Julia's Book


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I would send it back when you have read it and get your money back.

Ha, no I will pass it on probably, My sister might want it. I don't get the purpose of the book. It may have been good as a writing exercise for Julia but its quite boring for the reader and as I say, its very tame. I don't know what I was expecting, no revelations about sex or anything but there are no juicy bits, no titbits on qvc or anything. No mention of fellow presenters or anything like that and no discussion of her personal life. Which seems strange in a book about her life.
Just done a few more 'lengths' and my overall opinion is despite her health problems, Julia's life has been overwhelmingly one of privilege.
Just done a few more 'lengths' and my overall opinion is despite her health problems, Julia's life has been overwhelmingly one of privilege.

Would you recommend this purchase Tri?

I remember someone did an astrological chart of JR some years ago. I remember reading that she has some planetary aspects which denote she is quite a motherly (albeit slightly condescending) "listen to me, I know" personality. It was said her pluto in Leo marked self expression to an obsessive level, having a personal need to be seen, noticed and remembered! Maybe there is a slight truth in this.

Do you know if there is a charitable donation percentage to book sale? If so, I might purchase
I think some money was going towards polio charity.

That's nice. As for recommending the book, Im not sure. I have a few lengths to go and as I say, thus far, there has been little written about qvc or Julias personal life and thoughts. I was always nosily,curious as to why she had never married for instance, and thought maybe that was divulged here but there is nothing like that here. Its safe for the vicars wife to read. we are not talking Fifty shades here. Hundred and one lengths more like!
Just had a look at the reviews on Julia's Book, seems like its getting a few more one star reviews lately, 6 in total and and average of 4.3 atm, however the latest review i found very interesting almost as if its from either her number 1 fan or close friend or family member of julias here it is.

What a fantastic opportunity to take a look into the real life of Julia Roberts! I have watched Julia for many years and although we see and hear glimpses of her personal life, I have always been intrigued to know more. This book reveals the trials and tribulations that she has faced in her life which many people can relate to and it is truly inspiring.
Finally, I always have a look at reviews on the QVC website before I order products and have to say that I was ASTOUNDED that there are any one star reviews! What on earth would you expect from a book about Julia Roberts? Having seen the presentation on air, it is clearly explained about the non-chronological format and clearly the content is going to be about her life! My advice: If you have no interest in finding out about the incredible journey of Julia's life so far...don't pick up the book! Simple!"
Interesting review there Autumn but what a load of codswallop! Trials and tribulations? Goodness me, we're all faced with them at some point in our lives but thank goodness we all don't choose to air them in a book. At the end of the day everyone's problems are as big or small as they want them to be but that's personal to them and I, for one, wouldn't expect others to be interested in what I've had to shoulder and endure.

As for incredible journey......well, perhaps it's best I don't comment especially as I've nearly spit my much needed spritzer over the keyboard! :mysmilie_11:
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Dont PICK up the book ? surely it should read Don't BUY the book.

I wonder what her family thought of the book. If anything like my family, they would roll their eyes and say "here she goes again, Julia being Julia "
Everyone's life is a journey.

Too true Lynn but I still fail to understand why a game show assistant/shopping channel presenter felt the need to publish her own! To me, something incredible is the likes of Simon Weston's journey (Falklands War) with everything he had to endure to get his life back on track. Of course, there are many more but I just chose him as an example because to me he is one remarkable human being.
Have just read some of the reviews, and one word crops up again and again........its... INSPIRATION (to us all)

er WHY ? Sorry, but I think 'inspiration' is banded about far too much. People like Florence Nightingale, Madame Curie, Alexander Fleming, Simon Weston are inspirational, well to me anyway, a personal choice I know, but 'inspirational' is the last thing I would adhere to Julia.
Busy Lizzie I cant believe this......... you and I BOTH referred to Simon Weston without seeing it. Spooky or what ?
Busy Lizzie I cant believe this......... you and I BOTH referred to Simon Weston without seeing it. Spooky or what ?

Now, he's the true meaning of inspirational isn't he? He could so easily have given up the fight and I just can't begin to imagine the horrendous pain and suffering he went through in order to return to as normal a life as possible due to his injuries. As I said earlier, his is just one example of an "incredible journey" and there is absolutely no comparison between that and a game show assistant come shopping telly presenter!
The review mentioned above sounds like its been written by an experienced writer. For gods sake how on earth is an ex tap dancer turned saleswoman 'inspirational'. She has a big ego and assumes everyone loves her as much as she loves herself.
Another 1 star review for Julia's book, she will not be happy now down to an average of 4.2, heres the latest review

"I was so looking forward to reading this book but found it to be a big disappointment.
For me there was far to much cross referencing with constant reminders of chapter numbers, past and future, that I found extremely irritating. I also found the chapters difficult to follow because of the way the author used each chapter number and its significance to her, some of which I found totally uninteresting , such as a whole chapter of 5 pages on Crystal Palace football club!! and Chapter 95, the humidity in Hong Kong was 95%!! Chapter 85, the temperature in April in the Maldives is around 85 degrees and so on. In addition there was a fair bit of self praising of the author's own personal achievements but not of any real great interest to me as the reader of the book.
I would say this book may be as others have said already, interesting to the author's family but that's about all.
Sadly it will now gather dust on a bookshelf ."
Another 1 star review for Julia's book, she will not be happy now down to an average of 4.2, heres the latest review

"I was so looking forward to reading this book but found it to be a big disappointment.
For me there was far to much cross referencing with constant reminders of chapter numbers, past and future, that I found extremely irritating. I also found the chapters difficult to follow because of the way the author used each chapter number and its significance to her, some of which I found totally uninteresting , such as a whole chapter of 5 pages on Crystal Palace football club!! and Chapter 95, the humidity in Hong Kong was 95%!! Chapter 85, the temperature in April in the Maldives is around 85 degrees and so on. In addition there was a fair bit of self praising of the author's own personal achievements but not of any real great interest to me as the reader of the book.
I would say this book may be as others have said already, interesting to the author's family but that's about all.
Sadly it will now gather dust on a bookshelf ."

Send it back!!
Could be useful to level up some furniture if necessary - might need to tear a few pages out which could then be used to light the fire! :smirk:

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