Liz Earle In Country Living


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Out of interest, what is so bad about Liz Earle "selling out to Avon"? I haven't noticed any difference, personally - I buy some LE stuff through QVC and some direct from the LE website - both fine and no change as far as I can see. In fact, some of the offers from LE direct are better than from QVC and this year they've had some good'uns with free P&P, free items and extra unexpected freebies in the deliveries. If that's what being part of Avon means, I say bring it on!!
Avon sold out to China , who insist that all items are tested on animals :down:
I think LE is brilliant at what she does, a great PR person- near top of the list on beauty items when googled, always "one to watch" in papers, mags etc, but makes me a bit sceptical and harder to sell to as a result! Still it's a Brit success story, so should be celebrated I guess!!
I don't really care about the personalities behind the brands but having said that the two QVC skincare brands I use regularly are both brands I used before I found QVC. The products matter to me.

I don't much like Keeley's slap on everything approach but I love PCMC. I quite like Liz Earle but I love C&P and IBST.
I think LE is brilliant at what she does, a great PR person- near top of the list on beauty items when googled, always "one to watch" in papers, mags etc, but makes me a bit sceptical and harder to sell to as a result! Still it's a Brit success story, so should be celebrated I guess!!

That link I put in my post, the guy said she paid google so that is why her brand always appears on the top.

She has many friends going back years in the beauty mags and on TV. She and the Bible Beauty woman are best mates going way back. No wonder she gets rave reviews.:smirk:
Same old story. Brand begins as something special formulated by one or two people, lots of love going into it etc. Then the big boys buy it out, bio chemists and scientists take over the creative process, profit is paramount and the original person becomes just the " face " of the products. They`ll then float on the stock market, investors not customers become the most important people and it`s ll about money, money , money and much of it salted away offshore or re-invested into other thungs we don`t know about such as diamond mines or dodgy countries or companies. Morals and ethics take a back seat after that. Or am I being a prophet of doom or just a cynical old cow ?
Nothing wrong with a bit of cynicism, Vienna - it is just a business after all and, wholesome or not, she is just a business woman with excellent media connections.

Some of her products suit my sensitive skin so I use (and enjoy) them and will continue to do so until Avon tweak and "improve" the ingredients til they no longer do - then the hunt begins again.
I think a lot of people assume Liz Earle lives on the Isle of Wight because of the business being based there- when in fact she never has.

I am always amused by the strong emotions Liz arouses- I think she is a bit like Marmite and people love or hate her! I have met her a couple of times, once at a QVC event many years ago, and once at an event at her London store. She was really charming- I think she is like Bill Clinton in that matter, she just is very charming. I don't resent the fact she is a cunning business woman either, and loved and used her products for many years. I didn't however agree with her sell out to Avon, and because of that I stopped buying her products- am ashamed to say it has taken me quite some time to get through my stash, though! I have found 2 very good cleanser replacements for c&p which are much cheaper ( purity and a Superdrug Vit E hot cloth cleanser) and her lovely moisturiser which suited my skin for years, behaved oddly on me when I started getting hot flushes. I am now using Origins Vitazing, which suits my skin as well if not better ( I have deliberately not looked up anything about the ethics etc of origins as I don't want to get caught up in that nonsense again!)

The only thing I genuinely miss is the Eyebright - don't suppose anyone knows of a good replacement for that?

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