Keely Stating The Bleedin Obvious


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I have watched a few miutes of the show today and have found Keeley's prattling leaves me feeling confused about the products rather than informed

I was looking for a present but I have now switched off
I have watched a few miutes of the show today and have found Keeley's prattling leaves me feeling confused about the products rather than informed

I was looking for a present but I have now switched off

Don't listen.
Elemis may smell lovely and feel nice on the skin...but doesn't do what it claims to do.It can't, otherwise Keely's skin would look amazing and wrinkle free and it doesn't,it just looks average!
elemis,clarins,and decleor contains such high end perfume and essential oils that my skin is sensitive to making me break out. break outs are a sign of sensitivity and who wants a facefull of acne/boils etc.

elemis is the worst brand i cannot use anything on my face at all...
The quality of your skin is down to:
genetics (largely)
how much water/alcohol you drink
whether you smoke
how thin you are (over a certain age a low BMI = wrinkles)

I would say some skin products smell good, have luxurious packaging and a brand name which makes you feel pampered, but in the end a reasonably priced skincare range is just as effective.

Decleor, Elemis and Perricone are brands which rely on the insecurities of women to bring in their profit. Keeley etc just mouth a load of tosh.

Dermatologists (except those with their own skincare ranges) are always unanimous in this view.
I hope I have done this right, this is my first post :sweat:

I have really enjoyed the Elemis anniversary shows. I think Keely is very entertaining and love it when she is on with Alison Young, can't wait for the 11.00pm show tonight. I must admit I am new to the range and so am still finding my way around the products and so am listening and learning from Keely. As it has been mentioned before, we are all different and it would most certainly be a boring world if we all liked the same things - wouldn't it?
i have two friends both sisters celtic skin very very fair like chrissy qvc model.

one has never used any moisturiser i wont tell you the result. the other is so poor but will shop in wilkinsons and buy any moisturiser normally for a pound she has no lines.

we have a ggod laugh as she says she cannot afford anything else but nearly reaching 50 is pleased that she has no lines or wrinkles and really should have.everyone comments on her skin and her advice is use any face cream every day.

i never had any allergies when i bought high street and avon but i do with the premium ranges. i agree a lot has to do with the feel good factor nice textures and delicious smells but i have to wonder if the results ultimately are worth the cost and are we paying for smells rather than results!:talking:
Don't listen.
Elemis may smell lovely and feel nice on the skin...but doesn't do what it claims to do.It can't, otherwise Keely's skin would look amazing and wrinkle free and it doesn't,it just looks average!

That's a very good point Lemonsqueezy. I love using Elemis, but really I know it isn't any better for my skin than say, using Simple. You've made it easier now for me to resist buying.
i was reading keeleys blog with all the questions( but no answers) one lady was doing about twenty steps with thirty different products a day and was wondering why her skin was erupting by the minute. she was obviously very confused and really thought that the more elemis she used the better her skin would be NOT......:whew:
i was reading keeleys blog with all the questions( but no answers) one lady was doing about twenty steps with thirty different products a day and was wondering why her skin was erupting by the minute. she was obviously very confused and really thought that the more elemis she used the better her skin would be NOT......:whew:
Good grief!! Just the sort of gullible punter these so called beauty experts love to flog their gloop to. It's probably a good thing there was no answer from Keely as the poor woman would end up more confused than ever and probably be persuaded to part with even more dosh. Imho Keely even confuses herself with all the tripe she comes out with. :wonder:
i was reading keeleys blog with all the questions( but no answers) one lady was doing about twenty steps with thirty different products a day and was wondering why her skin was erupting by the minute. she was obviously very confused and really thought that the more elemis she used the better her skin would be NOT......:whew:

I'm getting a bit like that :sad: Always changing from one thing to another - just totted up that today I will use 20 separate items of skincare from various ranges - Gatineau, Elemis, Decleor, Philosophy, Perricone & Bliss amongst others. The other week a patch of pigmentation suddenly appeared on my forehead. Think it may be a reaction caused by the sun and my skincare - but no idea which product! Perhaps it's time to go back to basics.
I think if you enjoy using whatever from a brand you will continue to use it.

I do like Elemis, I pick the bits I like from the brand and ignore the rest. Usually buy on ebay infact for a fraction of QVC etc prices.

