Kipling Woman "my 11 year old wears lip gloss"


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Good grief! Nail polish at school, even non-coloured or coloured in the Sixth Form, dear heaven they'd have made us chop off our fingers or something!

Slightly extreme. I'd draw the line at birching. :rolleyes: :pPC:
Oh I wore mine when I was playing footie with the boys!

I should like to point out here (it may not have been clear) that I am a girl! I did know one boy who wore lipgloss when we were in Sixth Form, but that's entirely another story (and one more suited to a certain type of publication!);)
Slightly extreme. I'd draw the line at birching. :rolleyes: :pPC:

Actually, our local authority banned physical punishment when I was at school; they usually relied on heavy humilation instead. Girls who turned up in short skirts (we were allowed one inch above the knee) or heaven forbid ra-ra skirts were made to wear the "spare" skirts that were in the lost property store and usually dated from 1963! Believe me, that was incentive enough! Some of the things girls go to school in now ... we'd have been hauled up in front of everyone! There's a lot to be said for modesty. Of course, "in my day" we were rebellious and wore lots of long, swishy black skirts and backcombed our hair!
yes and the rest :p

but agree can't see a problem with wearing lip gloss at that age as most of us we're wearing it by then.

But defo don't agree with the low cut tops and whacking great high heels you see some in today a definite no no

Actually I worry about some of them. I wasn't confident enough to do that sort of thing until I was much older, even had I been allowed to! Nothing wrong with wearing a low-cut top, I do it too, but not for school and not when you're 13!
I don't think this makes me old and fuddy. Maybe it was easier when I was that age. Bananarama's outfits were a lot more demure than Girls Aloud!
The lipgloss thing went on when I was 11: yes, the clear roller ball stuff. Mum bought me some very subtle grey eyeshadow from Avon when I was 16.
The lipgloss thing went on when I was 11: yes, the clear roller ball stuff. Mum bought me some very subtle grey eyeshadow from Avon when I was 16.

By the time I was 14, I was well into make up, again mainly through the joys of the Constance Caroll counter in my local chemist shop, and the Avon catalogue. One of my schoolfriend's mum was a rep for Avon, and I'll never forget a campaign they had when they were selling lipsticks for 1p each and of course she was inundated with orders...Oh I remember it well, she also had loads of testers for perfume that she brought in for us all to try...such fun!
My sister allows her 11 year old daughter wear make up and skimpy tops. She also waxes her daughters eyebrows, arms and legs!! :D

Imagine the complexes that sort of thing at such a young age could cause! You shouldn't really have to worry if your arms are a bit hairy at any age, but at 11?
By the time I was 14, I was well into make up, again mainly through the joys of the Constance Caroll counter in my local chemist shop, and the Avon catalogue. One of my schoolfriend's mum was a rep for Avon, and I'll never forget a campaign they had when they were selling lipsticks for 1p each and of course she was inundated with orders...Oh I remember it well, she also had loads of testers for perfume that she brought in for us all to try...such fun!

The 1p lipstick deal rings a bell! The perfume testers sound fun - must have been great to have this schoolfriend 'with connections'!! I remember the 'solid perfumes' as well: waxy formulas in lovely little pots (a mustard yellow one with a golden brown topaz type stone on the top suddenly springs to mind!) Avon was the bee's knees wasn't it?! (Still going strong I presume!) And local chemists with lots of polished brown wood and glass display cases... those were the days!!! (got my ears pierced in our local chemist by the elderly chemist in his white coat when I was 13... memories!)
When I was at school it was rimmel heather shimmer lippy, blue eyeliner and mascara - but that was at 14/15 not 11. I hadn't even heard of lipgloss til a few years ago. We were banned from wearing nailvarnish, but we did anyway. But yeah, at 14/15 not 11. I wont allow my 12 year old out of the house with make up on, lip gloss included. Just not necessary at that age. When she reaches year 9 that's different.
i have 2 11yr olds an yes they wear lip gloss.....not all of the time i think it's a wee phase they go through an i let them do it to get it out of their system...they have been asking me for foundation:eek::eek::eek: but i have told them they are far too young an that they are lovely without it...on the other hand i have a 15yr old an she doesn't wear any...

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