Live from the O2 Arena


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its always so predictable and rather boring to watch. its the first time i watched 10 mins of it
Don't know why but I found Sarah Jagger's simpering ways really irritating tonight but found myself watching a lot of it despite myself, it really was cringeworthy seeing Ali Y crying over C&P, it does make you wonder if they really do count the votes or just decide what they want to shift more stock of, and can quote as being an award winner for next god knows how many months.
What really made me chuckle was why the winners had to be escorted down the corridor to be presented with their award, could they not find their own way to the studio or were Q concerned they may be mugged en route, and all the smiles and back slapping etc it all felt so false

i was thinking the same thing. sarah jagger was featured in some glossy magazine and never once did she mention laura geller. she never does outside of qvc. she's a delicate flower though very pretty but as dull as dishwater and she barely uses any product so fine and delicate is her dusting. she seems petrified
I never watched the,show but if AY really did cry over LE cleanse and polish words fail me. She must lead a shallow and empty life to cry over a bloody product sold by a shopping channel.some of these people need to get into the real world more often and save their tears for the things in life that ordinary people get upset about.
I don't watch simple, no interest other things to do. Why watch something you couldn't care less about? The binlids of course will watch with excitement, the rest of the world have a life and do something else.
I don't understand the concept of this 'event' - if it's only Q products featured, who gives a flying rat's backside who wins?

I'm afraid to say the sycophantic tosh that's being posted on the LG FB group I'm a member of is really turning my stomach :puke:
No surprises on who won what - could have used last years event and no difference apart fron AY crying over LE. Get a grip woman ..
The only bit I saw was the C&P, can we change the record?I like it but--? Anyway Boots will be pleased.All this fawning & anticipation, the reveal of the Winner, too cringeworthy for me.
I don't understand the concept of this 'event' - if it's only Q products featured, who gives a flying rat's backside who wins?

I'm afraid to say the sycophantic tosh that's being posted on the LG FB group I'm a member of is really turning my stomach :puke:[/QUOTE

I totally agree it's nauseating and that's why B&B won best foundation,the person who runs it tries to whip everyone into a frenzy whenever a TSV is due,actually counting down the sleeps is pathetic.
i was thinking the same thing. sarah jagger was featured in some glossy magazine and never once did she mention laura geller. she never does outside of qvc. she's a delicate flower though very pretty but as dull as dishwater and she barely uses any product so fine and delicate is her dusting. she seems petrified

She also did an interview for a glossy magazine in which she showed the contents of a "professional" make-up artists bag, and yes you've guessed it, not one single piece of Laura Gellers make-up was in her bag. Could this be before she stumbled on to B&B one might ask, no, this was last year.
I watched it for 'entertainment' value. If it had lasted longer than the 2 hours, more wine consumed, then I think the claws would have come out from some of them, like a sort of works do of the worst kind. The awful James Reed wanted to be star of the show by the way he was acting, as did the tan luxe bloke, both shot down in flames when Decleor won best tanning product....:mysmilie_17: A tweet running along the screen was from someone saying James Reed and Craig would make the perfect couple and should get together!
At one point I think the pillow spray guest must have been asked to pull her dress down a bit, it had ridden up almost around her waist (looked like she'd had a drink or 3) she looked to the side as if someone had said something, stood up and pulled it down. Cringeworthy viewing at it's very best.
I think James Read was totally out of order, with his lewd comments to Craig. I found the behaviour of the men in general to be very unprofessional. I'm all for having a bit of fun, but that is not what I want to watch when I put QVC on.

And what is all this with AY crying over C&P? I remember when Liz Earle first started out on QVC, AY wouldn't have anything to do with the brand - she wouldn't present it or even talk about it, so what changed? I don't like C&P now anyway. I used it for years, but once Avon got their grubby bean counting hands on it, it changed and now it makes my face sting.

A complete cringe-fest and waste of satellite time.
I believe Alison and Liz did not get on, but then of course the brand was bought by Avon and Liz only employed by them. So perhaps Alison felt superior and deemed to present with Liz.:mysmilie_17:
AY was probably crying all the way to the bank because she knows LE is one of Q`s best sellers and I daresay when she sells umpteen thousands of their tsv`s it reflects in her pay packet. She was crying with relief that she can continue to cash in on the brand.
Now what a surprise, just looked at the shop your "heroes" on the website and Alison Young clip isn't there, the others are but not hers, must've realised how downright embarrassing and nauseating she must have looked.
Blimey, I ALMOST if not quite wish I'd watched the show now! James Reed and Craig.... Alison crying... Over a facial cleanser FFS.... Sarah Jagger never mentioning LG outside of Q.... And I knew nothing about any froideur between Alison and Liz Earle! I am sure I have seen them onscreen together, and Alison waxing lyrical about Liz or am I hallucinating again? You learn it all here don't you?!?!
I found the whole thing cringe worthy and laughable. Who do all the beauty reps actually think they are? I really do think they believe they are stars of some sort. I was actually hoping someone would go arse over tit in their heels as they walked to see Alison in the other studio. Now that would have made my night!
Boohoo! Sob! Cleanse & Polish won! So emotional! They should have played that Chris de Burgh song: "High on Emotion."
liz earle is a popular brand and quite rightly so. but as a brand on the whole its not as perfect as our liz will have us believe in my opinion. she has eczema so have very sensitive skin but her products are loaded with ingredients that are highly irritating a bit like the constant references to awards for cleanse..... and break out!

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