Julia R


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Jun 26, 2008
I make no bones about it - she is my favourite presenter, I appreciate the way she gives us good info on style, sizes, colours etc.

BUT this was a completely different person presenting the TSV launch with Kenneth Jay Lane's rep. She used a "faux" posh voice that just did not sound right, and was being even more girly, giggly and flirty than she is with Simon Wilson (and I like the way she and SW work together). I could hardly bear to watch, felt embarrassed for her.

I don't often comment on appearance unless it's good or dire. That dress with its high collar did not suit her, the style was too old for her and solid black that close to her face drained her colour. IMO she usually looks very good in her lower cut colourful tops.

Still, I suppose even the best presenters are allowed an "off-day".

Linda xx
Julia seems to really like that top...I liked it too when she first wore it... but she's wearing it all the time for jewellery now and it's lost its impact, getting a bit boring. I agree, I like Julia, too. She gives all the information and is interesting to watch, most of all she doesn't get on my nerves. However....I also agree she can 'put on' performances depending on who she presents with...maybe it's intentional but I suspect she isn't even aware she's doing it, a bit like having a telephone voice.
Well I don't like her and thought she looked rough.....:mysmilie_61:
Well I don't like her and thought she looked rough.....:mysmilie_61:

retract claws please pusskins!

i love JR. yes she's a silly cow sometimes when she does that coy flirty act but i'm prepared to forgive her because when it comes to presenting shopping telly julia roberts knocks every single one of the others into a cocked hat.
I go through stages of liking her and then not.

Yup, that's how I feel. What I do like about Julia is that she is really professional with regard to the way she presents an item. She does not squeal, shout, hyperventilate, tell us she has 20 of it at home etc, etc. She can be a bit "queen bee" at times, but then she has been there ages. I do think she has been looking tired lately but reckon she has been quite unwell as she was away for ages.
I too think JR is one of the best, particularly when there is no guest for her to compete with. For me, she comes into her own when presenting a blah jewellery hour. She doesn't swoon over everything but gets her head down and really describes the pieces and she is the only one I have ever heard who dares to say that whilst there is quite a big show of gold don't expect this necklace (or whatever) to be heavy when you get it home because it isn't. She gets a huge thumbs-up for that.

If all the presenters remembered what they were actually there for then p&p would be less of an issue because we would all be properly informed before making up our minds and there would be far fewer returns. Most of them couldn't seem to care less and just want you to order no matter what and if your ring size has gone, well just stick it on another finger or if your dress size has gone well really don't be so picky - just get ordering because it's so vile you're going to look dreadful whatever size you squeeze your tasteless self into! Let JR retrain the lot of them, eradicate sloppiness and restore qvc's image.
I think Julia is the best presenter on QVC for all the reasons given by Bea Frugal. She describes things properly, and doesn't pretend that she si going to order an item as soon as it comes off air, or that she has 10 at home.

However, I did catch her presenting the KJL TSv, and she was incredibly posh, and not like herself at all. At first, I thought she may have absorbed the guest's accent, but when I caught him talking, he was Americaa, so it was not even unconscious imitating, which I have been known to do at times,
m if only in my head!
I like JR too and if I had a gun pointed to my head and head to choose a favourite presenter it would have to be her. :mysmilie_697: when I think of some of the others she is miles better than them:

Anne Dawson - absolutely dreadful, awful voice, looks terrible, doesn't have all her teeth etc etc.

Ally Young - too bossy for her own good.

Alison Keenan - see above.

Pippa - Not bad, probably put her second fave but don't like the ever changing hair colour.

Claire Sutton - too girly.

Kathy Tayler - don't like her voice.

Chuntley - patronising.

Jill Franks - bit boring and that hair is so ageing.

The men - don't like any of them, they think they're gorgeous and that the ladies love them.

And now I'll shut up. :mysmilie_11:
I quite like Julia, and yes from time to time she does posh up her accent a bit... but it is nothing compared to the completely fake posh squeeling and gushing of Claire Sutton.

As a presenter I think Julia does her homework well!
Must confess I'm not a JR fan too much preening BUT she is blubby good at her job gives the information so we the viewer can then make an informed choice....so yes I would have to say I would vote for her on the job skills front
I think she does her homework well too, but I just wish she wouldn't act like a rather superior headteacher. If she left, QVC would not fall apart without her, and sometimes I think she needs to remember that. She has some excellent qualities, but my God, she has an inflated view of her own importance
Not a fan of Julia, but there's one thing about her - she doesn't gabble all the time so that you can't hear what the guests are saying, unlike Julian, and Alison Keenan. Those two make me want to slap them. They don't let anyone finish a ruddy sentence without yelling over the top. So rude and unprofessional (not to mention egomaniacal!)
Another fan of JR here. She doesn't waste any time in giving out vital information, all the size details are given out straight away as are the colours and other details. Julia is also very honest - for example, this evening on Kim & Co Home, she was saying how soft all the bedding was considering it was printed. Julia then came to one she didnt think as soft and said so. Julia said it was a lot 'crisper' than the other ones and if you like the feeling of crisp fresh cotton then this may be the one for you. Not many of the others would have mentioned this and considering the problems KWC had with a NN duvet set recently (on another thread), I think this was good presenting.