My roseaca(sp) was throwing a major hissy fit last week. My fault I got caught in the sun with no block. So the major acne like spots came out on one side of my face. Out came the medical gel and back to basics for me. My usual facial wash Elemis Sensitive, I love the smell and my skin likes it. The Elemis Anti Redness Cream mixed with argan oil and my face was back to normal in no time.

As a brand my skin likes Elemis but I would not touch with a barge pole the Tri range from them and the Papaya makes my face itch so that is out.

Keeley is there to sell so of course she will push people to use as much of Elemis as she can.


I remember ages ago starting to use Clinique and it was the three step is all you need. Then it was oh the soap will not remove makeup so you need to cleanse with this first. Then oh the moisturiser has no spf so you need City Block on top. You have an out break so really should use this under the moisturer as well. And on, and on, and on and on. Clinique toner = paint stripper. Gatineau seem to come out with a new wonder product every few months. No don't use this you need this one now.

All brands are the same. They want you to buy buy buy
Well I am 51 and since watching QVC i have tried the lot,funnily enough not Elemis, which I tried many years ago and didn't rate at all.
I found there are some "nice" products in each range(with the exception of Alpha H and Cientelle)but none of them live up to the hype their respective sales personel witter on about.I don't know how they get away with it to be honest!

Ali Young..loves everything,and every product works
Amica is slathered 5x weekly and is still ageing normally
Julia uses Elemis or was that Decleor!!
Cleanse and Polish is THE best cleanser...unless you use Purity of course!
You don't actually literally need a you Keeley...oh you do actually!!
Gommage Hommage D'large is the best moisturiser,but who the heck makes it??????
Ribena Pervonica prevents wrinkles..but where?
Eye gel,neck gel,throat gel,lip exfoliator,lip lift,floracil,lipsil,SBC,ABC...look of love!

Is it any wonder we are confused:cheeky:
I am settled now on Boots perfect and protect serum,day, night and eye works for me and doesn't break the bank!
As for the rest(((rasberry))) to the lot of 'em!
I have tried most of the QVC beauty products with no great results. ATM I am using Avon Anew with spf and it is as good as if not better on me than all the others. Next time I am going to try the Aldi range which has had very good reports and is as cheap as chips.
I am settled now on Boots perfect and protect serum,day, night and eye works for me and doesn't break the bank!
As for the rest(((rasberry))) to the lot of 'em!

If you want to save even more money the Boots Botanics First Signs of Ageing serum is exactly the same product as the P&P serum and only about 7quid a bottle....honest, check the ingredients on the bottles.
i think theres nothing wrong with "treating yourself" to the odd thing occasionally from a high end brand IF it's your "thing" and you enjoy it and it makes you feel good. I do it myself sometimes. But I do also agree that the amount of product companies expect us to "slot into our regimes" is absolutely ludicrous. Do these things really work? Well personally I doubt it. I often think that it's easy to say they do, because the people who use the stuff are the people who DO look after their skin and take the time to do so. But you can do that with cheaper brands, just as long as you take the time to do it at all!

Yes, I'm sure that the high end brands may well have a few more refined ingredients, but I'm dubious about whether these make a real, noticeable, tangible difference to the look and feel of the skin. Just look at the blind trials that have been done in the media with cheap AND expensive products. Quite often it's the cheaper products that have been the so called wonder creams. Makes me wonder if you can put anything in a posh pot and people will be convinced its making a vast difference. Maybe having spent the vast sums of money they simply convince themselves that it's doing good to justify their investment.

I'm 36, so probably exactly the age ("first signs of ageing" and all that) that companies like Elemis and Decleor are aiming at. I've tried them all, Decleor, Elemis, Clinique, Clarins, Boots, Simple, right down to Aldi and Asda. And I've still not found a wonder product.

Nothing's going to miraculously cure or prevent wrinkles or ageing. I think as long as you take your makeup off everynight properly (and I'll agree with Ms Young about cleansing wipes not being the best here!) moisturise with something that suits your skin and protect from the sun and you won't go far wrong.

Currently I'm cleansing with Elemis cleanser, using Simple toner and Moisturising with a Q10 cream (£1.49 from Asda!). My skin feels no better and no worse than when I was faffing about with a complicated "regime".

I'm starting to find all the claptrap spouted on the QVC shows really irritating now.

£97 for a pot of moisturiser?! Sorry, but to me, that's not good value Keeley - it's obscene.

