Julia looks unwell


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Jan 2, 2009
Haven't watched JR for a couple of weeks and tuning in today to see her on diet chef, I think she looks very unlike herself. Is it just me or does she look ill?
I hope she's ok!
I have been watching her too, and I think it is just the weight loss that is making her look a little haggard. She says she has managed to achieve her weight loss goal of 20lbs, but she would like to lose a little more. Personally, I think she should stop now otherwise she is going to look ill. It is certainly taking it's toll on her face and the tops of her arms which are looking very scrawny indeed.

I would say though that I think she has done well sticking to a diet, she says it is down to Diet Chef (although I doubt that very much). STOP NOW Julia before you go too far:up:
She looks like she has lost too much weight from her face. Although, not sure that accounts for the heavy bags she has under her eyes today though.
In person she probably is borderline thin/scrawny now but I think she lost the weight relatively quickly and that's why she looks wrecked. I looked a bit younger than I was but lost weight dramatically and gained years equally dramatically and I still have carp legs :grin:
Who said on a post 'after a certain age you choose between your face and your hips', wasn't me but totally agree with that thought.NO! it's not an excuse not to diet but at one time I was 8 stone ( very light) & am not going to tell you what I am now! Could do with loosing a few pounds ( or more) but Diet Chef although sounds a great idea---I would be starving.
Maybe JR has felt she had to do something about her weight being on telly? we've made plenty of comments about her re: being BIG. Julia just don't wear sleeveless & watch the calories ---I mean UP 'em!
I saw bits of the Diet Chef show and I thought that Julia looked really nice her weight loss is obvious but to me she looks fine and very well . The colour she was wearing really suited her .
Just had a peek at the Elemis show and blimey she looks 10 years older. :eek: Her long straggly hair doesn't help the look either as it draws attention to her haggard face. JR get porky again luv and save your looks. :grin:
Btw doesn't Keely spout a load of flowery ott bollox!! :rolleyes: Plus she sounds like Lou from
Little Britain....:mysmilie_62:
Poor old Julia. For months she's had people on this forum complaining about her supposedly excessive weight (and laughing at her assertions of her size). Now she loses weight and people are saying she is too thin!
Poor old Julia. For months she's had people on this forum complaining about her supposedly excessive weight (and laughing at her assertions of her size). Now she loses weight and people are saying she is too thin!

Agree! Poor lass!!! as said before hips VS face! JR has baggy eyes which can be hereditary & I think she has mentioned this in the past? I know 'cos I suffer the same, you can look tired when you are not! If I were her I would look into ( not saying going ahead) with having them done.
Poor old Julia. For months she's had people on this forum complaining about her supposedly excessive weight (and laughing at her assertions of her size). Now she loses weight and people are saying she is too thin!

The thing is Nicky-j and Silver Fox, the comments were only made due to JR insisting she was a size small when she clearly wasn't. I don't recall anybody 'complaining about her supposedly excessive weight' just her insistance that she was a size small.

I hope JR isn't unwell, too.
I saw Julia on the Elemis show and thought she looked terrible. Her face looked haggard and her hair was really quite straggly and flat on top.
I think perhaps she may have had some laser eye surgery (or similar procedure???) Can't remember exactly which hour, I think it was in the Everyday Beauty one (5-6pm), she said something about it being a long story but having not been able to wash her hair herself, she had to visit a salon yesterday where she insisted on them using Philip Kingsley products although they weren't that particular salon's brand, blah, blah.

I may be wrong, but believe if you've had any eye stuff done they generally advise you not to wash your hair for a minimum of a week to minimise the risk of infection.

