Lectures from Mike


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I feel somewhat strange these past few months. My anger has subverted from James Russell directly to Mike Mason.

I never thought in a million years James could change but he has and for the better. I wonder what happened?

Mike Mason needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and change his ways... hell maybe he could look at some archives from the early 2000's when he presented on Bid.
Are you for real???? By putting your comments about Mike next to comments about
the disgusting low life's in the tabloids you are indeed making a comparison.
That is bordering on slander (despite uour disclaimer) Please think before you type.
Mike is NOT sexist. His quotes, stories and comments are JOKES and that is why some people
like him. I realise these are also the reasons that you dislike him. If he was
rude, disrespectful or sexist for real, he would not still be working on TV.

I actually believe what you say M&M, that he's not rude, disrespectful or sexist "for real" as you put it, but surely you can't deny this what he puts across to the viewers on screen. Besides of the ill thought "nightnurse" comment, you've only got to listen to the way he speaks to the females he works with, and it really doesn't make very pleasant listening "Oi, Babes, getchaself over 'ere", "Yeah, wotevva, Luv!"

I'm sure he's the complete gentleman to his family and friends....he's done well for himself, and he knows it, so why would he put that in jeopardy? Quite rightly he's proud of himself, and nothing wrong with letting that show on air, but he definitely needs to work on the way he puts that pride across. No, we're not all jealous of your son, and none of us want to do him any harm (even if we don't have a cheap plastic wide angled mirror in our car), or need to know how much you pay for your Sky subscription every month, or that the price of your last watch ran into 4 figures - It's irrelevant! I know he can't help having a regional accent, but surely he can work upon trying to sound less aggressive?
I wondered how long it would take for M&M to wade in with the usual lame, pathetic defences
'he's not like that in real life' etc. etc. Frankly M&M whoever you are, it's becoming very tiresome and you actually have no credibility whatsoever; all you do is lurk until Mike is discussed then try to defend the indefensible without even being honest about why
Mike clearly thinks it makes him look good, masculine and in control by giving it the "Oi, Babes, getchaself over 'ere", "Yeah, wotevva, Luv!" but he actually comes over as rude, sexist and disrespectful. And as for him constantly saying 'she wants me bad', he really should think about the events occurring in the media at the moment and ask himself if it's not just a tiny bit inappropriate and tasteless when a lot of people have been affected by such comments and disrespectful behaviours in the past
M&M there is no way you can defend these sorts of tasteless comments and your excuse of it being a joke doesn't make it any better
Maybe I should follow the M&M school of life, you can say anything as long as after you say only joking. Can you not see the hypocrisy of that? Mike can say whatever he wants about anything but when we pull him up on that we can't say a word without you jumping down our throats?

If Mike wasn't on TV and he was saying the things he does that would be bad but not that bad but he is on TV and for some odd reason some people look up to him and I am sure copy him. He may not tell them to but they do. Some people say love when referring to a lady and it is endearing. The way he says it, IMHO it is creepy and weird.

I feel somewhat strange these past few months. My anger has subverted from James Russell directly to Mike Mason.

I never thought in a million years James could change but he has and for the better. I wonder what happened?

Mike Mason needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and change his ways... hell maybe he could look at some archives from the early 2000's when he presented on Bid.

Gollum and Dirty Peter have peaked at Sit Up so I suspect there's nowhere else for them to go. James on the other hand will surely go onto much better things and leave behind grubby, smutty presenters who have long since passed their use by dates.

They're positively rotten.
Maybe I should follow the M&M school of life, you can say anything as long as after you say only joking. Can you not see the hypocrisy of that? Mike can say whatever he wants about anything but when we pull him up on that we can't say a word without you jumping down our throats?

If Mike wasn't on TV and he was saying the things he does that would be bad but not that bad but he is on TV and for some odd reason some people look up to him and I am sure copy him. He may not tell them to but they do. Some people say love when referring to a lady and it is endearing. The way he says it, IMHO it is creepy and weird.


