Just what a thing to say !!!!


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Catherine doesn't know why she said it and was appalled at hearing it coming from her own mouth! She's desperately upset about it and has posted a sincere apology on her Twitter page.

Whether you are a fan of Catherine Huntley's or not doesn't really matter, the truth is Catherine is a genuine, caring human being and no one is more upset about this mistake than Catherine herself so please stop and think for a minute.......sometimes, during any live television programme things are said that are not meant; but in the hectic rush of a studio plus wearing an ear piece, which means a lot of yelling from more than one person is going on in your ear as you are trying to string a sentence together; means that it's a nightmare trying to think straight let alone trying to talk over the chaos. How would you cope? I know I wouldn't!

Before you jump on me and start the....oh but why should I feel sorry for her, it's a cushy job and a lot of people have to deal with stressful jobs.....yes they do, but not many of them have their mistakes viewed by; or are made in front of millions of viewers making it impossible to make a comparison.

I've lost count of the number of times I have opened my mouth only to hear words come out that are the total opposite of what I meant! Who hasn't?! I'm only too glad that my mistakes aren't made in front of such a large audience!

So can we please just cut Catherine some slack on this. She didn't mean what she said and has apologised. So please, can we move on now?

Leave Catherine alone!!!!!!! or I will take a flame thrower to this place and annhilate the lot of you.

I like Catherine,yes I do...so there.:tongue2:

And....I know Catherine as well as you can actually know someone who you don't actually know(wrap your head round that one)..and with this supreme knowledge of mine I can tell you she'll be beating herself up far harder than any of us could,so our comments are surplus to requirements.

And really? in the grand archive of effed up things i've heard QVC presenters say over the years,this wouldn't even scrape into the the top 50,so let's just put this one down to a momentary brain fart on Catherine's part,I don't believe there was anything malicious meant.

By the way the last time Catherine came up in a thread I posed the question of whether she was dating the CEO of of QVC whose name is Steve(summat?),I believe her new man is named Steve,can anyone confirm or deny?

We've now had two people storm in and defend Huntley to the hilt. Tolly is no surprise as he obviously works for QVC and charges in on his white horse everytime the fair damsel is crticised, although he also finds time to post criticism about IW whenever he can get the boot in, so blatant it's laughable.

BenFongTorres I suspect also has past connections with QVC and is quite entitled to his opinion (as we all are), but it's interesting that he raises the point of who Huntley, allegedly, might be dating at QVC?? If that is the case and it has been gleaned from inside information at Marco Polo House then it's no wonder the airhead thinks she's the bees knees, although shagging the boss doesn't demonstrate 'having made it' to me I'm afraid. Sometime these little titbits of info that these 'in the know' members drop on here can backfire and actually do the presenters' image more harm than good when posted on such a widely read public forum.....maybe something for the defenders of the faith to think about?? :rolleyes: :pPC:
Well, I forgive Catherine, I've always quite liked her as a presenter, she comes across as a bit of a sweetie imo. However, on what she said, the remark was somewhat inappropriate for television...I mean let's face it, I'm sure loads of us have said at some stage in their life "I look like a down and out", "tramp" or whatever without even raising an eyebrow with anybody. On a tv channel that is selling luxury goods and promoting the luxury lifestyle, then a little throwaway comment like that will come across as being really crass. I don't think we should beat the poor woman up about it though, good point made earlier though, if she was that embarrassed about her footwear, then she shouldn't have worn them, or at least not draw attention to it!
Perhaps QVC should incorporate something in their training, that presenters really need to be careful when ad-libbing, I'm sure they already do, but perhaps a little "refresher" training may be called for!
Thats nothing, I heard Julia say slave driver on air just the other day!

Did anyone else hear it? I think it was during the Laura Geller show on Tuesday 6 Oct at 5pm.

I thought that would have caused a stir.....
Well, I forgive Catherine, I've always quite liked her as a presenter, she comes across as a bit of a sweetie imo. However, on what she said, the remark was somewhat inappropriate for television...I mean let's face it, I'm sure loads of us have said at some stage in their life "I look like a down and out", "tramp" or whatever without even raising an eyebrow with anybody. On a tv channel that is selling luxury goods and promoting the luxury lifestyle, then a little throwaway comment like that will come across as being really crass. I don't think we should beat the poor woman up about it though, good point made earlier though, if she was that embarrassed about her footwear, then she shouldn't have worn them, or at least not draw attention to it!
Perhaps QVC should incorporate something in their training, that presenters really need to be careful when ad-libbing, I'm sure they already do, but perhaps a little "refresher" training may be called for![/QUOTE]

A course entitled "It's Less About The Sales Person And More About The Products They Are Selling," would be a good refresher.

Thats nothing, I heard Julia say slave driver on air just the other day!

Did anyone else hear it? I think it was during the Laura Geller show on Tuesday 6 Oct at 5pm.

I thought that would have caused a stir.....
Why? There's absolutely nothing within that expression that, either explicitly or implicitly, condones slavery. Quite the reverse, I would have thought.
I felt sorry for the person she said she'd borrowed them from, I'm sure they will think twice next time after having their shoes described as really awful.
The strange thing about it was there didn't look anything wrong with the shoes.

They didn't even look dirty which would have been more of a mistake I would have thought.

More importantly there's plenty of people in this world walking miles barefoot as they can't afford food let alone footwear.