I think JR looks as though she has lost weight, her cheeks look a little more hollow than normal and her clothes didnt look quite as tight. May be post illness weight loss but I think it suits her.

I like JR too and if I had a gun pointed to my head and head to choose a favourite presenter it would have to be her. :mysmilie_697: when I think of some of the others she is miles better than them:

Anne Dawson - absolutely dreadful, awful voice, looks terrible, doesn't have all her teeth etc etc.

Ally Young - too bossy for her own good.

Alison Keenan - see above.

Pippa - Not bad, probably put her second fave but don't like the ever changing hair colour.

Claire Sutton - too girly.

Kathy Tayler - don't like her voice.

Chuntley - patronising.

Jill Franks - bit boring and that hair is so ageing.

The men - don't like any of them, they think they're gorgeous and that the ladies love them.

And now I'll shut up. :mysmilie_11:

From a bloke's perspective (well my perspective!):

Well I quite like Catherine Huntley even if she does seem to keep changing her hair colour from time to time, she has a pretty face (well I think so, and thats all that matters!). :mysmilie_374:

Debbie Greenwood, still like her even if she is a Liverpudlian! Oh yes, she's still nice to look at I must admit. :mysmilie_374:

Jill Franks, no thanks :mysmilie_81:

Pippa, nope :mysmilie_81:

Julia Roberts, not mad about her, OK I suppose but not at the top of my list I can assure you

Claudia Sylvester, not my type :mysmilie_81:

Kathy Taylor, nah :mysmilie_81:

Jilly Halliday, OK I suppose, but her hair never changes, always way to long for me.

Claire Sutton, pretty(ish) face, but she is a bit twee :mysmilie_17:

Alison Young (even without the glasses), nope, too intense a person for my liking. :mysmilie_81:

One lady that I really like (and fancy) is Debbie Flint, I have never seen her before even though I am led to believe she used to be on QVC in the old days (she has a pretty face, and seems OK on the personality front, so far!). :mysmilie_374: :mysmilie_374:

Of the blokes on QVC, I generally agree with the comments above ie they all love themselves a lot, although I might make an exception for Charlie Brook, he seems to be sincere, and not so full of himself as some of the others. :mysmilie_687:
I too think JR is one of the best, particularly when there is no guest for her to compete with. For me, she comes into her own when presenting a blah jewellery hour. She doesn't swoon over everything but gets her head down and really describes the pieces and she is the only one I have ever heard who dares to say that whilst there is quite a big show of gold don't expect this necklace (or whatever) to be heavy when you get it home because it isn't. She gets a huge thumbs-up for that.

If all the presenters remembered what they were actually there for then p&p would be less of an issue because we would all be properly informed before making up our minds and there would be far fewer returns. Most of them couldn't seem to care less and just want you to order no matter what and if your ring size has gone, well just stick it on another finger or if your dress size has gone well really don't be so picky - just get ordering because it's so vile you're going to look dreadful whatever size you squeeze your tasteless self into! Let JR retrain the lot of them, eradicate sloppiness and restore qvc's image.

I agree! I never find myself shouting "give us the sizes you silly cow" when JR is on. Thankfully I missed buying a Kim Parrish jumper the other because dosy Ann Dawson didn't give the sizes. The presenters are there to inform us and sometimes many of them seem to forget that and ramble on about themselves and what they think. JR is informative, clear and very proffessional. I think that we need to cut her a bit of slack because she does look a bit washed out at the moment and it must be tough seeing yourself like that on screen when you have to keep up beat and positive. I like her a lot and would miss her if she wasn't there! So there! Still think that she needs to change her hair though.
Just watching Julia with Mally, I would say she has had something doen to her face.
it could be new choppers or fillers round the mouth and forehead. There's nothing wrong with that IMO. I just can't put my finger on why she looks different..
She does look different facially not sure what though. But that outfit she is wearing looks bluddy ridiculous IMO.
I have to say that Julia is my favourite presenter (even if she isn't a 'small'!)

I find myself relaxing when she is on as she delivers the information needed without doing a hard sell. She's so easy to listen to unlike so many of the other presenters.

I too thought she looked different and wondered if that was why she had been off our screens recently.

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