I've been watching Julia's face, specifically her eye bags, for a long time.
I suspected that like me, she had a sensitivity to sulphates. Persistent use of something you are sensitive to can do damage & in my case sulphates wrecked the skin around my eyes, gave me huge eye bags and caused significant hair loss all over my body. Most people put such deterioration down to ageing and most of the time that is the cause, but it some rare cases it seems to speed up the process. According to a specialist I saw, the damage had kicked in quite a long time ago. He could tell by the thickness of my lids, my body's response to what was in a sense poisoning me and no cream created was going to reverse the damage. Keeping well away from sulphates would halt it, but only more invasive treatment could reverse it.
At one point I considered writing to Julia & suggesting she might want to investigate the possibility that something she was using was exacerbating the appearance of her eye bags, but as soon as the thought flashed in my mind, I decided that that would be too personal.
When Lulu made a comment about a presenter and eye bags when she was flogging her eye cream range, Alison Young said that Julia had a problem with sulphates so she knew already.
I would say be careful with what you use. Some anti-ageing potions are very powerful.
One of the authors of 'The Beauty Bible', either Jo Fairley or Sarah Stacey - can't remember which one sorry - puts her sensitivity down to using all the lotions & potions she has been given over the years to test/sample.
Natural skin care ranges can also be problematic.