LE porkies maybe?


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Jul 8, 2008
I watched Liz Earle's sidekick (she's growing on me, wasn't too keen at first) and she repeatedly said, or certainly implied, that the ingredients in all the products have never changed from when they first came out inc. C&P.

I was watching when Liz came through on the phone during Ann Dawson's hour. Ann gushed on about the tried and trusted original ingredients and Liz neatly sidestepped the remark and said something along the lines of 'always trying to keep the original formulas'.
I agree, it's really annoying.
Another favourite saying of Liz & Caroline is 'Essentially the same product as when we started'. Very misleading.
I am essentially the same person as I was a year ago, Just 2 stone heavier!!
So not the same at all really!!!!:mysmilie_61:
I agree, it's really annoying.
Another favourite saying of Liz & Caroline is 'Essentially the same product as when we started'. Very misleading.
I am essentially the same person as I was a year ago, Just 2 stone heavier!!
So not the same at all really!!!!:mysmilie_61:


Essentially I'm the same person as I was in September only 3 stone lighter.

:mysmilie_34: But still two stone over weight, but essentially the same person.

i don't understand why they just don't admit they have removed the almond regulars can all tell the formulas changed i have noticed recently it don't leave my skin as soft as it used to i have to now use 3 pumps to get my desired result wish they would put it back in

Essentially I'm the same person as I was in September only 3 stone lighter.

:mysmilie_34: But still two stone over weight, but essentially the same person.


It's bad enough that they LIE (and I'm sorry, it is a lie) about changing the formula but when it makes the product less effective (in my experience anyway) then that's even worse.

i'm so over QVC and they're misleading rambles, lies and sales spiel. So glad to have the internet where I can do my own research before buying.

I used to be a big LE fan - but over the last year I've noticed a huge difference in their products - just not as effective (apart from the cleanse and polish).Apart from the cleanse and polish I haven't bought anything else from the range - not even the TSVs which used to be a bargain but its all trial sizes you seem to get in them now so not quite the good value they are making out. Its the same old story of companies that are not huge in size - they grab your attention then start mucking about with ingredients and giving you less product for more money - just look at Models Prefer turning into YBF and now looks like it going down the swaneeeeeeee.
I agree, it's really annoying.
Another favourite saying of Liz & Caroline is 'Essentially the same product as when we started'. Very misleading.
I am essentially the same person as I was a year ago, Just 2 stone heavier!!
So not the same at all really!!!!:mysmilie_61:

I know, I turned on the other night and she came out with "it's fundamentally the same". Just makes me so mad considering that when they marketed the male version they kept coming out with "why change a formula that works so well?" - Well, LE you have and the least you can do is stop lying about it!
The new LE formula is nowhere near as good, I've swapped to a'kin now and decleor neroli oil. Made a massive difference. Thing is, if I didn't come on here I wouldn't have had a clue that it had changed and would have presumed something was wrong with my skin. As a customer of several years who has spent hundreds of pounds on the range I fee a little cheated that it took this forum for me to know that there was a change, and not been told by the brand itself, even if they had dressed it up as suitable for nut allergy sufferers (which I hugely doubt as I checked an old bottle that did contain almond oil which interestingly enough did not state "nut suitable for nut allergy sufferers" anywhere on it).
I agree with you Donna. It's been a hot topic on the facebook page and I got quite bolshy and said tradng standards might be interested-the spokesperson who was on that night just stopped posting. I have said on here that I raised it with the therapists at King's Road and they just tow the line that it's just as effective and won't really discuss it-to many people (thankfully not me) it ISN'T as effective any more. I have lost some respect over this I have to say. I have enough LE to last me at least a year so it will be no hardship for me to not buy anything during that time lol! The products do seem to suit me,my skin is very well behaved and I get complements on it so I will stick with LE for the time being,but it is very dissapointing to find out,after all,that she is just a business woman like all the rest!
I agree with you Donna. It's been a hot topic on the facebook page and I got quite bolshy and said tradng standards might be interested-the spokesperson who was on that night just stopped posting. .....I have lost some respect over this I have to say. I have enough LE to last me at least a year so it will be no hardship for me to not buy anything during that time lol! The products do seem to suit me.

