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Sense of humour intact
Sep 26, 2009
Planet Earth, mostly...
I don't know how true any of this is but…

Apparently, Glen Campbell has been head hunted by Dior to replace John Galliano? So expect an exciting new range of puke coloured cardies to hit the QVC catwalks any day soon.

Rumour has it, that Richard Jackson and Julia were found in a compromising situation behind the warehouse, all hotly denied of course. He said he was showing her a hardy perennial and Julia said she was just explaining what a Clitoria was. Yeah, right!

Prepare yourselves for a tabloid expose of a QVC scandal. This follows police operation "DAWNGRASSED" in which presenter's homes were simultaneously raided in the early hours. It appears that there are large numbers of unexplained QVC goods in their homes, so the disgruntled former employee told the police. The crafty lot are saying they need the extra stuff for their second homes! Who do they think they are?
It's the fact none of them paid the P&P that annoys me.

Alison Young was photographed at a local fete last weekend baring her essentials for charity. She didn't look that good apparently, people were saying she could do with bit more slap…. a queue quickly formed.

There was a catfight in the corridor at QVC towers last week between Catherine and Claire. They thought they had overheard Peter Andre say on his show that he fancied Huntley or Sutton, what he actually said was he was hunting for a house in ended in tears.

Dale, Charlie and Miceal are writing a sitcom about a reality show – bit odd, I thought they were already in one?

Oh, and some really good news to end on, you know all those things Jill Franks can't live without? Well, someone's taken them all away!

Anyway, I'd better get back to hacking the News of the World reporter's mobile to see what else I can find out…there must be more on the others, have you heard anything juicy!
You haven't got my phone number have you?!!!! :thinking:

If only Iclaudipuss were here, she'd make some fabulous additions during her sleepless nights!
Thanks HC!! (PS hope you are well n dandy!) Hope I aint speaking out of turn here but didnt a load of the long-term regulars leave in (seemingly) one go? Whats the crack with that?

Sorry OP for the off-topic!
I terminated my original account due to something over nothing but set up this account instead...
and I miss ArgeyBargey !!!!!

I do too! I wasn't supposed to mention it but I know they are both currently busy designing a new range of "bags" and other much needed accessories.......we could be in for a treat!! They sent me a prototype a couple of weeks ago but I struggled to fit in all my contents!!! :wink:
Nice one Frazzled. Well done to Glen on his promotion - rumour has it Debbie's Nigel is lined up to replace him. He's double value because he can demonstrate all kinds of tricks with his yogi wand too. On the subject of folks leaving the forum, any ideas what happened to kitten-with-claws? Thought she was very funny. Did I miss something? Has cavegirl been around lately? Hope she's alright.

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