I'm sure they would be a very welcomed donation in the containers outside supermarkets for those needing footwear.

Why? There's absolutely nothing within that expression that, either explicitly or implicitly, condones slavery. Quite the reverse, I would have thought.

The reason I think the 'slave driver' phrase is in bad taste is this - the disparity between the drivers of the real slave trade and a make up artist asking the team to work hard is so vast that it trivialises the slave trade.

I know Julia didn't mean to offend and 'slave driver' is a common turn of phrase (if a little dated). This is not intended to slag off Julia.

Nevertheless, I would have thought that a flippant comparison to the slave trade is quite obviously in bad taste. I'm sure I am not the only person who thinks this.

This board was quick to pick Catherine up her poor taste remark, I just wondered if anyone else noticed Julia's?
I think your remarks about 'old people' are in poor taste but then we are all entitled to express an opinion.

That's an example of me being gobsmackingly ageist but not really seeing it that way when I said it I guess. :0

I apologise unreservedly if I have upset you.

It was a bad example of different things being socially acceptable in different social circles and not meant maliciously.

Catherine would probably describe what she said as "a figure of speech" and be as mortified as I am that she has upset anyone.
Perhaps CH would do well to take the time, to think, before opening her mouth. She is ON AIR and if she thought for one moment she would not need to apologise afterwards. IMO the comment is still totally un called for!
All this politically correctness really annoys me. At this moment in time I am at home doing housework and in my opinion I look like a real 'dosser' a few years ago I would have used the word 'tramp' and these words are used in everyday speech in this country and if you haven't heard them you have your head in the sand. Most people who use these types of words or phrases mean no offence to anyone and as some people have said a simple case of someone making a slip on air is surely no big deal and I don't know what all the fuss is about.
All this politically correctness really annoys me. At this moment in time I am at home doing housework and in my opinion I look like a real 'dosser' a few years ago I would have used the word 'tramp' and these words are used in everyday speech in this country and if you haven't heard them you have your head in the sand. Most people who use these types of words or phrases mean no offence to anyone and as some people have said a simple case of someone making a slip on air is surely no big deal and I don't know what all the fuss is about.

The fuss in my case wasn't a tiny slip of an odd word in mistake such as you say.
But a really strange totally unrequired constructed explanation of how dire her shoes were.

Hope that helps

All this politically correctness really annoys me. At this moment in time I am at home doing housework and in my opinion I look like a real 'dosser' a few years ago I would have used the word 'tramp' and these words are used in everyday speech in this country and if you haven't heard them you have your head in the sand. Most people who use these types of words or phrases mean no offence to anyone and as some people have said a simple case of someone making a slip on air is surely no big deal and I don't know what all the fuss is about.

I think it's all very well saying we use these sort of phrases at home and mean no harm to anybody, and I'm sure she meant no harm either but there is a difference here and that is the fact that she is on television and has the potential to reach out to millions of people, many of whom can and will take offence, I'm sure. I just think a degree of tact is needed.
Apologies haven't read all this thread - and didn't hear the comment.

Saw the shoes though and they did look awful - why wouldn't she put just a pair of birki's on?
That annoys me too Snuffles.. Many of them have horses (Alyson, Kathy, Claire etc), 2nd homes, many holidays.. I know that its me just being envious.. But these people live in a different world compared to many.. & it just pi$$es me off sometimes how casually they go on about what they've got - some of them are just very over indulged & spoilt wives..
Ok, got to go now - cleaning the horses out tonight :giggle:

I don't mind them talking about things like that but it's how they talk about them that can be annoying. When Jill Franks and Alexis were talking about having their own bathrooms it came across to me that they thought it would be awful to live like I do (I don't have my own bathroom) and that left me feeling quite alienated.
We've now had two people storm in and defend Huntley to the hilt. Tolly is no surprise as he obviously works for QVC and charges in on his white horse everytime the fair damsel is crticised, although he also finds time to post criticism about IW whenever he can get the boot in, so blatant it's laughable.

BenFongTorres I suspect also has past connections with QVC and is quite entitled to his opinion (as we all are), but it's interesting that he raises the point of who Huntley, allegedly, might be dating at QVC?? If that is the case and it has been gleaned from inside information at Marco Polo House then it's no wonder the airhead thinks she's the bees knees, although shagging the boss doesn't demonstrate 'having made it' to me I'm afraid. Sometime these little titbits of info that these 'in the know' members drop on here can backfire and actually do the presenters' image more harm than good when posted on such a widely read public forum.....maybe something for the defenders of the faith to think about?? :rolleyes: :pPC:

How do you know that PPC?
I don't know it Topaz and I didn't say that, my post is based on assumptions made from what these members have posted themselves, they can always confirm or deny. :pPC:
some information

I don't mind them talking about things like that but it's how they talk about them that can be annoying. When Jill Franks and Alexis were talking about having their own bathrooms it came across to me that they thought it would be awful to live like I do (I don't have my own bathroom) and that left me feeling quite alienated.

Talking of bathrooms didn't you know Claire's having wall mounted loo's in her new home. :cheeky:
Talking of bathrooms didn't you know Claire's having wall mounted loo's in her new home. :cheeky:

As long as she doesn't say how awful it would be to have a normal loo then I'm very happy for her!

I like her as she's always cheerful and having a child with Downs must be difficult at times.

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