Julia Robert's Weightloss


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I agree long hair ages older women, as it lengthens the face.

I am not obsessed with Julia's ****s....it is just that she was obsessed with them once and probably used them to gain attention, sell products etc..now Jill Franks has larger ones!!

I do disagree and think that she lost this weight in an attempt to keep up with the 'younger ones' and for fashion items like skinny jeans.
How on earth can anyone state the reason for Julia wanting to lose weight?:thinking:

Only Julia knows the real reason and if she feels better for it then that is all that matters.

She may not be my favourite presenter but it seems to me that the woman cannot win........too busty,too skinny,too flirty,too restrained etc etc

I have seen posts alluding to her sparrow legs and podgy tum,even after her weightloss.....well that suggests that she is of the 'apple' body shape (like me) unfortunately the worst body shape to be as you store the excess fat around the middle just where your vital organs live!!
So if we are playing the guessing game as to her reasons my guess would be health :wink:
I have met people in their 30's who look like they're 60 and peeps in their 50's who barely look 40.........whatever they look like is immaterial though.......a tosser is still a tosser regardless of how good they look!:smirk:

Julia looks absolutely fine imho,there are a great many of us who would be thankful to look just as good at her age.If she is happy,her partner is happy and she is healthy then what more could you ask for.

As for selling beauty products.......I would rather see them on a real looking woman than a smooth faced model that I am never likely to look anything like again(or haven't indeed for many years truth be told)

Live and let live
I find it so sad that in 2011 a woman is still assumed " to use her ****'s to sell things as she struck them out deliberately" not her knowledge or expertise, but "flirted" with males guests to get a sale. When I grew up I was hoping that this would be a thing of the past
Yes thankyou WR, we can all copy text from an online dictionary :rolleyes: but a lot of people use the word 'offend' in a generic way and totally out of context to it's true meaning, and that is the point (I think) that Brissles was making.
I actually though the post explained very well that the word offend was not taken out of context as the other post seemed to suggest. Even Skakespeare used the word to discribe an item of clothing as offending in one of his plays.
I agree long hair ages older women, as it lengthens the face.

I am not obsessed with Julia's ****s....it is just that she was obsessed with them once and probably used them to gain attention, sell products etc..now Jill Franks has larger ones!!

I do disagree and think that she lost this weight in an attempt to keep up with the 'younger ones' and for fashion items like skinny jeans.

How do you know JR was obsessed with her own ****s. If you've got it flaunt it I say. Wearing low tops does not mean one is obsessed with their ****s. I personally don't think low tops are suitable all the time, especially when presenting but see nothing wrong with showing a bit of cleavage now and again.

I am not sure why you are comparing the size of presenters attributes. Would you compare the size of Julians bottom to that of Craigs? Does it really matter who's are bigger or smaller.

As has been said before on this thread you cannot know why she has lost weight. It could be any number of reasons.
I have to say,I don't think she has lost much (any) weight from her chest - from my own personal experience,when I have had the odd moments of dramatic weightloss,my (ample) chest is the first thing that goes and obviously so.I did actually have a ponder in one show or another why her chest hadn't gone?

Like someone has commented I don't agree with some of what she wears - but she obviously enjoys being a smaller size - so why shouldn't she enjoy it?

The only thing I'd wish she be, a bit more honest about,is how she really lost it.First it was just diet chef,then diet chef with a little bit of power walking on her machine,then those two with pilates,now more recently I've heard about the gym also.I think the reality of it is,is JR is literally flogging herself to maintain this size - I know I've done it in the past with daily gym,daily swim and very little food................but,boy,is it tough.Maybe thats why shes as proud as punch of her size,because OMG,its killing her to get there.

That said,I wish her every success,she obviously a very strong,determined character.I'd love to have lost all that weight and have some will power!!!!
I thought the Julia looked beautiful when she presented the B & W hour last night. She was wearing a green dress and it really suited her. Fast forward to the Nina Leonard hour and she looked less lovely; may have been the colour she was wearing but I am starting to wonder if the lighting changes from set to set and if that is what causes the presenters to look different in different shows. Just a thought.
I think Julia looks pretty damned good most of the time. She does get it wrong sometimes but then don't we all. I do think there is a price to be paid in the face for losing weight elsewhere. A layer of fat around the face is more youthful. And to be fair to her even though she has lost weight in her face she's an attractive woman and that hasn't changed.

I think these days she looks like a woman in her fifties but she is so what's the problem with that. She hasn't gone under the knife and her weight loss and maintenance is down to flipping hard work.