I think you've hit the nail on the head PJ
A couple of things occurred to me as I read your post. I agree that Mike and M&M clearly think it's OK to say what they like as long as they say 'it's only a joke' and also I've noticed that as Mike finishes his shifts now he says 'I hope I haven't upset anyone too much' (after he's thanked everyone like he's winning an oscar!)
But what hit me was.........Mike, M&M, you wouldn't have to say those things if you think before opening your mouth. You obviously know what you're saying could be considered offensive........so why do it for goodness sake?
James Russell, Peter Sherlock and plenty of other presenters are never offensive, they don't have to make excuses for themselves or give empty apologies because they'd never offend anyone in the first place; they're intelligent enough to know and respect boundaries of decency
I think you've hit the nail on the head PJ
A couple of things occurred to me as I read your post. I agree that Mike and M&M clearly think it's OK to say what they like as long as they say 'it's only a joke' and also I've noticed that as Mike finishes his shifts now he says 'I hope I haven't upset anyone too much' (after he's thanked everyone like he's winning an oscar!)
But what hit me was.........Mike, M&M, you wouldn't have to say those things if you think before opening your mouth. You obviously know what you're saying could be considered offensive........so why do it for goodness sake?
James Russell, Peter Sherlock and plenty of other presenters are never offensive, they don't have to make excuses for themselves or give empty apologies because they'd never offend anyone in the first place; they're intelligent enough to know and respect boundaries of decency

Perhaps it's a case of you can take the boy out of the gutter............

Seriously though I think it's much to do with background. Simon and Mason are a certain generation of 'entertainers' that, with the exception of these dreadful shopping channels you (thankfully) never see on our screens these days.

Both of them are at least two decades behind the times, maybe even more. For their sake they had better hope Sit Up carry on because I honestly couldn't imagine any other channel giving them the time of day.

It's 2013. Watching those two is like a nightmare Saturday Night on London Weekend Television in 1982 :sleepy:
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What always makes me smile is M&M tries to defend Mike (or himself) and then skulks off with their tail between their legs until the next time they have a snarl; it's a bit like a bulldog without any teeth!
Mikey is sexist towards us guys.Ladies every minute I hear him say ladies this ladies that.Just shut up u sexist pig.Arghhh
bidtv should be revamped with the products and presenters.Or just AXE bidtv.
Are you for real???? By putting your comments about Mike next to comments about
the disgusting low life's in the tabloids you are indeed making a comparison.
That is bordering on slander (despite uour disclaimer) Please think before you type.
Mike is NOT sexist. His quotes, stories and comments are JOKES and that is why some people
like him. I realise these are also the reasons that you dislike him. If he was
rude, disrespectful or sexist for real, he would not still be working on TV.

Moet love! Nice to see you back. I'd thought you'd gone on holiday.... maybe with your goddess?
Are you for real???? By putting your comments about Mike next to comments about
the disgusting low life's in the tabloids you are indeed making a comparison.
That is bordering on slander (despite uour disclaimer) Please think before you type.
Mike is NOT sexist. His quotes, stories and comments are JOKES and that is why some people
like him. I realise these are also the reasons that you dislike him. If he was
rude, disrespectful or sexist for real, he would not still be working on TV.

I'm sure in his mind he does think he is merely making a joke. The trouble is his humour is incredibly dated and has long since been considered unfashionable, and pretty offensive to many.
He and his mate Peter would have been fine for TV in the 1970's but thankfully times have changed. Sadly they don't seem to have noticed.

Maybe it's time a friend gave him a polite, heads up that it's actually 2013?
When his ladyslashgoddess wants something, she gets it, cos she has the key......

Just awful

....And why would we need to know that eh? From what I've seen, they seem a rather unlikely couple - The term "punching above his weight" comes to mind.
....And why would we need to know that eh? From what I've seen, they seem a rather unlikely couple - The term "punching above his weight" comes to mind.

It reminds me of when Julia Roberts married that country singer who, let's say, wasn't exactly classically handsome.
....At least he had talent lol!

Indeed, he looked a bit like Mark Stewart

stewart1.jpg stewart2.jpg

It's better than looking like Gollum though!

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