Kipling Woman "my 11 year old wears lip gloss"


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Absolutely nothing wrong with an 11 year old wearing lipgloss, it's all part of growing up! I don't like to see youngsters wearing any more make up than that but a lipgloss is fine. :D

Can see no problem with that, I was wearing lipstick/gloss and that age

I agree, 11 year olds wearing lipgloss is normal these days.
the kipling guest just said "my 11 year old is at an age when she wont go out without lip gloss"

eh?? :eek:

can someone please tell me why an 11 year old needs, or should be allowed to wear lip gloss? or am i being VERY old fashioned?

I wore lip gloss when I was 11 (I'm 39 now); only that sticky mint-flavoured roller-ball one of course, but I don't think I turned out too badly! Perhaps that's the sort she meant! Now, if it were sexy red, pouty lips, accompanied by heavy foundation and full-on eyes and blusher, then I might be more concerned. What worries me more is the number of similarly aged girls (ok more often they are 13 or so) who are allowed out wearing low-cut tops that show off their cleavage! It took me until I was 30 before I dared do that!
I wore mascara and lipgloss when I was 11 (yes the rollerball one too), in fact you couldn't move in the girls loos at break time, it was a mad rush for the mirror. :)
I wore mascara and lipgloss when I was 11 (yes the rollerball one too), in fact you couldn't move in the girls loos at break time, it was a mad rush for the mirror. :)

We weren't supposed to wear makeup at school, but I doubt there was a girl in the year without a touch of lipgloss and a sweep of navy blue eyeliner and mascara! I think we all thought we could look like "Lady Diana" in 1981!
My school in about 78 always had some smashed bottles on the floor of the max factor roll on with the red lid. I can still taste that stuff when i think about it, mint, cola, cherry or strawberry. Sadly, a girl i used to know became anorexic as she used to lick the stuff off as a food substitute. We used to keep ours in our blazer badge pocket and if you bent down to pick something up, the bottle would fall out and smash on the floor. We called it chip fat ewwwwww.
My girls school is very strict now and they are not allowed any make up or jewellery or earings at all. However as with all teen girls, they have ways around this :rolleyes:
Its those gals who`s mothers pay for cosmetic surgery and boob jobs for a 15th bday i really have issue with as its appalling.:mad:
I don't see a problem with an 11 year old wearing lip gloss, don't get me wrong I don't mean full blown Lollita but a bit of gloss and some mascara is OK. I used to wear lip gloss,the roller ball one, when I was 11.
It was the clear stuff in the glass tube with the roller ball at the end - I think it tasted of toffee or strawberry - we thought we were the bees-knees :lol:

Ohhhhhh!! I used to wear that too and thought I was the bizz! Think I had mint, cherry and strawberry ... and I'd lick it off as soon as I'd put it on!
I don't see a problem with lip gloss at all. What I don't approve of is 7-8 years olds in high heels, saw one clip clopping through the street yesterday with her parents yesterday in 2 inch strappy sandals. Couldn't believe they made them that small and that any parent would think it was appropriate.
I remember that! There was a minty one too that looked greeny-blue in the bottle. Constance Carroll make-up was iconic when I was 12. :)

I remember those too! Mine was strawberry.

I also remember some horrible girls who had a rollerball perfume and went around tricking some of the other girls into letting them apply it to their lips thinking it was lipgloss. You can imagine...revolting taste and stinging lips.

Happy days.... (not always!)..
Can see no problem with that, I was wearing lipstick/gloss and that age

yes and the rest :p

but agree can't see a problem with wearing lip gloss at that age as most of us we're wearing it by then.

But defo don't agree with the low cut tops and whacking great high heels you see some in today a definite no no
My sister allows her 11 year old daughter wear make up and skimpy tops. She also waxes her daughters eyebrows, arms and legs!! I must admit I agree with BurlyBear that at 11 girls should be playing footie and generally being kids. I suppose I can be called old fashioned in that respect. I am nearing 50 and still enjoy a kick about, I don't wear make up either- could it be me who has a problem? :D
It depends what you mean by lipgloss. I know when I was about 12/13ish, there was a craze with those roll on fruit flavoured clear glosses and flavoured lipbalms, also seem to remember when my son was in the last year of junior school some of the older girls having the fruity lipbalms...but they weren't the make-up sort of glosses if you know what I mean!

So, no Burlz I don't think you're being old fashioned at all....."My 11 year old wont leave home without her lipgloss" doesn't sit right with me, just sounds really precocious imo. Ok, if she did mean a fruity balm/gloss as opposed to actual colour cosmetics, I think it could have been better put, my 11 year old daughter's already showing an interest in make up, she's got a lemon flavoured lypsyl.

I hate seeing pre-teens wearing make up tbh, they don't need it at that age and I think it looks absolutely horrible, and lets face it time will come soon enough when they'll need to wear it!:rolleyes:
Blatant make up is not allowed at our school and neither are the girls allowed to wear coloured nail varnish (until in the 6th form), they are sent down to the office to remove it. :pPC:

Good grief! Nail polish at school, even non-coloured or coloured in the Sixth Form, dear heaven they'd have made us chop off our fingers or something!
My girls school is very strict now and they are not allowed any make up or jewellery or earings at all. However as with all teen girls, they have ways around this :rolleyes:

Girls are very inventive! I went to school in the era of "Fame" and we were banned from wearing leg warmers, so we used to buy these really long grey socks (which were part of the uniform) and wear them sort of ruched down over our opaque tights! There wasn't a lot they could do about that!

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