The big savings club


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Jun 24, 2008
My OH has said he keeps taking calls from asking for me, apparantely they'd told him it was just a courtesy call because I'm such a good customer...Hey thanks, I am actually trying to hide my shopping telly habit from my partner lol! Anyway, yesterday they finally called, when I was in. "How are you today?" said the cheerful sounding scottish guy called Andy, fine, I said. He asked me whether I had received my last order ok, and was I satisfied with it....yes, I said. Now as a loyal and valued customer, I'd like to offer you the opportunity to join the "Big Savings Club". I immediately told him no thank you. He told me it would be a free trial for 30 days, I said no thank you again. I was about to tell him how I've heard so many horror stories about this company, but decided against it, as I 'm sure he'd have come back with a load of old bull, I'd have to waste my time listening to,and possibly pick out a word in my sentence that he could construe as the word yes, and enrol me anyway. I just said look I am NOT interested okay....goodbye,and thankfully that was that. Still gonna keep an eye out for the post and watch my account, just in case.

I checked out the actual about money for old rope! Most of the deals are available to anyone through the companies themselves....10% of your Asda bill, 5% off an eye test at Boots.....2 for 1 in certain hotels and restaurants...GRRREEAT!

The Website gives no indication whatsoever of how much full membership will cost, just mentions the free trial which seems to have shrunk to 21 days and you have to pay £2.99 to receive the info - hardly free then?

Who in their right mind would part with £100 to be told about a few offers that are widely available to everybody, on the internet/press/companies themselves. Those who are tricked and mislead, I guess! From what I've read it's a lot of elderly and vulnerable people have been caught out - Disgusting!
I suspect the call you received from 'Bid' was nothing of the sort, they clearly sell on details unless you ask them not to.

I regularly get a call from 'Sky', strangely they open the call in a similar fashion 'how are you enjoying your services'. The fact is the call is from an insurance company affiliated to Sky, wanting you to pay each month in case your dish breaks.

But you are savvy Merry, imagine how many poor suckers get dragged in, especially those without internet access?

Quite right Merry, it's disgusting. (and FYI don't ever pay to insure your dish, if it breaks out of guarantee just say you are cancelling, they come and fix it for free anyway. I know loads of people who confirm this, just read Digital Spy's forums!)
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I hate these types of calls and when they ask me 'how I am today' it gets my back up instantly.

I was doing ok till you called, now bog off!!......:call:

My dad keeps getting calls from someone to be claiming they work for Microsoft, advising his computer has a virus and that they can fix it for £49.

Trouble is he neither has the internet, or a computer!
I hate these types of calls and when they ask me 'how I am today' it gets my back up instantly.

I was doing ok till you called, now bog off!!......:call:

Or when they ring you at stupid o'clock in the morning not realising the time difference saying 'Its ROSEMARY with an Indian accent!!
I have had the microsoft ones a couple of times. Last time I called the rep a scammer - she wasn't very happy with me and finished her call swiftly.
They are scammers. This Big Savings Club is a scam too. If you sign up for the free trial and forget to cancel it before the end of it your card/bank account is debited £99.

It's typical for Bid TV to be involved in this. God knows how many vulnerable and elderly people have been sucked and scammed by these dodgy practices.

It's a disgrace.
We get calls from overseas and they won't give you chance to talk. My husband sings to them (he got the idea on the internet) and I keep repeating the Lord's Prayer in Welsh. They soon hang up.
We had one too, saying they were Microsoft and we had a virus which they would remove for money. I just blew my whistle down the phone. I keep one on a piece of string in case I get a mucky call.
We get calls from overseas and they won't give you chance to talk. My husband sings to them (he got the idea on the internet) and I keep repeating the Lord's Prayer in Welsh. They soon hang up.
We had one too, saying they were Microsoft and we had a virus which they would remove for money. I just blew my whistle down the phone. I keep one on a piece of string in case I get a mucky call.

I've only ever had one mucky call. To be honest, it was quite disappointing.

I told the caller he didn't have a very good imagination, and that I've had more disgusting calls from people trying to flog me insurance and new windows.

The poor dear hung up on me.
My aunt was 'flashed' once. She didn't turn a hair just said 'Oh you are a sport waving something as small as that for everyone to see' The man slunk away :grin:
We get calls from overseas and they won't give you chance to talk. My husband sings to them (he got the idea on the internet) and I keep repeating the Lord's Prayer in Welsh. They soon hang up.
We had one too, saying they were Microsoft and we had a virus which they would remove for money. I just blew my whistle down the phone. I keep one on a piece of string in case I get a mucky call.

Nice one Hillary, you and your hubby are dead right doing that! My niece has a hilarious way of dealing with these calls, she starts asking them questions like 'how is the weather' and 'did you go out last night'. She even asks if they are courting ha ha. That seems to throw them and they end the call too!

I get calls from Ideal World about some sort of a savings club too but I don't know the details of it, I don't give them chance to explain!
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Anyone remember the Travel Steps? Holiday scam? I remember a long thread running about it some years back, how it was obviously a timeshare trap, and there was the obligatory troll who joined in to tell us we were all stupid and how it's not a scam and they're going on a holiday, we asked them to tell us how they got on, but funnily enough, we heard nothing! I really wished the shopping channels wouldn't associate themselves with these shonky companies.

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