Just how annoying is she on a scale of 1 to 10??


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Fruity stay with us please! We all get bad days and get upset about things...Did paupy come back - he thought he'd been deleted...shame if he goes off as well...

Best thing with any sort of spammer or troll is to ignore them - they aren't likely to keep it up for long if they don't get a reaction. Probably the 15 yr old just wanted to act daft anyway, but they'd have got bored before long...

I find it strange they managed to get back on under a different name, because I got banned once (for not very much I can assure you!) from the forum of a well-known newspaper (as did a lot of others who then started their own site...), but when I tried to log back in with a different username and e-mail address (albeit from the same computer), I couldn't, so I don't know how that works...

Anyway, alls well that ends well - hope to see everyone back in Chat! :1:
LMAO thats so funny. Not for mum i'm sure (wonder how she found out lol) but well, you've gotta laugh. Bliddy kids, drive yer mad

I beleive CS contacted mum when they realised the 'irritating one' was posting from same IP address! hehe


Bans etc depends on whether it is an IP or the user name that gets banned. Totally depends on which site is banning etc etc.
This thread makes no sense to me as I never really go on Rocks Chat so don't know who you mean.

But it does sound like they are just plain mean spirited from what I can make out.

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