Julia Robert's racist comment


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Jude xx

PS I'm just about to post an Irish-Blonde joke in the drop....no offence!

Just read your joke Jude and I have to say it would be better in this thread so that some people could have a laugh and LIGHTEN UP. :mysmilie_62:
I don't know whether JRs comment was meant to be racist or not (IMO not), but she should realise that what she said may have caused offence or upset so some people, and I was brought up believing that if you upset someone intentionally or not, you should apologise...and mean it. She has her presenter blog to air an apology personally, I think that would be the right thing to do.
Frankly having read this whole thread I'm finding posters being told they should 'lighten up' as offensive as the original comment! Of course sometimes people can be over sensitive and take offence where it genuinely isn't intended but it's up to each person to decide if they are offended or not. Being offended by something that doesn't offend others doesn't make the offended party wrong/too serious! Good for you if you're not offended but please don't demean offence felt by others!

I personally am not impressed by what Julia said (I'm Irish). Had I not heard similar comments for the 10 years I've lived in the UK maybe I'd have brushed it off but people need to learn it's not cool to make comments like this to the general public. My husband slags me off occasionally for being Irish and a closet blonde (I'm a red head....not ginger, a red head!) but from him it's done with affection and he'd never say anything to my family or any Irish friends. So he judges his audience, just like Julia should have done.

I didn't hear JR make this comment as I very rarely watch her but I wouldn't think she was being racist, more like letting her gob run away with itself, like Kathy has already said. The thing with JR is that she thinks she's funny and entertaining but it's usually at someone else's expense, but I'm sure she'd be really waspish if someone took the pi$$ out of her on air. Madam is far too big for her boots now and I really hope someone does answer back to bring her down a peg or two. However, like Rozzy I don't take offence when I'm stereotyped and called a Cockney (I'm not btw but I do talk very 'London' :wink:) and in this far too pc world I think people need to lighten up and save their outrage for more serious issues.

Well said! In a country which is too pc by far, we cannot afford to be so sensitive that we take offence at the least little thing. We livve in a democracy and, as long as it is not illegal, we ought to have the freedom to speak our minds.
I'm not a huge fan of JR, but even I don't think she would set out to be intentionally racist or offensive.
Well said! In a country which is too pc by far, we cannot afford to be so sensitive that we take offence at the least little thing. We livve in a democracy and, as long as it is not illegal, we ought to have the freedom to speak our minds.I'm not a huge fan of JR, but even I don't think she would set out to be intentionally racist or offensive.

Er! Am I missing something here? If folk didn't speak up when they're offended we'd still be using terms like coon, spade and ****** which were once in common parlance. Only with education did these become no longer used. xxxxx
I have read this discussion with interest and am amazed to see how quick people are to judge. The story of the teacher is hearsay and we have no idea what actually went on. Could it be that someone was making jokes about blond people ( eg all blondes are stupid ect) and a child got upset so the teacher had to deal with it by explaining that jokes about blond people are unacceptable?

Just to let you know that my son was actually being taught about different types of racism that day. It was not heresay as I investigated it.

I merely posted in this thread, not as an opinion but an observation.
Just on the Irish question, I'd love to be Irish and I'd be proud to even have my leg pulled about it.
Let's face it:you have the most stunning countryside and coast,the best poets, some of the best musicians,the best dancers, a wonderful culture of creativity and art,in general, far from being "thick" I find the Irish people to be incredibly academic, well-read and wise, brilliant novelists,raconteurs and cooks, the cheapest petrol......the list is endless..........BUT I don't like your sausages or your tomato ketchup!!!:grin:

I adore Ireland and we hope to retire there when the time comes:star::star:
Think yourselves lucky x
What offends one person might not offend another.