Her weight loss is great - hey, we all know it's not easy - but as others have said, I think she should give it a rest for a bit to allow her body and skintone to adjust and catch up. People just seem to become addicted to carrying on and on - we've a couple of women at work like it (they are around Julia's age funnily enough). I wonder if they enjoy the attention and compliments the initial success brings and don't want it to end. One of the ladies now looks like she has the body of an underdeveloped teen - not attractive or womanly at all, but she persists on maintaining it even though the compliments and stopped a long a while ago. When people started saying she looked ill and they were worried she was going too far, she seemed to get off on that as well, so we all agreed not to say anything at all.
I had laser eye surgery just before Christmas LMP, and I asked about washing my hair, and they said no problems, just try not to get anything in yours eyes, and if you do, just don't rub, as it can cause probs with the flap they make, so there's no reason why you can't wash your own hair. I just made sure I tipped my head right back in the shower when I washed it.
After the age of 40, weight loss shows dramatically on the face/neck area, with skin becoming loose after the fat supporting it underneath has gone. That makes you look older, obviously. How far should one go to rectify that: do nothing at all (people WILL comment), maybe try few facial exercises (may or may not help a little bit) or go down the invasive/surgical route (people WILL comment, again). I guess it will be up to each individual to decide for themselves, but whatever their decision, one should be true to themselves and not succumb to criticism.

I have always regarded Julia as a beautiful and attractive lady. When I first started watching QVC about 5 years ago and she said she was 49 my jaw dropped, I thought she was in her late thirties! But like most of us at some point the look of our true age catches up with us, sometimes even (dare I say) we might look older than our years. We can't help that. What it matters I think, is to look after and present ourselves the best we can and have positive self image, regardless of size, the state of our saggy skin, eye bags, wrinkles, the lot!

I think it's the same with Julia: if I was to watch QVC for the first time now and she says she is 54 (I think I am guessing her age right), I would think, well what an attractive well presented lady she is for her age (although my jaw would not drop this time as she now looks her age).

I still admire Julia in many ways as I'd rather watch her presenting style over any of the other presenters', although not without reservations: I object to her diva put down remarks she dishes out to models/guest presenters and sometimes she comes across OTT with her 'look at me' mannerisms, but that seems to be part of her personality.

I think she has done well with the weight loss and in my opinion she should not try to lose any more weight, but perhaps persevere with toning exercises if she wishes to further improve her appearence. Granted her age shows a bit more now then it did before, but she has swapped that for much smaller waist which can only be a lot healthier for her. In my opinion she still looks good, loose skin, eye bags and all.
if TV adds 10 lbs I'd hate to see her in real life. I think she looked great before, but can understand her wantimg to lose weight 4 health reasons. She deffo shouldn't lose any more
Poor old Julia. For months she's had people on this forum complaining about her supposedly excessive weight (and laughing at her assertions of her size). Now she loses weight and people are saying she is too thin!

Exactly my thoughts, poor woman can't bl**dy win!! Maybe she read the spiteful comments on here and decided to lose weight?!

For what it's worth, I think she looks great and I wish I had her arm muscle tone and I'm a lot younger than her!

Go Julia!
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Another post saying she was being picked on for being over weight...NO SHE WASN'T!!! She was being told off for saying she was a size small when she wasn't. Sheesh people, stop making things up in your rush to defend Ms Roberts. She can be any size she wants to be...the original post wasn't critising her weight, just concern for her unhealthy appearance.
I have never criticised Julia's weight nor am I criticising her weight now. I didn't even realize she'd been on a diet, although now it's been pointed out, I can see she's lost weight.
I merely thought she looked unwell and wondered if that was the case or whether I was imagining it.
It would seem from looking at people who lose weight as they get older they seem to lose it off the face, arms and legs rather than from their middle

When you look at Julia although she has lost weight all over the major obvious weight loss is off her face and arms, which now look very thin rather than slim and healthy

I personally think she has taken the diet thing a bit far and thought she looked better with a bit of weight on her, and although she wasn't a size small she looked much better in the face as a size medium
I feel for JR on this one and I hope she does not feel disheartened by the opinions of some forum members about the effects of her weight loss on her facial appearance. IMO she looks great and is a very attractive woman.

Having lost weight myself in this last year (from a tight 16 to a size 12 now) I am now very conscious about the fact that I am looking a bit drawn/ skinny in the face - even though according to my %body fat and BMI I am still officially overweight and my body is still a little on the flabby side.

That is the dilemma and unfortunately even resistance/ abs training (which I do) cannot help there because even if I tone the muscles the fat on the top still needs to be burnt off. And if my body burns fat it will burn it from where it likes - not necessarily the bits I want it to burn off.

From my own perspective I feel so much fitter now and can wear/ buy clothes that I like that any loss in facial tone is a price worth paying.

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