Julia's Hair


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Give the poor woman a break. If it's not her weight it's some other part of her anatomy. What about Fiona from Decleor's hair. Her fringe is in her eyes.
love JR but the hair does look crap.

fiona is another keeley = well past the sell by date. if we're going to be forced to listed to sh*te at least change the person spouting it.
Julias Hair

I dont think that I am a particular picky person but I have just realised that I must be wasting my money buying eye creams and gels from QVC. I do need them, as I tend to get bags under my eyes, but looking at Julia tonight, I know that I have no chance on improving my looks, she not only has the pick of any creams that QVC sells but more than likely has a make up artist to help her and yet she still has worse bags than mine!!
I dont think that I am a particular picky person but I have just realised that I must be wasting my money buying eye creams and gels from QVC. I do need them, as I tend to get bags under my eyes, but looking at Julia tonight, I know that I have no chance on improving my looks, she not only has the pick of any creams that QVC sells but more than likely has a make up artist to help her and yet she still has worse bags than mine!!

Halleluya !!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, someone that agrees JR isnt fab ( oh leave the poor woman alone...)
exactly, all the producs on offer re hair etc, and hers looks lank, greasy and totally awful, my other half looks glam compared to her, ( and I dare anyone to send pics before saying adverse comments), we went to QVC on a jewellry day and she got fab comments from all inc AK.......photos to prove it hehe
Halleluya !!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, someone that agrees JR isnt fab ( oh leave the poor woman alone...)
exactly, all the producs on offer re hair etc, and hers looks lank, greasy and totally awful, my other half looks glam compared to her, ( and I dare anyone to send pics before saying adverse comments), we went to QVC on a jewellry day and she got fab comments from all inc AK.......photos to prove it hehe

I have to disagree with you (both). It seems like half the threads on here seem to be criticising Julia's hair, weight, eyebags, son, daughter, shoes, I wish I had hair like hers, a good job, a lovely family etc.
I have to disagree with you (both). It seems like half the threads on here seem to be criticising Julia's hair, weight, eyebags, son, daughter, shoes, I wish I had hair like hers, a good job, a lovely family etc.

Julia isn't the only presenter that cops for it - although the majority of jibes are aimed at her. It's funny how we (or at least some of us) have different standards for those we see on tv than for the rest of the population whilst also wanting not to be judged on looks our/them selves! I've never understood why people insist on sniping at other people's looks/personality etc. If they can do the job (which Julia clearly can) then what's the problem if you think she's having an 'off' day? I thought we all had those ...
Seriously, with some of the things that some forum members say about Julia and the other presenters, I'm surprised any of them ever want to leave their own front gardens!
I have days when I feel quite upbeat about the way I look and other days when I feel I look washed out and my hair just won't do anything. It is sod's law that the former is often when I have nowhere to go and the latter is when I want to look my best.
It isn't easy looking good under the studio lights for sometimes hours at a time. I take the point that she has many lotions and potions available to her, as well as hair products but if she is menopausal, (and given her age, I'd be surprised if she wasn't) it is so difficult to fight hormones.
She is not my favourite presenter by any means but give her a break, she doesn't deserve this.
I think she attracts so much flack because of her previous insistence on being a size small when she patently was not,( though she has lost weight now) and her pushing of her family, in whom I personally am not interested.
I can only come to the conclusion that Julia elicits more than a tad of jealousy in some people. She's not my favourite presenter, but she is a good one. She's undeniably attractive but sometimes annoying. For any faults she has, I don't think they warrant the amount of flak she gets, especially where her looks are concerned. As I said on a previous thread, at the moment I think she looks a little unwell, (I hope she isn't) but that aside I think she's a lovely looking woman who doesn't look her age. Eyebags are genetic and no amount of creams are going to get rid of them. Any potion or lotion that claims to is misleading.
Considering she is talking to Alison re Hairfix products, she could have made an effort to look good and cover the parting with obvious root problem ......:cheeky:

I noticed a week or two ago on a Butler and Wilson show, that Julia tried on a hair clip and the camera went in for a close up and then cut away really quickly when it was obvious that her lighter coloured roots were showing.

