Juila's Twitter abuse last night?


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I am a Julia fan too. However, this smacks of desperation for adoration to me. "Ooh, I have a Tweet, someone loves me, let me share that", reads it out before actually reading it. It takes nano-seconds to read a tweet. I think a lot of presenters should be more selective rather than rush to show how popular they are.
Tweeting distracts and is dull to watch. Much rather they spend time talking about the product rather than reading out 'I love you' tweets. CH is obsessed with them. Yes I think its a popularity thing. It genuinely appears rather shallow to me.
I think it is all about 'I love you' tweets, and its very annoying. One time I was watching a Lola Rose show and Dale was with Nicki. He kept saying please tweet us with your questions and no one did. So I did and asked if they could ever do jade or moonstone. A couple of minutes later Dale said that he had a tweet, read my first name out, but changed my surname, and said that my message was that I liked Nicki's hair! She had that silly little fringe and although I think she is a very pleasant person, I don't like her hair at all!

At least if you ask Debbie Flint a question on a tweet that she can't answer on air, she always says that she will reply privately and she does.
Wow - Dale changed your tweet! That means the presenters can make up any old nonsense. I can't stand this tweeting business and Ipad stuff. I think it's just a way of making the show go faster for the presenter. They don't have to keep repeating the same old spiel.
I think it is all about 'I love you' tweets, and its very annoying. One time I was watching a Lola Rose show and Dale was with Nicki. He kept saying please tweet us with your questions and no one did. So I did and asked if they could ever do jade or moonstone. A couple of minutes later Dale said that he had a tweet, read my first name out, but changed my surname, and said that my message was that I liked Nicki's hair! She had that silly little fringe and although I think she is a very pleasant person, I don't like her hair at all!

At least if you ask Debbie Flint a question on a tweet that she can't answer on air, she always says that she will reply privately and she does.

Maybe the message he read out was just from someone else with the same name as you?
I think being able to tweet presenters, and have them reply to them live on air, is a great service. The only presenter who has never responded to one of my tweets, is Craig Rowe so, needless to say, I won't be tweeting him again. Others, Debs, Julia, Anna, Jackie all reply both on air and personally. It allows them to answer any queries the buyer needs to know the answer to, before buying.
Don't understand all this tweeting malarkey myself, can't see the point in it and on TV it just irritates.
Isnt that what there Award winning call centre if for , if u have a question ring them, or is this Qs plan to get rid of the call centre eventually.

Sorry should that be "Contact centre" wasnt that what they were calling in them adverts
used in the "right" way Tweetering can be useful and fun but as we all know there are such pillocks out there in ether-land who seem to get a quick from hurting others, OR they might be so thick and self absorbed that they don't think about what they are saying. Ditto with Facebook etc.

What annoys me about the presenters with their I pad s is that they are reading them while the guest is talking, esp if the camera is on the guest. When the camera cuts back to the presenter you can often see them completely engrossed in the thing.
An American colleague of mine was quite perplexed whilst engaging in conversation about Twitter, I mentioned its a ridiculous waste of time, besides, they have made a spelling error with the first vowel. The yankie friend still does not understand that comment of mine (joke observation) to this day.

As for Queen JR.. there is some evidence of narcissism on her part, but only very slight. She is entering the age bracket where some ladies gain the mouth chewing a wasp look

In 1998 (date accuracy due to having it on a VHS tape) JR, during a Hermle Black Forest Cuckoo clock hour, said 'I will never ever have straightened hair' as the German co-presenter complimented her tight curls.

Never say never JR! (re: surgery)
An American colleague of mine was quite perplexed whilst engaging in conversation about Twitter, I mentioned its a ridiculous waste of time, besides, they have made a spelling error with the first vowel. The yankie friend still does not understand that comment of mine (joke observation) to this day.

As for Queen JR.. there is some evidence of narcissism on her part, but only very slight. She is entering the age bracket where some ladies gain the mouth chewing a wasp look

In 1998 (date accuracy due to having it on a VHS tape) JR, during a Hermle Black Forest Cuckoo clock hour, said 'I will never ever have straightened hair' as the German co-presenter complimented her tight curls.

Never say never JR! (re: surgery)

I bet ur ego took a battering when u read that tweet :giggle: sorry couldnt help it lol
Every time I see the word "Twitter" I can't help but think of "Twitcher"!! Well, there is a lot of "tweeting" going on.......:mysmilie_61:
What annoys me about presenters with their I-pads is when they 'pretend' to order an item on air. Charlie was presenting a Kipling hour the other day and said he was going to order one of the bags on the 'spur of the moment' for his partner and proceeded to order on camera. He obviously new what items were going to be on the show so, why, if he was genuine (sp) why didn't he do it before coming on air. He is such a 'wally' (in my opinion, of course) x
Surely they're on shopping telly because they're not very good actors, they should stick to presenting and not creating unbelievable scenarios to act out on screen! I wish Charlie would speak faster that way his hours would end after 30 minutes!

Jude xx
I think there's a couple of presenters who have big egos and the twitter is very handy for an ego boost in front of the viewers

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