SuziQ I agree with you entirely on these points. Firstly, good for you for raising it on Facebook. I don't have an account on there so haven't looked.

I too have lost respect. To me now LE is all about hawking her wares at new customers who don't have the resources to tell that the product has been changed and doesn't seem to give a fig about her loyal customers who, like you and I, have found that the skincare has helped them.
Just received the latest Q and A with Ali Young email.

I've just turned 49 and have used Liz Earle's Cleanse & Polish for 10+ years. I've recently noticed my skin feels red and very sensitive after using it. I've just found out the formula has changed, now I'm scared to use it.

My fine lines around my eyes are greater and my eyes are more puffy. I've ordered the Decleor Cleansing Wash - as it removes eye make-up too and looks good for sensitive skin. Do you think I've ordered the right thing? Daren't use Liz Earle again.

Alison: Don't be scared to use Liz Earle again. The formula has changed, they've just removed the almond milk, but we haven't had any concerns or worries about it.

It might be that as you're getting older, your skin is acting a little differently to how you're used to. Also sometimes using a muslin cloth on a daily basis can be too much. So you could try sticking with your Cleanse & Polish and just removing it with damp cotton wool, as this texture is a lot softer and more gentle on your skin.

I am concerned about you changing from one all-in-one cleanser to another all-in-one cleanser. They are designed to be used with the same formula on your face, neck and eyes but I think you may be better using a separate eye make-up remover and toner while your skin is acting sensitively.

The Decleor Cleansing Water is fine for you to use. You can use this all over the face and on the eye area just apply very gently with dampened cotton wool. In fact, you could use this technique with the Cleanse & Polish too. Just see how it goes without using the muslin cloth.

Yes, it IS different. I too raised it on the Facebook page, but didn't get any official response.

I am currently using one of the 200ml tubes of C&P and have noticed that it doesn't seem to leave my skin feeling so clean, seems thicker and more "claggy" and my skin, which had previously been behaving while using the previous formula, now is prone to feeling tight and dry/dehydrated, as it did before I started using C&P originally.

I still have half a bottle of Elemis cleanser left (which might be past it's best, from the time QVC made a mistake and sold it dead cheap!) and having used that for the past couple of weeks, my skin seems to be feeling better again.

Faith is certainly shaken in LE. Won't be risking any more and will be looking out for an alternative now.

LE really needs to address this and stop fobbing us off!
I have a cunning plan...........buy a bottle of almond oil and mix a few drops with your C&P before using- Hey presto- perfect skin!
According to her site, I read she'd removed the almond oil because of risk to nut allergy sufferers.

I wonder what's been put in in its place?

Cheap coco butter. Which can cause blocked pores etc and seems usually to be in body products.

If the almond milk was a problem then she should have put on it a warning about nut allergies. All foods have it on the lable made in a factory where nuts are. So you would think Liz being so aware of natural things she would have had this on the tube for years before she dumped down on C&P in the first place.
Personally, I feel removing the almond oil for nut allergy sufferers is an over-reaction. I'm sure if I was a severe nut allergy sufferer I wouldn't even be risking "natural" ranges such as LE and would be looking elsewhere for products with less element of risk. As Donna said, why not just label the product as containing a nut product so that people can make the choice. Surely losing customers through changing the product is much more damaging than upsetting a smaller number of customers who probably didn't use the product in it's previous incarnation in the first place?!
Cheap coco butter. Which can cause blocked pores etc and seems usually to be in body products.

If the almond milk was a problem then she should have put on it a warning about nut allergies. All foods have it on the lable made in a factory where nuts are. So you would think Liz being so aware of natural things she would have had this on the tube for years before she dumped down on C&P in the first place.

Thank you so much donna. I've been trying to fathom out what has caused the persistent black head and white heads I've had on my face for ages and now I know! I ended up yesterday buying a blackhead removing tool from TBS and have gouged a couple out! - sorry if this is TMI! x
I agree, LE should have left the product as it was and put a warning for nut allergy sufferers on the packaging.

Why upset existing customers?

The alternative is to make a nut-free version and see how it sells.

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