katherine goldsmith


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Apr 27, 2009
Just read her 'background' on the website, and after reading the following, my one thought was 'really ? '. So you just 'sashay' into presenting, like you do; so how does that work then ? Read a few books, learn a bit of stage craft at amateur dramatics and we can all get a cushy job with lots of perks on QVC.

"A keen interest in fiction and the stage led to drama school before her sideways sashay into presenting....

I always wondered what the criteria for employment was, apart from overgushing, and able to pose for the monitor (chuntley), have terrible nails and dress sense (chloe), act like an idiot (Kabler), wave your arms about like a windmill (craig), screech like a banshee (pippa), cackle and self promote (flinty), stutter and overtalk (taylor).

I'm too bored now to carry on.
You forgot the ability to say "Wow!" every 7.3 seconds.

I can't stand to watch her, she's one of the "turnover" crowd on QVC.
Just read her 'background' on the website, and after reading the following, my one thought was 'really ? '. So you just 'sashay' into presenting, like you do; so how does that work then ? Read a few books, learn a bit of stage craft at amateur dramatics and we can all get a cushy job with lots of perks on QVC.

"A keen interest in fiction and the stage led to drama school before her sideways sashay into presenting....

I always wondered what the criteria for employment was, apart from overgushing, and able to pose for the monitor (chuntley), have terrible nails and dress sense (chloe), act like an idiot (Kabler), wave your arms about like a windmill (craig), screech like a banshee (pippa), cackle and self promote (flinty), stutter and overtalk (taylor).

I'm too bored now to carry on.

Smarm without charm (Biagi), Being a 50+ Disney princess (Ickle Claire), Deluded aspirational icon - from chorus line to author & always staying in size small (Queen Julia)
My hubby and I call Simon Biaggi 'Mr. Insincerity'. I think he suits the name really well.
QVC presentations are getting so bad it’s like one long comedy show. The other day I switched on to QVC and there was Julia. I quickly pressed mute because i didn’t want to listen to her and watched her actions and it was hilarious. Gurning, coquettish glances at the camera, hair flicking......... Try it, it’s really funny and shows how ridiculous they have become.
I always find Simon “Cheesy” Biagi is mocking the viewers the way he acts, he blatantly lies too and has been caught out on several occasions but does he care? absolutely not, he’ll still carry on safe in the knowledge that his job is guaranteed and secure, no matter what he does or says, as long as he wants it. That’s why he can act like a big daft tosser and get away with it.
QVC presentations are getting so bad it’s like one long comedy show. The other day I switched on to QVC and there was Julia. I quickly pressed mute because i didn’t want to listen to her and watched her actions and it was hilarious. Gurning, coquettish glances at the camera, hair flicking......... Try it, it’s really funny and shows how ridiculous they have become.

You're so right. When I first started watching about 17 years ago, the presentations were more measured, there were no fashion stylists, and guests were a rarity, so most of the permanent presenters managed to talk for an hour on their own, as a result there was no gibberish chatter about their personal lives.

Today, Julia and Charlie presented on their own, and because there was a lack of idle gossip the shows were much more watchable.
Most of the presenters have morphed into parodies of themselves. Rather like the Muppet Show or Spitting Image.

That's true & very funny. There are so many divas in Q land there'd have to be more than one Miss Piggy.
I think we can all figure out Chuntley won’t be The Count (I said Count :mysmilie_17:) could you imagine it?
“One...wahahaha! two...wahahaha! erm ‘ang on...three wahahaha!...four wahahaha! erm, erm, can I have some help in the gallery please?”
I always find Simon “Cheesy” Biagi is mocking the viewers the way he acts, he blatantly lies too and has been caught out on several occasions but does he care? absolutely not, he’ll still carry on safe in the knowledge that his job is guaranteed and secure, no matter what he does or says, as long as he wants it. That’s why he can act like a big daft tosser and get away with it.

'Big daft tosser' haaaaaa :mysmilie_19:

Something my Grandad would have probably said Haaaaa. Love it
QVC presentations are getting so bad it’s like one long comedy show. The other day I switched on to QVC and there was Julia. I quickly pressed mute because i didn’t want to listen to her and watched her actions and it was hilarious. Gurning, coquettish glances at the camera, hair flicking......... Try it, it’s really funny and shows how ridiculous they have become.

The only way I now watch, unless looking for something mentioned on here.
She's not too bad for me - my 'worsts' are CS & Kramer....Bleurghhhh.

As someone who has watched the Q since day dot, not every day I hasten to add, I can't pinpoint when I started to dislike certain presenters. However, there aren't many who have irritated me as quickly as Ms Kramer; I can't stand her & the way she used her daughter's time in hospital as a selling opportunity was disgusting. I find her extremely arrogant & having seen her on 'real' tv, & heard her political views, I also think she's a phony for working for a company whose only concern is making a profit.
I see that Will Iam nothing much has been promoted from AY lap dog to a main presenter for a fashion hour on the main channel. WTF - he’s a bit of a **** as a lapdog so I can’t see myself watching him on fashion.

A replacement for Jill F maybe? I see Arsebook speculation that she has left
As someone who has watched the Q since day dot, not every day I hasten to add, I can't pinpoint when I started to dislike certain presenters. However, there aren't many who have irritated me as quickly as Ms Kramer; I can't stand her & the way she used her daughter's time in hospital as a selling opportunity was disgusting. I find her extremely arrogant & having seen her on 'real' tv, & heard her political views, I also think she's a phony for working for a company whose only concern is making a profit.

Since their Easter holiday away to Mexico without their young children, they have had another holiday away end of May this time to Italy. Don’t know why people have children if when their growing up, they continually leave them with others.

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