Sorry. Rant over!
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Birdie, I think you've got it just about right. I'm early 60s and in my youth there was none of all this cleanse/tone/moisturise and don't forget the neck & decollete business - if you were lucky you had a pot of Ponds cold cream to fetch the slap off, or it was soap & water. I must have good genes as my skin isn't too bad apart from blotchiness and some broken capillaries. When I first started watching QVC I, like many others I expect, was seduced by their spiel and suddenly it became a must to be buying all this expensive skin care and I found myself with all these different items morning & night that MUST be used or I would look like the Wicked Witch of the West. Well now after some years of this I've finally learned some sense...I use oil for cleansing mostly, but I've got a stockpile of stuff from QVC so I do have a change when I fancy it - I do think that your skin gets used to one thing and occasionally benefits from a change anyway...I like the Boots Botanics range and find that as good as anything that QVC skin is neither better nor worse for the lashings of Elemis, Decleor and Liz Earle et al that it's been treated to over the ladies, don't be taken in by it..for my money, it's all mouth & no trousers!
Huge thanks!

I just wanted to say a huge thanks to all you girls (and guys?) on this forum who have helped to save me from myself, given me huge giggles reading your posts and reflected my exact sentiments when watching some of the twaddle and guff proffered on QVC. I thought it was just me....until I found this forum.

I checked through my records the other day and found that over the past 5 years I have spent around £10,000 at QVC. A sum I am hugely embarassed about. 99.9% of that has gone on skincare. :blush: :blush: I've got Elemis, Decleor, Gatineau, Philosophy, Ultrasun, Sarah Chapman, Alpha H, Liz Earle, Nails Inc, Leighton Denny, L'Occitane etc. I've always been such a beauty junkie. The thing is I'm not stupid, and I know when I'm hearing these things that it's total babble and can not possibly deliver what it's promising. Nevertheless I still buy things and get excited about trying the latest, newest discovery. I think I am a QVC dream!! HOWEVER, the more I watch of the beauty shows the more it has cured me. I now look at the cost of the postage, and the actual product and think 'you must be joking', but more than that the guests and presenters make me crazy after about 5 minutes and I have to turn off. I just can't stomach it anymore.

For example - Alison Young preaching about Ultrasun face spf. You HAVE to put this on first. You MUST put this on your face before anything else, on a clean dry skin. Unless of course it's a Decelor show when you can use your aromessence first and Ultrasun next which she says she prefers to do! Which is it Alison???

I also can't stand Fiona's 'ooooooooohhhhh' exaggerated gasp at the beginning of every product like it's a new cure for the common cold. Have a sends shivers up my spine.

Debbie Flint is a whole chapter to herself. Why is it necessary to falsely exaggerate every other word and use a tone of voice patronising to even 2 year olds. Most QVC viewers are grown ups. Please speak to use as such...grumble. Take her away please. I couldn't watch anything she was presenting...ever.

Kathy Taylor.. What is that all about??

Andrew passes. I think he's the only guest who's not given me the heebeejeebies.

My final moan is about Keeley's incessant chatter. She speaks so fast that she never finishes a sentence and totally contradicts herself most of the time. Please speak slower, more clearly and think about what you are saying!!

Then there's the extortionate postage charges on each individual product rather than per order. No way Jose...not any more! I have finally come to my senses with much help from your ladies posts here, and QVC acting like an insect repellant against itself. What a happy ending. Thank you! :clapping:
The very best moisturiser I've ever had is Marks Royal Jelly/Honey one (can't remember exact name) it's £4.50 a pot and it's brilliant. It soaks in to give my skin a matt, dewy finish and gorgeous feel. I've got LE Superskin but I find it greasy.
My mum, who's nearly 83 has been a Ponds Cold Cream user all her life and she has amazing skin, of course Kylie swears by that too:up:
Lou Lou great 1st post, glad you've seen the light lol.

My own routine that has worked since I was a teenager is so simple even the clogged up brains of QVC's so called beauty experts could understand it.

Firstly cleanse your face the old fashioned way with soap and tepid water....yes that's right, I said...gulp...
SOAP & WATER!!! :bandit: I use Pears because it's nice and gentle and smells delish. Surprise, surprise AY, this extreme radical approach will really cleanse the skin!!

Lastly apply Olay Daily Renewal Cream which will be absorbed into your skin within minutes without leaving it feeling like an oil slick.

Job done.

Olay has changed its formula over the years, when I first started slapping it on it was called Oil of Ulay (I'm sure many of you remember it) and it worked then and it still does now, so why not give it a try and save yourself a small fortune.

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