the formulations change.

I've been lucky to have found this forum and have been lurking for a while, but only just joined in, to have found other (better, in my opinion) products recommended here.

The A'kin cleanser and day and night moisturisers have cleared a little patch of eczema on my face that no amount of superskin or superskin concentrate could improve. I loved the LE products and what they stood for, being British and against animal testing and fab customer service, but can't see myself buying anything else.
You could have knocked me down with a feather when I read about this.
I'm not bothered by who she sells out to but I've been wondering lately if LE products are actually as good as we're led to believe or do we fall for the hype?
LE is a brilliant and imo, mesmerising saleswoman. I think she goes deep into the psychology of selling, using words over and over like "plumping and firming, lifting and smoothing" She brings on all those pretty flowers and her oozing Aloe Vera plant that she's always slashing into:heartbroke: She inhales all her products deeply, sighing and rolling her eyes like a woman possessed.
Add to that the lighting effects that make her look about 25, her soothing voice and the fact that she's often colour co-ordinated to her products............have we been brainwashed I wonder?:cash::cash::cash:

I'm with you on that rozzy - great post:clapping:
i'm amazed its taken some of you so long to work out that LE is not the benevolent earth mother she makes herself out to be. its just business, she's taken the cash. no problem with that but drop the act luv.
But the act is what we all buy into. Have always thought that she was a bit of a hard faced cow under all the skin repair. For god sake she was on GMTV! The home of the Harpies, except Lorriane Kelly and the jury is still out about her.

My point is with LE products it would be a bit of a clash if Liz had a presenting syle of say Mally.
But the act is what we all buy into. Have always thought that she was a bit of a hard faced cow under all the skin repair. For god sake she was on GMTV! The home of the Harpies, except Lorriane Kelly and the jury is still out about her.

My point is with LE products it would be a bit of a clash if Liz had a presenting syle of say Mally.

her first ever job on GMTV, or more correctly TVAM was as a business and finance commentator, not a beauty expert.

its interesting that QVC didnt manage to buy her out - i bet they tried. she obviously wasnt willing to have the handcuffs put on her. clever woman.
I remember her on This morning - with her short hair,sloane pearls and cropped big hair - no soft lighting there!
I was told a story about LE and how she got her pr ideas. Not for posting but really showed the lady in a bad light if true. I never for a second thought of her as anything other than an exceptionally aggressive business person.

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