Judith Williams TSV 18th August


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if you were wandering around your local market and you saw skincare in cheap looking purple packaging branded as "judith williams" you would walk by without a second glance.

just try googling "judith williams". there is nothing. zilch. except this forum.

this is market-stall low-end shite and having am american guest spouting on with Gobshite about celebrities (without actually naming any, i notice) does not make this a quality brand.

putting jojoba on your face will not make you young. buy some nivea, or any other generic moisturiser, and come to your senses girls.

Now you see, in a moment of madness when I couldn't sleep at 3am I ordered this because the reviews of stuff looked quite good. Having read your thread, supported by Yo - I have promptly cancelled my order as I've no wish to waste my money on "market stall low end shite" and "cheap tat". I'm not easily influenced but thank you for the wake up call! I have enough stuff - I must get a grip.....
Before f.a.r.ting I would have ordered this without a second thought. It would then go in a big case with my, Gatineau, Elemis, Philosophy, Freeze 24/7, Akin, Aveda, other Judith Williams from months ago etc. I am slowly using up some of these products but most of them are yonks old and need to be thrown out but when you have spent loads on them you are somewhat reluctant. I may be moving soon so then they will have to go. I am mostly using Philosophy HIAJ but will not be ordering the TSV unless it is on 4 easy pays.
What always annoys me about these magic creams is that they come in pots. According to Paula Begoun who's opinion I respect hugely, anything in a pot is useless once it's been opened as all the active ingredients become useless once exposed to air. Plus you're sticking your fingers in the pot, on to face, into pot... Ew!

I should say that I do use an A'kin moisturiser in a pot but I use a little spatula to take it out and it's mainly shea butter and rosehip which are emoliants rather than an active ingrediants so I feel like I know what i'm getting in there. Otherwise it's moisturisers in pump bottles for me!

I think Judith Williams talks a good talk but if you listen she never really say anything specific, just general waffle which AY then jumps on like JW just found the Holy grail itself. So glad we don't fall for this anymore!! :clapping:

I'm with Burlz. The packaging looks SOO cheap almost like a supermarket own brand! Plus the woman herself is nearly as annoying as AY. Nuff said!!
I just read she is American born actress and opera-singer who developed her own range of cosmetics.
Found this link but can't read it but see it's based in Innsbruck.


She is not on qvc in Germany but on the HSE (Home Shopping Europe ), its the "rival" tele shopping channel in Germany.

If anyone is looking for Haral stuff on QVC they have to look for Pompoes, and for oe read the u with the umlaute. But you can find it if you look in the Schmuck section and the scroll down. he also has clothing on QVC Germany.
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I just read she is American born actress and opera-singer who developed her own range of cosmetics.
Found this link but can't read it but see it's based in Innsbruck.


Have to say a big thank you for this link. Found the ingridient list and will not be buying it. The link is:
the ingridient list is in German, but there are some things in there I always try and avoid. I am also not sure of alcohol in the moisturizer????
Wow! Thanks for that, even in German I can see loads of alcohol and PEGs among other things. Yipes!
One less TSV sold.:cash:

Thanks Star234 no half decent moisturiser should contain so much alcohol, particularly one claiming to be anti ageing. I agree RedT a moisturiser containing active ingredients, should be in a pump to preserve its potency.

I too couldn't understand the Clientele antioxidant cleanser, put me off the whole range. Only used it once, it was like washing your face with washing-up liquid, it irritated my eyes too.:angry:
I've never tried Judith Williams and have no intention of doing so. There was a time when I would try new brands to the channel, especially beauty ones but not anymore. I got caught out once with a range that QVC did sell and then stopped and I had terrible trouble trying to repurchase.

