LE & AY in competition


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The problem is now that she really can't sell us the stuff when she looks like that! its like going to a beauty counter on the high street and someone who is orange (you know the ones!) trying to make you over and sell you the stuff. If they dont look right you aint going to buy from them.

I feel for her but then wonder how on earth she can look like that when she has all the makeup/hair care available via QVC, health excuses aside, if I was on TV everyday and earning the money she no doubt earns I would try and look like I'd walked out of the hairdressers/beauty spa everyday!

Lets not forget she is actually literally trying to sell us the products! Oh and what do the brands think I wonder, would you want her advertising your makeup? mmmm I think not!:rock:
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I have thyroid problems and you are suppose to attend and get blood tests done every 12 weeks to make sure your meds are the right dose and working. If AY was doing this then I really think she should be feeling alot better. Now once they get your doseage correct it should be plain sailing though you do have to make sure you are getting your bloods done regulary too. So the poor AY its her thyroid excuse really does not cut it with me, should be under control by now, how long has it been 3 or 4 years? Is either not getting her blood tests done, or she is just getting older and looking it. The hair thing is weird but as I said before, she has had the same hairdresser for years and just seems to get into a rut. First it was the long straight highlighted to death for years. Then she did get it cut and colour a warmer shade. That suited her. Then a few years later she is sort of getting the same cut but its not as well done. There are women walking the streets of the UK and Ireland in ill health who look after themselves better and look fabulous. AY is suppose to be a beauty expert but she looks awful for all her expertise in the industry.

I won't go into the clothes as that would be cruel on top of the hair comments.

If AY really is in such bad health then she should be taking time off to get herself well again. QVC can manage very well without her 99.9% of the time these days.

I too have a thyroid problem and it has been going of for about 5 years!!! It took about three years just to get someone to take me seriously and take the blood test (I did have the added complication of moving house and GP halfway through)...I had one GP insist all was okay, another say I was putting on weight because I was eating too much and then a third one took the test and said to come back in a month...thankfully I had lost patience by this point and been sent to a specialist..who took one look at the test results (which were three times above normal levels) and put me on medication...then, I was allergic to the medication (nearly 3 months in!!!) so had to start with the new medication!!! Now, my thyroid is normal but I still do not feel fully "right"...so, I am starting the whole thing again...it is possible that AY has had dreadful GPs, like I had, and even has another underlying issue, like I think I have...I hope not, as I have got pretty depressed by things, but I cannot believe how badly I was treated and makes me think there may be others like me...
I too have a thyroid problem and it has been going of for about 5 years!!! It took about three years just to get someone to take me seriously and take the blood test (I did have the added complication of moving house and GP halfway through)...I had one GP insist all was okay, another say I was putting on weight because I was eating too much and then a third one took the test and said to come back in a month...thankfully I had lost patience by this point and been sent to a specialist..who took one look at the test results (which were three times above normal levels) and put me on medication...then, I was allergic to the medication (nearly 3 months in!!!) so had to start with the new medication!!! Now, my thyroid is normal but I still do not feel fully "right"...so, I am starting the whole thing again...it is possible that AY has had dreadful GPs, like I had, and even has another underlying issue, like I think I have...I hope not, as I have got pretty depressed by things, but I cannot believe how badly I was treated and makes me think there may be others like me...

poor you...I hope you will soon be feeling much better, I've had experience myself with doctors not really being interested enough to actually find out what's wrong and it's horrible - please don't get too depressed, come on here and have a laugh, it cheers me up no end!
I too have a thyroid problem and it has been going of for about 5 years!!! It took about three years just to get someone to take me seriously and take the blood test (I did have the added complication of moving house and GP halfway through)...I had one GP insist all was okay, another say I was putting on weight because I was eating too much and then a third one took the test and said to come back in a month...thankfully I had lost patience by this point and been sent to a specialist..who took one look at the test results (which were three times above normal levels) and put me on medication...then, I was allergic to the medication (nearly 3 months in!!!) so had to start with the new medication!!! Now, my thyroid is normal but I still do not feel fully "right"...so, I am starting the whole thing again...it is possible that AY has had dreadful GPs, like I had, and even has another underlying issue, like I think I have...I hope not, as I have got pretty depressed by things, but I cannot believe how badly I was treated and makes me think there may be others like me...

