Juila's Twitter abuse last night?


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Mar 18, 2010
During the 11pm Sharif handbag show, juila read a text which asked had she had surgery, because some twitterer, thought she had cause of her puffyness in her face, we mostly no on here why Juila is like that, she aint well.

QCX why do u let encourage twitter, do presenters realy want there twitter feeds full of, ooh what are u wearing today, ooh i like the jewellery, QVC if want viewers to use Twitter encourage them to use @QVCUK which i think is more appropriate as that way any QVC stuff, could be vertoed before it went on air, i saw Juilas tweet last night as abuse against her, to be honest i detest Twitter anyway and can see the point.

But of course It is too late now, as viewers will now know the presenters addresses, or hashytaggies or whatever they blooming called.

I dont get the twitter thing anyway, who wants to now what somebody has done.

Better still QVC close your twitter account, and dont get the preseners to advertise theres, then slowly it would all stop.

QVC listen your twitter stuff, made one of your presenter get abused last night, well in my eyes anyway
I really agree with you. Maybe it's me but I am getting increasingly irritated by presenters attached to their iPads or is it Tablets! It's as if they have been given a free new toy and they can't put it down. Well, I wish they would or I will stop watching them. Are Julia and Debbie the worst offenders? Goodness, I am in a mood this morning! Time for a cup of tea.
I hate the whole Ipad and Twitter thing. I daresay some of the presenters love it especially when they get the I love you, I think you`re great etc messages from viewers but I can imagine some presenters don`t like them and only use them because they have to.
I don't watch much but even less now I think..the phone calls make me cringe and press the "mute" button, but Tweets, they drive me absolutely barmy! If we ARE watching we want to know about the products, and for me, that's it!
I dont no why presenters need remarks, juilas last night, im guesssing im the only one who saw her read it out, but i felt sorry for her, she said ooh ive just put on weight maybe.

Most of the presenters, have QVC, added to there addresses, are they just addresses they use for TV.

Im fairly young, but i cant see really see the point. What the hell happened to phone phone and text, surely that way QVC can veto
She should read the tweets properly before reading them out, she has done that before.

I agree- but it must be so hard to do when you have someone yelling in your earpiece the whole time.

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Maybe ive lost the plot, but why twitter a presenter about have you had surgery, during a handbag hour, surely the twitter thing, if needed, which personally i dont think is, you would be tweeting asking the presenter to ask the guest questions, she said she had only received 2 tweets that hour, one about a top, which she said she bought years ago, and this horrible one about he weight and querying surgery.

Must admit the bags looked like thhe sort ud get from a market but still
I saw that and, although I might have missed it, didn't think anything was mentioned about 'puffiness' specifically. I thought that the tweet said someone had said to the tweeter that there was 'something different' about Julia's face?
Believe me, it fell a long way short of some of the Twitter abuse I've seen. Some of that is much, much more offensive.
That can't have been very nice for Julia but mayb its taught her a lesson about using her iPad on air, there's still presenters that don't and as there longest standing presenter I'm pretty sure if she said no she wouldn't be forced to use it, so makes u wonder do they get some kind of buzz out of it and mayb helps boost there egos coz they think there really popular
Julia might be in the public eye but I don't think it's very nice for her to get critical, personal messages like that. Stick them on a forum where she can avoid them. Shame that these messages can't get vetted before she gets to see them. Can you tell that I am a Julia fan? Hope so, 'cos I am a fan. :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Normally they read the tweets out after a break. I assume that this gives them time to read them first before reading on air. If this happened maybe she chose to read it out.
That can't have been very nice for Julia but mayb its taught her a lesson about using her iPad on air, there's still presenters that don't and as there longest standing presenter I'm pretty sure if she said no she wouldn't be forced to use it, so makes u wonder do they get some kind of buzz out of it and mayb helps boost there egos coz they think there really popular

That is exactly how I read it, imo no way would they force any of the presenters to use the dratted things, they like the ego boosting tweets, having said that I did feel sorry for Julia, I'm sure that she knows herself that her face is not like it used to be...
Age catches up with all of us in the end. Some of us sooner, some of us later.

Good for Julia turning a negative into a positive.

I had assumed that the change in her face had more to do with medication rather than age......
I think she looks better for the bit of weight she's put on. And it shows in her face. She's a pretty woman
I didnt see it as abuse-just rude.The tweet said "have you had surgery cos my Mum thinks there's something different about your face"

Julia said no she would never ever have surgery and said she may have put a bit of weight on or something.She took it in good part.
I had assumed that the change in her face had more to do with medication rather than age......

Yes it certainly would have a contributing factor. Hormones/weight gain or loss/lifestyle/drinking/smoking/junk food/over exercise/under exercise/medication/weather/gravity or just plain old passing of time. My point was that nobody's face is like it used to be.
I think I have made this point in other threads.

I would seriously think that with her condition, she is taking STEROIDS !!! which are well known for weight gain and giving a puffy face. I would imagine that Julia would no more wish to gain weight normally and so quickly, than fly. Which encourages me even more to believe that its medication.

I was put on steroids for my Lupus, and if its a large daily dose then it may not be long before Julia has a 'moon face'. She is hardly going to admit that on air now is she ?

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