It does seem odd that she still hasn't had her roots done as she usually seems to get her hair coloured regularly. I do wonder if she is not feeling 100% at the minute
Caught part of the Beauty Awards thing last night.

First thought, Julia looks fine for a woman in her mid fifties. I was expecting someone on death's door person from other threads.

Then I thought, oh what is with her hair parting? Seems like she is letting the grey through. They just watched for awhile to what she was trying to sell.
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Well she's not the only one who dyes her hair is she and it would be unusual not to want to at that age, but the style could be much more flattering if it was shorter. Talking of roots showing through and going off at a tangent I saw Claire presenting some jewellery the other day and her dark roots were showing, uhm and I always thought she was a natural blond. :wait:
I think this "Julia" thing's getting a bit much tbh. Ok, I understand that some posters might be worried that she's unwell, but possibly as she has been dieting recently and has lost quite a bit of weight, we covered this conversation in that thread, saying how weight loss in women of a certain age doesn't always do someone a lot of favours. Having said that, if she's happy and feels good in herself..then good on her!

As for her eyebags, well as we all pretty much suspect, these overpriced lotions and potions don't do what they'd want us to believe, it's not Julia's fault, it's called the aging process! But I guess it is quite funny when a presenter with obvious signs of aging sits there saying how they swear by this product 'cause it gets rid of wrinkles and eyebags...remember they're getting paid for this, so the joke's on the foolish consumer who'll part with astronomical amounts of money 'cause they believe these products are gonna turn back time! Or, indeed the companies flogging them when sales are being lost in their droves 'cause the presenter is showing that they obviously don't do what they say on the tin!!!!!

So her roots need a bit of a touch up, oh well, I'm sure she'll get around to it, she may well have a few more important things on her mind at the minute ....who knows?!

I'm not a fan of Julia, but having said that, I think she looks fab for her age!
Well she's not the only one who dyes her hair is she and it would be unusual not to want to at that age, but the style could be much more flattering if it was shorter. Talking of roots showing through and going off at a tangent I saw Claire presenting some jewellery the other day and her dark roots were showing, uhm and I always thought she was a natural blond. :wait:

Given the high number of blonde women you see on the street and the very few blonde little girls you see I've long assumed that most blondes are fakers (I've done it myself before now!). I've actually heard Claire say many times that she is a natural brunette - and even refer to her 'pretend' hair colour. Actually when there was a Ken Paves hairpiece show a couple of months ago she made quite a big thing of trying on a wig in her natural brunetter colour. When she first started at QVC her hair was much more coppery.
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Oh thanks Nicky I didn't know that, probably cos I don't watch her very often as the stoopid baby voice drives me nuts. :mysmilie_13:
Give the poor woman a break. If it's not her weight it's some other part of her anatomy. What about Fiona from Decleor's hair. Her fringe is in her eyes.

Fiona's flogging skincare though not hair care so to me her hair isn't as relevant as she's not claiming to have used some fab hair products. I did wonder if her fringe hides wrinkles on her forehead though.

Personally I thought the condition of Julia's hair didn't look as good as it generally does.
Fiona's flogging skincare though not hair care so to me her hair isn't as relevant as she's not claiming to have used some fab hair products. I did wonder if her fringe hides wrinkles on her forehead though.

Personally I thought the condition of Julia's hair didn't look as good as it generally does.

I think if you are on telly the least you can do is make yourself look presentable and in my opinion Fiona's hair looked untidy. I couln't concentrate at what she was gabbling on about as I was worried whether she could see or not.:emo:
I also found Fiona's fringe was distracting. She is hiding half of her face with it. You need to see someone's eyes when you look at them, and we couldn't see her's at all.
maybe she's too scared to change her hair style after having your hair a certain way for so long you get scared to give yourself a change i know personally been a fake blonde for yrs and recently gone back to my more natural brown took me while to get used to but love it now it does you good a change she don't need to go drastic maybe just a bit shorter. another one who could do with a change jilly i like her but she could do with a revamp hair wise

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