You are entitled to see an endocrinologist is you don't feel right, just this request alone might make your doctor start listening to you. Depression can be a sign of thyroid underactivity. It took me 7 years to get diagnosed, I have been through the mill and I ended up learning everything I could about the condition so I couldn't be fobbed off by someone who wouldn't listen or knew less than me. I was finally diagnosed by a newly qualified doctor doing his GP 6month rotation before he specialised, I could have kissed him. There is a train of thought that your GP knows you that well that he ends up not visually being aware of changes. I was a bloated wreck with hair like straw and dry skin, surely that was enough outward change to compare without the list of internal problems I was suffering from. Don't be fobbed off. Good luck.
Thank-you for your kind kind words...This thing just kind of creepped up on me...It has been so frustrating...

Busymum - I love this site for the harmless fun...and a place to share my guilty pleasures with!!!

Loveinamist - I am seeing an endocrinologist now...I feel less confident than he that everything is going to settle down, but I will wait and see...I have felt quite disappointed by the GPs I have seen, and I in the end went in asking for the test to be done...I am a huge fan of the NHS but it is dreadful that we have to gather so much information to get treated correctly...thankfully with the internet it is much easier now...good luck with your treatment..hope things are looking up for you now?
Thank-you for your kind kind words...This thing just kind of creepped up on me...It has been so frustrating...

Busymum - I love this site for the harmless fun...and a place to share my guilty pleasures with!!!

Loveinamist - I am seeing an endocrinologist now...I feel less confident than he that everything is going to settle down, but I will wait and see...I have felt quite disappointed by the GPs I have seen, and I in the end went in asking for the test to be done...I am a huge fan of the NHS but it is dreadful that we have to gather so much information to get treated correctly...thankfully with the internet it is much easier now...good luck with your treatment..hope things are looking up for you now?

It is a fact that it is a worldwide problem of people going undiagnosed or undertreated. The best care I have had has come from locum GP's at my practice, one chap was so interested in the literature I took in that he said he would refer to the statistics it stated and he would research more. He eventually sorted me out. Everybody has an optimum healthy TSH level unique to them. Unfortunately we are not tested when well to know what this level is, hence when ill it is a long road to reach that unknown number with replacement thyroid hormone. The temperature of countries affects the diagnostic ratio, hence if you go to a hotter/colder country than this for a long period of time, not just a few weeks holiday, your tablets would have to be adjusted. Thyroid UK website is a good source of info with reader histories but they haven't had the adrenal pages up for a while, hope this has been sorted now, because adrenal exhaustion could hold answers for a lot of people. Take care x.
To be honest my GP was really quick off the ball for blood tests. I was the one putting off for months, I was shaking so badly I could not hold a pen to write towards the end. Friends kept telling me I was ill and need to see the doctor and I was going, Oh its the menopause, no it wasn't.
My big shock came when a stranger in the street walking passed me stopped and asked if I was alright? She wanted to carry my shopping bag!!!!!!!

So Loveinamist do be assured the endocrinologist will know what is needed.
I needed my thyroid killed with radiation.
An underactive thyroid is devastating until you get on the right dose of thyroxine, I dragged myself around like a zombie for months before it was diagnosed but within a week of being on thyroxine I am fine, until I forget to take it, then I have a day where I have no energy.

I won't get personal about someone's looks, the makeup doesn't suit her, she shines like she has put Mr Sheen all over, but that can be sorted out, it's the voice, I am not deaf and I get so irritated at presenters who shout, and tell me 'I need you on those phones', and the constant interuption and talking endlessly about what celebrities use drives me mad. I switched off the Gatineau show last night, I want to hear what Andrew is telling me about the product, not the heavy sell on price over and over again.

She knows her stuff, they just need her to talk less, and not to shout and she'd be ok.
I would say to all you ladies being an ex registered nurse & who worked as a practice nurse for a good many years. STAND YOUR GROUND with your GP. I could tell you stuff that would make your hair stand on end about ****** doctors & what they get away with. The majority are lazy sods & become complacent & arrogant. Its all drugs drugs drugs with them as the answer to everything.

This is a very helpful site


Did not see the TSV launch last night but saw some of it this morning. I have stacks of Gatineau so will pass this one by.

But oh dear the hair again. Anyone here remember Dougal in the Magic Roundabout ? :giggle::giggle:
I can't stand the way LE does that horrid 'look' at everyone - the disparaging one that says 'I'm better than you' look you up and down one - arrrrggghhhh.

Sorry, just seen the comments re thyroid problems - I have an underactive one- diagnosed around 10 years ago - and for the past couple of years I've been feeling terrible despite being told by my doctor countless times that my level is 'normal' and the amount of thyroxine I am taking is ok! - well I feel far from normal ~(another arrgghh!), I just cannot get going in the mornings, constantly feeling exhausted and wiped out, I feel now that a referral to an endocrinologist may well be required. Best wishes to everyone with thyroid problems. xx
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