Late Summer Sizzler ?


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OMG - that's some impressive place but way too big for me and OH. Perhaps we could do a forum trip and get a TSV price for a week .........:giggle: Think we'd be rumbled and banned for life in case we then spill too many secrets :mysmilie_11:

Only QVC sign that I can see is what appear to be 2 Tiffany lights by bedside though. Or perhaps the bedding is white NN.

Do any of the other presenters with homes rent them out ????
OMG if that is really her holiday home. She must be loaded. Didn't spot any QVC goodies in the pics!!
I think it looks beautiful. Good luck to her.
er.... how do we know it is her villa?
Must admit I was tempted to ring the number listed. My OH might do that as he has no qualms about anything like that (he had me trotting into the Ritz in Paris last week for a nosey....we didn't get thrown out and the staff happily allowed us to look in the foyer - we will appear on people's holiday snaps as they thought we were famous coming out :giggle:)

Shall I ask him to ring ?????
AFter a bit of detective work - 01883 is the code for Woldingham, Nr Caterham, Surrey. And tonight JR said that Jordan lived in her village and was married there a few weeks ago, and the villlage ? WOLDINGHAM.

Soooooo, there cannot be many Julia & Chris's with an 01883 number with a villa to let for HOW MUCH ? a week, and live in the same village as Katie Price.

VERDICT: Its Julia's villa alright; and as my job in a past life was selling property in Spain, I can tell you, this little baby will be well up around the million mark !!!!! and would cost an absolute fortune just for the upkeep.

Not hard up then is she. Her old man must be raking it in, - strange that. I'm a music lover and have never heard of him !!!!
Great detective work! If you would all like to get the cash together I will go for a week ( may take longer) & find out for sure.Bank A/c details--------
Late Summer Sizzler

If you look back at Julia`s blog of October 23rd. 2009, you will find a photo of her mother at this property.
Thought this bit was a bit deceptive...

'Since graduating Daniel has worked as a personal trainer with a growing celebrity client list including Graham Cole (The Bill) and Julia Roberts and Alison Keenan (QVC). He also runs busy circuit training clubs in Surrey'.

Does your mum count as a celebrity client list?? Maybe that's how she's lost weight as she did say yesterday on the B&W show it was from exercise.
Thought this bit was a bit deceptive...

'Since graduating Daniel has worked as a personal trainer with a growing celebrity client list including Graham Cole (The Bill) and Julia Roberts and Alison Keenan (QVC). He also runs busy circuit training clubs in Surrey'.

Does your mum count as a celebrity client list?? Maybe that's how she's lost weight as she did say yesterday on the B&W show it was from exercise.

It's a bit disingenuous to say the least. But that never stopped our JR, look at the keruffle over her daughter and the calendar! It's a bit much to describe yourself as a celebrity - no-one outside of QVC viewers would know who she was, she's a salesperson for gawd's sake !
It's a bit disingenuous to say the least. But that never stopped our JR, look at the keruffle over her daughter and the calendar! It's a bit much to describe yourself as a celebrity - no-one outside of QVC viewers would know who she was, she's a salesperson for gawd's sake !

I'm not sure she did. It was written about her not by her.

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