Kathy again!!


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Nov 9, 2008
Kathy talking about a Marla Wynne Illusion Ottoman Duster 157777 being worn at a wedding in a marque in a flower field flower meadow.... I`ve only been to weddings in hotels and the like after the church ..... I wonder how many flower meadows she`s been in to weddings ... keep to talking about the item Kathy then it`ll sound more credible and to the point !!
I've reached the age of loathing weddings.

Same old format, early afternoon marriage then hungry for hours until you find your seated with complete strangers at a table for the sit down dinner, then the dreaded speeches which are worse than the Oscars for thanking people, kids running amok with no parental control, another long wait hanging around until the 'evening lot' arrives - by this time I've lost the will to live. Fresh faces arrive full of bon homie - of course they are, they've been snuggled up in peace at home all day ! Then its the abysmal disco, where the DJ only plays stuff he wants to listen to and sod his client audience, always at full volume so general conversation is an impossibility. The buffet appears and you get killed in the rush by marauding hordes who have never seen food, despite having dined earlier, and male guests start shedding their wedding attire as they hit the dance floor.

No, my time is too precious now to put myself through this torturous ritual, so when the "Save the Date" cards start appearing, I'll send a cheque along with my regrets.
Brissles, you have just described most of the weddings I have attended. I now avoid all such invitations like the plague.
The old cynic in me tells me you've missed something out.....the news, in anything from 2 months to a year later, that they've split after all the expense and hoo-ha of the wedding. This has happened twice in weddings I've been to in the past 5 years - soon as all the excitement is over, reality hits - and whammo. OH says he's not going to any more....he feels the 'flu coming on!! Best (and happiest) wedding I've been to in recent years was trip to the pub afterwards and then all went home....great atmosphere, everyone had a real laugh and thoroughly enjoyed themselves - and no loan from the International Monetary Fund required to pay for it all (followed by boring the pants off everyone telling them how much it cost and how they will still be paying it off when they get the pension.....sorry, couldn't give a stuff, they want to hire the Albert Hall, they pay for it).
I've reached the age of loathing weddings.

Same old format, early afternoon marriage then hungry for hours until you find your seated with complete strangers at a table for the sit down dinner, then the dreaded speeches which are worse than the Oscars for thanking people, kids running amok with no parental control, another long wait hanging around until the 'evening lot' arrives - by this time I've lost the will to live. Fresh faces arrive full of bon homie - of course they are, they've been snuggled up in peace at home all day ! Then its the abysmal disco, where the DJ only plays stuff he wants to listen to and sod his client audience, always at full volume so general conversation is an impossibility. The buffet appears and you get killed in the rush by marauding hordes who have never seen food, despite having dined earlier, and male guests start shedding their wedding attire as they hit the dance floor.

No, my time is too precious now to put myself through this torturous ritual, so when the "Save the Date" cards start appearing, I'll send a cheque along with my regrets.
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kathy's daughters wedding was quite well .....she wore the qvc cape and they had a cream tea in a dusty looking church hall
The 2 I'm talking about: one split after 2 months (and had been living apart at least a month by then!!), the other one was after a little less than a year! OH said right, where do we write to ask for our wedding present back? (He was only joking, I hasten to say - at least, I think he was....!).
5 years? I know of one didn't even last to the end of the reception.
The youngsters in our family have dispensed with weddings and just live in sin. Can't say I blame them, weddings can cost a fortune, far better to invest it in a property.

I've reached the age where I go to more funerals than weddings !
Glad I'm not the only one to 'dread' the wedding invites.

Of course, there is the question like others have remarked, at the longevity of the nuptials. No bets taken these days, HOWEVER I do silently object to coughing up to pay for the luxury honeymoon - or help to pay for the trip to Brazil to see the World Cup, a request at a wedding a couple of years ago. WHEN DID ALL THIS HAPPEN ???? I've never objected to forking out for a decent household item, but now that couples have their homes before the ceremony, there appears to be no shame in asking for cash. So then comes the dilemma - don't want to give too little cos you don't want to be considered 'stingy', on the other hand I'm not taking out a mortgage to pay for an American style fridge.

Most of us oldies I'm sure were grateful for anything as a gift, and what wouldn't we have given for a free honeymoon anywhere, paid for by the guests !!!!

In essence, if you average £50 (singly) as an amount as a wedding gift, then you've more or less paid for your dinner with a bit extra for the disco entertainment. Nah, I'd rather decline and treat myself to a Chinese takeaway in front of the tele !!!
I don't like giving money either and I certainly object to giving money towards a honeymoon I wouldn't mind so much money towards a household item.

Someone I know where both of thempreviously had their own homes so didn't need anything more but they knew that most people wouldn't feel comfortable just giving nothing and rather have stuff they did not need they suggested a donate to a charity.
The youngsters in our family have dispensed with weddings and just live in sin. Can't say I blame them, weddings can cost a fortune, far better to invest it in a property.

I've reached the age where I go to more funerals than weddings !

Me too, used to be weddings, then christenings now funerals. Feel like the clock is ticking.
nothing worse than when the family want people to chip in physically for the wedding. cleaning the dusty hall.catering and serving. yep i have had my fill of weddings
I think her daughters wedding has gone to her head.

I know how many times do we really need to know that this clothing item would be ideal for her as a 'mother of the bride' outfit for her daughters wedding. I mean last year it was Alison Keenan and her marriage to Collin and now this year it is Kathy and her daughters wedding. I know it is important in their lives and they like to think that we are not only 'interested' (tongue firmly in cheek), with regards to what they are flogging but also we seem to be bothered about the minutiae of their lives. Now no doubt some people will be interested and it is also a good sales patter ploy, as they can say that certain bits of clothing or jewellery would be good for the mother or daughter and this can also be extended to gifts for the bride or future son in law. But given that the wedding is not until August/September do we really have to put up with another 6 months of this. That last statement was a rhetorical question as I think we all know the affirmative answer!
Never forget the umpteen bridesmaid gifts, everything from jewellery to plant food (maybe not but its only a matter of time if Tricky Dickie is reading)
I know how many times do we really need to know that this clothing item would be ideal for her as a 'mother of the bride' outfit for her daughters wedding. I mean last year it was Alison Keenan and her marriage to Collin and now this year it is Kathy and her daughters wedding. I know it is important in their lives and they like to think that we are not only 'interested' (tongue firmly in cheek), with regards to what they are flogging but also we seem to be bothered about the minutiae of their lives. Now no doubt some people will be interested and it is also a good sales patter ploy, as they can say that certain bits of clothing or jewellery would be good for the mother or daughter and this can also be extended to gifts for the bride or future son in law. But given that the wedding is not until August/September do we really have to put up with another 6 months of this. That last statement was a rhetorical question as I think we all know the affirmative answer!

I'm confused. Her daughter got married last year.
Well my DD and SIL wedding was beautiful and everybody said wholeheartedly how they didn't want the day to end. You all sound like you have had really bad experiences and that's a shame. We are a long time dead and if a couple start out full of promise and it goes pearshaped well at least they tried. I don't object to money gifts, it's up to them what they want to spend it on and I'd rather it was what they wanted than a toastie maker shoved to the back of the cupboard. And helping set up a venue is a nice thing to do, as long as it's not a bombed out dump! :mysmilie_17:

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