Let Rosa Speak Woman!!


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Oct 27, 2012
.......Someone Just tweeted that into Sara during the Yankee Candle show lol Good on Sara for reading it out , least it shows she has a sense of humour.. I guess lol
Should have added I resisted the tropics large jars auto delivery. I have sufficient to last me through this year and through christmas. I will be in the market for more in time for next years auto delivery.

Burning "November Rain" now. How apt.
I was watching this thinking the exact same thing. Every time Rosa spoke the bad mannered old bag cut her off by shouting over her. Yes, it is good she read it out but why the hell can't she take the point on board and SHUT UP AND LISTEN, FFS!!!
Sara seem to have got very hyper since she had her little boy. I can't remember her being that vocal first time around....
I was watching this thinking the exact same thing. Every time Rosa spoke the bad mannered old bag cut her off by shouting over her. Yes, it is good she read it out but why the hell can't she take the point on board and SHUT UP AND LISTEN, FFS!!!

I never liked her and she is 100 times worse since she returned. The last time I had to endure her was during an Aurora show which she ruined for everyone talking the biggest load of rubbish over that lovely young man who tried his very best but oh no it was all about her ideas of mystical clap trap. Pipa's yeah yeah yeah's anytime over her rabbiting, I hope she is truly temporary and goes soon.
I was certainly thinking the same thing. She was good enough to read it out and then said she's be quiet and handed over to Rosa and it lasted no more than 30 seconds!! I couldn't believe how self absorbed that seemed. She was talking total drivel. I am not the greatest fan of Craig but I do like him on the Yankee shows, when he suddenly appeared I found myself hoping it was to relieve her of her presenting duties (and don't even get me started on the annoying cough she seemed to have everything she wasn't speaking!) argh.
Worst Yankee show in a while I thought.
Oh yes, the annoying cough, straight into the mic. I had ordered the fresh tea lights on wait list ages ago (pointless exercise as usual so bought them elsewhere) but when they came on I was mildly interested again,until the coughing, the opening of the boxes right next to the mic, the talking over Rosa just did it for me and I watched the rest of the recording on fast forward to check there was nothing I wanted to order. I just could not listen to her making the show all about her for another moment.

I did see some of the Aurora show and I agree! she was shocking on that too. Poor Rosa did try to finish her sentence each time but SG just shouted her down. When they do their staff training, perhaps GOOD MANNERS could be a module!
I am not on Facebook or do twitter but I would join in a heartbeat if I thought that there was any chance that any single one of them would take notice and stop being annoying prats.
Perhaps, if everyone tweeted in, it might have an impact...? I mean, 10 tweets an hour all saying the same thing would have to be noticed by someone.
I got the feeling that she had started to read it out before realizing it said what it did, by which time it was too late and she just had to carry on and make light of it.
She uses twenty words where ten would do, and her "in essence" repeated on a loop.
Didn't like her first time around, and she is no better this time. I like Rosa's hours and she spoiled it for me.
I normally always watch Rosa when she's on but had to keep flicking channels today as that Sara really got on my wick. I had to laugh though when she read out that tweet. Pity she made light of it though! I thought she was downright rude today talking over Rosa like she did.
Sara was the same earlier in a kitchen hour with Simon Brown. It really got on my nerves as whenever she asked him a question before he had chance to answer she interrupted him with another query. It happened over and over again.
I watched some of the jewellery show and she read another tweet out telling her to stop talking over the guest (Lisa snowdon)
I watched some of the jewellery show and she read another tweet out telling her to stop talking over the guest (Lisa snowdon)

How many times do you reckon she will have to be told before it sinks in? I think it will never get through as they are so full of themselves.
I actually quite like Sarah, but don't remember her much was her first time round.

I think she did really well when she presented a Saturday afternoon Kipling show on her own a few weeks ago, especially as she presumed she wad doing it with Marie-Françoise, and although I'm certain she does her research before shows, she genuinely sounds like she's asking the questions we hear day in day out, without knowing the answer.

However the coughing into the mic and talking over Rosa this afternoon was really annoying me and so I fast forward through most of the show and therefore missed her reading out the tweet, but I would have loved too.
I saw that. I was on the point of throwing something at the tv. Sarah Griffiths is like many of the presenters who are too concerned with their own importance. It was priceless - good for the person who managed to get their tweet read out. Thousands of us were no doubt thinking the same thing.
is sara leaving now pippa is back? or did pippa not come back? sorry i've been away and missed 2 whole weeks of the Q drama :p
is sara leaving now pippa is back? or did pippa not come back? sorry i've been away and missed 2 whole weeks of the Q drama :p

Pip a is back but doing less than before, but I tweeted Sara & she doesn't know if she is staying or going. xxx

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