Being Offended. There is a brilliant bit about being offended in this hehehehehe
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/TAGJpISVERg&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/TAGJpISVERg&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
Just on the Irish question, I'd love to be Irish and I'd be proud to even have my leg pulled about it.
Let's face it:you have the most stunning countryside and coast,the best poets, some of the best musicians,the best dancers, a wonderful culture of creativity and art,in general, far from being "thick" I find the Irish people to be incredibly academic, well-read and wise, brilliant novelists,raconteurs and cooks, the cheapest petrol......the list is endless..........BUT I don't like your sausages or your tomato ketchup!!!:grin:

I adore Ireland and we hope to retire there when the time comes:star::star:
Think yourselves lucky x

Dear Rozzy,

That was lovely X

Thank you X

Thought I'd send you this as a token of appreciation :)

Just on the Irish question, I'd love to be Irish and I'd be proud to even have my leg pulled about it.
Let's face it:you have the most stunning countryside and coast,the best poets, some of the best musicians,the best dancers, a wonderful culture of creativity and art,in general, far from being "thick" I find the Irish people to be incredibly academic, well-read and wise, brilliant novelists,raconteurs and cooks, the cheapest petrol......the list is endless..........BUT I don't like your sausages or your tomato ketchup!!!:grin:

I adore Ireland and we hope to retire there when the time comes:star::star:
Think yourselves lucky x

All true:heart: but unfortunately the crazy cost of living here is crippling and our so called government are less use than the Marx brothers would have been.

I only use m&s ketchup and it's not for nothing a lot of people just call the vile stuff you're referring to as red sauce, ie probably never been within a light year of a real tomato. However our soda bread makes up for our other culinary sins:happy:
The fact that Julia made her little quip without thinking is exactly the point.

We once used words like '******', 'spastic', '******', 'Jewboy', 'pansy', '*****' as parts of normal speech. We wouldn't bring them out in polite society these days, because we understand that they subtly encapsulate a patronising, derogatory dismissal of a group of people.

We know that now because we have been 'encouraged' to give it some thought.

That's why PC-ness is such a burden - we're forced to think before we speak, when it would be so much easier not to have to do that work.

Much fewer of us would bother, I suspect, if we didn't have a constant example in front of us - the media. People on television are enormously careful in what they say, and gradually the habit sinks into the viewer and eventually we're surprised to hear a nicely spoken person say '******'.

The Irish joke is old and worn out. What's troubling is the fact that, in an attempt to deflect blame, Julia reached for a weapon that should have had many alarm bells ringing in her mind. She's not a drunk slouched in a doorway (yet); she's a media presenter who's being listened to, live, by hundreds of thousands. And, having made an error of judgement, a professional presenter should have apologised properly and fully, which she didn't.

Yes, the entire show disappeared as far as QVC videos were concerned. I would be surprised if Julia didn't spend some time in a manager's office, without tea and biscuits.
Thank you very much Inatizzy, that's lovely:flower:

Vampy, We love your soda bread and often buy Irwins over here, lots of real butter and marmalade. Yummy:coffee::flower::up:

ps. not keen on the salad cream either. lol :giggle:
Whereabouts do you live Vampy? We go to Castlegregory on holiday right near The Conor Pass...Paradise:flower::flower::flower:
Ok, I'll nail my colours to the mast here.I am a Christian (not always a good one but I try my best) I come from generations of strict Methodists,all my family are very involved in our local chapel, my mum cut the cake last week for our Centenary celebrations as the oldest and longest serving member, one of my sisters is a steward, the other one runs the Sundayschool etc, etc
Thank goodness that in our very rural area of Devon the churches still play a major part in our lives. The same people that are in the pub on a Saturday night will be in Chapel on a Sunday morning, it's the way it is and I'm so grateful for it.
I think if anything, Christians in some areas are treated to prejudice as much as any other group in society, the only difference being....WE DON'T CARE !!!:rock::rock:

Couldn't agree more Rozzy! :handshake: In truth, more so!
As one of my colleagues stated a few years ago about a similar personality to JR - "she needs idiots like us to make her look good". Rings true eh? :giggle::giggle:

P xx
Originally posted by AllThat Glitters
Yes, the entire show disappeared as far as QVC videos were concerned. I would be surprised if Julia didn't spend some time in a manager's office, without tea and biscuits.

They wouldn't dare reprimand her would they?:sweat::whew: Could they?:mysmilie_486::mysmilie_467::mysmilie_467:
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