Liz Earle In Country Living


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Feb 3, 2012
October's issue features LE talking about her farm in the WestCountry. I thought she lived on the IsleOfWight? Says she and hubby bought a manor house and 17 acres 12 years ago. Later, bought a derelict dairy farm. 160 acres, 3 flocks of BlackWelshMountainSheep, 100 MaransHens, 30-strong herd of PedigreeOrganicHerefordCattle. And 5 children, 2 to 21. Very busy woman, it would seem.
She said on a show a few years ago that they live on an organic farm and there was a glossy mag feature a few years back too showing said farm and the perfect life they all have within it.
well she had to find something to do once she sold out to Avon.
I wouldn't think there is to much difference between running a farm and a leading skin care company.
There will sh!t to be shoveled in both and both are full of hot air.
She comes over as the perfect wife and mother who has everything and always looks pristine, but she must have the same sh*t to deal with as the rest of us.
She comes over as the perfect wife and mother who has everything and always looks pristine, but she must have the same sh*t to deal with as the rest of us.

True, but don't forget - one sweep of the muslin cloth and it's all gone... :grin:
There was gossip in a newspaper article, unfortunately I cannot find it now. When her first husband left, she had a male friend who worked with her for many many years. He supported her through divorce etc and it was said expected to be the next Mr. Liz Earle. Instead, she went off and married someone else.

Cannot even remember the newspaper it was in, but the first shall we say bit of dirty laundry I even came across with Saint Liz.

Okay, people I found this.

Now, no names mentioned but the guy was a hairdresser it seems and her partner in the business at the beginning.’s-just-a-bit-of-a-naughty-marketer/
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Only hubby mentioned in CL article is Patrick, filmmaker and photographer. That they moved to WestCountry when children were 8 and 9.
Is she not married to the Duke of Earl?!!

Never really got on with her products, hate the smell of superskin range, C+P is ok but nought spesh for me, the Instant Boost smells nice and I do like and have re-purchased the perfume, which most original fans didn't! I wonder if she anticipated the fall-out from the sale to Avon? When Ojon went to EL I did feel a bit betrayed but it seems they have listened and are bringing back some originals - no point in mopping up the competition if the customer base stops buying the inferior products you wheel out. On the link about it suggests she sold for 160m US.....wouldn't you?

Liz Earle has got engaged after a whirlwind two-month romance, I can reveal. The GMTV favourite is to wed film maker Patrick Drummond after meeting him on a blind date.

Liz, 35, split with her banker husband - also called Patrick - in February last year. The couple married when Liz was 18 and have two children Lily, eight and five-year-old Guy.

The break-up shattered Liz's image as a modern woman who successfully juggled family life with a rewarding career. Ironically, it was her hectic work schedule which eventually caused the rift
dated Aug 1999;+TV+Liz+to+wed+her+blind...-a060439144
So hectic work schedule indeed. Saint Liz was not the perfect woman staying at home, cooking from scratch, hand making beauty products at the kitchen sink.

Really it was It's all about the money, money :mysmilie_454:
Methinks, my new word for the day, i don't like her make up at all. It looks like Avon , and very sort of old
fashioned and heavy. Not a good look :down:
I have never liked this woman, even when she was on GMTV or whatever she was on. Smugness personified. It's all about the branding. As much as I adore Victoria Beckham it's the same with them. All about how the public perceive them. Sad.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Have i been putting mascara on the wrong way for over 40 years. The make up girl says you should
wiggle the wand through your lashes, but i tried this and don't like it. I sort of just put one stroke
through the lashes then another. Does anyone wiggle he he LOL
Have i been putting mascara on the wrong way for over 40 years. The make up girl says you should
wiggle the wand through your lashes, but i tried this and don't like it. I sort of just put one stroke
through the lashes then another. Does anyone wiggle he he LOL

I tried wiggling but got it all over my eyelid!!!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I used to like Liz when she first came on QVC ,in fact I used to get all her TSVs but over the time she has turned into a smug (as Capirossi has said) money grabbing business woman, she increased the prices of her products and brainwashes the public by saying that her products are made from natural products, knowing fully well how we all can be taken in by the word "natural". I don't like her now, and there are a lot of other products other than hers out there just as good or even better.
Out of interest, what is so bad about Liz Earle "selling out to Avon"? I haven't noticed any difference, personally - I buy some LE stuff through QVC and some direct from the LE website - both fine and no change as far as I can see. In fact, some of the offers from LE direct are better than from QVC and this year they've had some good'uns with free P&P, free items and extra unexpected freebies in the deliveries. If that's what being part of Avon means, I say bring it on!!

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