If she's happy then that's really what matters.
i may be old fashioned but i must admit that i love flaunting my ****s and i def. use them to get what i want from my husband (i find he doesnt manage to count the shopping bags if i flaunt a bit of cleavage) :happy:
As you know I am not one who comments on Miss Piggy a lot :angel:</SPAN> but here are my own subjective and constructive observations of her recent, famous weight loss:-</SPAN>

1) Agree her weight loss is commendable
2) Agree she is an attractive woman for her age and even more vain and full of herself (sycophants & worshippers can say confident) since aforesaid weight loss

1) Aforesaid weight loss has aged the old fizzog alarmingly quickly

2) Commendable weight loss has resulted in crepey upper underarms which need to be covered and not waved about in front of camera because chicken skin just isn't a good look

3) Aforesaid weight loss has made eye bags look more pronounced, they could be genetic and there's probably nothing she can do about them, but they are definitely more noticeable in a thinner, I mean smaller face

4) Aforesaid weight loss has made Queenie’s sparrow legs look even more out of proportion to her still rotund middle and accentuated the Max Wall look – again not a good one

There, I've been really nice and constructive in this thread. :devil:
As you know I am not one who comments on Miss Piggy a lot :angel:</SPAN> but here are my own subjective and constructive observations of her recent, famous weight loss:-</SPAN>

1) Agree her weight loss is commendable
2) Agree she is an attractive woman for her age and even more vain and full of herself (sycophants & worshippers can say confident) since aforesaid weight loss

1) Aforesaid weight loss has aged the old fizzog alarmingly quickly

2) Commendable weight loss has resulted in crepey upper underarms which need to be covered and not waved about in front of camera because chicken skin just isn't a good look

3) Aforesaid weight loss has made eye bags look more pronounced, they could be genetic and there's probably nothing she can do about them, but they are definitely more noticeable in a thinner, I mean smaller face

4) Aforesaid weight loss has made Queenie’s sparrow legs look even more out of proportion to her still rotund middle and accentuated the Max Wall look – again not a good one

There, I've been really nice and constructive in this thread. :devil:

1. I agree! isnt she fab?

2. Sycophants and worshippers... that'll be me! :hi:

1. i think she looks younger than ever!
2. i'd like to see the average 54 year olds bingos. i bet theyre normally sweeping the carpet. By the way isnt it like AMAZING that us men dont get bingo wings or cellulite? :clapping:
3. she's been busy writing her book. she's tired.
4. but dont you love the fact that youve never seen her in a long shot when she hasnt been pointing that foot? its all about extension. julia knows this, and this is why she is brilliant.

Wow PPC i didnt realise we agreed on so much! :rock:
Hi all

PP I agree with you observations in the main but they are a bit blunt! Made me laugh, I still like JR!
As I said in my earlier post, I've gone from a size 16 to a 10 in 3 months. To be honest it wasn't at all difficult. My parents are both very slim so I'm programmed to be that way. I had just got lazy and was eating too much of the 'wrong' food. I did it because I saw myself in a shop window and didn't like what came back at me, not because someone told me I needed to lose weight. I don't go around broadcasting the fact I've lost weight, in fact I get embarrassed when people comment because it's no big deal. Julia is a size small - so what? Give her a medal if she wants one, but she needs to stop craving pats on the back.
As I said in my earlier post, I've gone from a size 16 to a 10 in 3 months. To be honest it wasn't at all difficult. My parents are both very slim so I'm programmed to be that way. I had just got lazy and was eating too much of the 'wrong' food. I did it because I saw myself in a shop window and didn't like what came back at me, not because someone told me I needed to lose weight. I don't go around broadcasting the fact I've lost weight, in fact I get embarrassed when people comment because it's no big deal. Julia is a size small - so what? Give her a medal if she wants one, but she needs to stop craving pats on the back.

who said she was? the only people going on about it are you lot. JR has ALWAYS said "I'm a small" nothings changed there. you lot are totally obsessed by every tiny aspect of the woman's appearance. i think it says more about you - collectively - than her.

so much for the sisterhood eh?
1. I agree! isnt she fab?
No :tongue:

2. Sycophants and worshippers... that'll be me! :hi:
If you say so hon :devil:

1. i think she looks younger than ever!
Shoulda gone to Specsavers babe :smirk:

2. i'd like to see the average 54 year olds bingos. i bet theyre normally sweeping the carpet. By the way isnt it like AMAZING that us men dont get bingo wings or cellulite? :clapping:
I don't have bingos and I've never exercised in me life, and I don't have chicken skin either. :angel:
Men just get.....impotent

3. she's been busy writing her book. she's tired.
She's haggard :sun:

4. but dont you love the fact that youve never seen her in a long shot when she hasnt been pointing that foot? its all about extension. julia knows this, and this is why she is brilliant.
It's all about flinging em wide open you mean *parp*:mysmilie_847:

Wow PPC i didnt realise we agreed on so much! :rock:

We don't, but I luvs ya anyway :mysmilie_857:
Cant read this thread anymore

Sorry cant read this thread anymore why do we have to be so nasty to each other all the time. Thats me never coming back to this site anymore............... its depressing.
Sorry cant read this thread anymore why do we have to be so nasty to each other all the time. Thats me never coming back to this site anymore............... its depressing.

sorry that you are going but i really dont understand why you are taking any of this so seriously. at the end of the day it is a forum and everything here can be taken however you choose to take it.
i have read this thread mostly as banter and gossipy comment purely based on the fact that the odds are that most of the people who have commented dont really care. they are not JR nor a friend or family family member so it isnt really important to them.
dont think i am having a pop (dare i say offended? lol) but if a thread like this can upset and depress you enough to put you off a site then the internet is not the place for you. real life is serious enough without taking cyberspace so seriously

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