Clientele was a brand I tried when it did it's first TSV, hated the facewash, stung like billy-o if you accidently got it in your eye. I did like the handcream but not enough to continue buying. I know they are far from an all naturel range but I do like their neck cream and do buy that but direct from them not QVC.
I also had a look at the HSE site (I am waiting for phonecall for son to go into hospital so can not leave house, hence having time to "play" on internet)and the customer reviews. Some are not very favourable and comment on the little spheres not breaking easily, actually having to be pressed into the skin. One reviewer on QVC also mentioned this. Some mention that the cream is sticky, even ages after application (although not sure what ages means?) Although to be fair some reviews on QVC are quite good.
Some mention that the cream is sticky, even ages after application (although not sure what ages means?) Although to be fair some reviews on QVC are quite good.
Sounds like one of those moisturisers, that just sits on your skin.
I though glycerin just sits on your skin as well? So what is the point of putting it in a moisturizer? Don't they add it to cheap handcream to use as a barrrier cream?
Just removed the TSV from my basket - thanks for everyone's posts. Saved me £36 :)
I'm not really a FARTER as I'm probably going to squander the saved monies on some sparkly and shiny stuff in the Dawn Bibby show.
Happy Days :)
if you were wandering around your local market and you saw skincare in cheap looking purple packaging branded as "judith williams" you would walk by without a second glance.

just try googling "judith williams". there is nothing. zilch. except this forum.

this is market-stall low-end shite and having am american guest spouting on with Gobshite about celebrities (without actually naming any, i notice) does not make this a quality brand.

This is a bit like how I feel about KVZ handbags. I had never heard of KVZ before the bags were on QVC and I heard all the brainwashing about these "designer" bags (aren't all bags designed by someone?).

Why would I look on these any differently from how I look at any other plastic handbag, apart from the fact QVC whip us up into a frenzy until common sense desserts us and we buy?
Just removed the TSV from my basket - thanks for everyone's posts. Saved me £36 :)
I'm not really a FARTER as I'm probably going to squander the saved monies on some sparkly and shiny stuff in the Dawn Bibby show.
Happy Days :)

If you use the craft stuff then I think that's ok.

I have been trying to cut back but just got an email that some stamps I had put on waitlist have been despatched. The order is just over £20 including p & P so I suppose it could be worse.
Not even looked.....

Hi :hi:,
I am amazed that I have no interest at all in this TSV. I haven't even had the TV on today. I am sticking to my resolve to use up what I have first and then decide on what to go for next.

This FARTING has taken over - I went to an Outlet Shopping Centre yesterday and all we bought was a pair of sandals for my OH to take on holiday, as his old ones are past it. Amazingly, that was what we went for and I wasn't sidetracked (as I usually am) by shoes, handbags, clothes etc. that I really don't need.

I know it's not in the TSV but I tried the Enzyme Face Mask last night that was in the Try me kit - omg - it says 'rinse off with water' but the mask is like gloss paint (and very runny) so when you try and rinse it off it is just like trying to rinse off gloss paint!, it smears everywhere, ended up using a cloth and skin felt unpleasant afterwards, it definately put me off ordering the TSV -hoorah!
What always annoys me about these magic creams is that they come in pots. According to Paula Begoun who's opinion I respect hugely, anything in a pot is useless once it's been opened as all the active ingredients become useless once exposed to air. Plus you're sticking your fingers in the pot, on to face, into pot... Ew!

I should say that I do use an A'kin moisturiser in a pot but I use a little spatula to take it out and it's mainly shea butter and rosehip which are emoliants rather than an active ingrediants so I feel like I know what i'm getting in there. Otherwise it's moisturisers in pump bottles for me!

I think Judith Williams talks a good talk but if you listen she never really say anything specific, just general waffle which AY then jumps on like JW just found the Holy grail itself. So glad we don't fall for this anymore!! :clapping:


Totally agree with what you are saying about the containers, RedT, and it really irritates me that even high-end brands continue to produce this type of packaging for their products. I would never buy a skincare item which didn't come in a pump-dispenser since it would be useless and, every time the top came off, would lose more and more of its freshness and efficacy. Paula Begoun is absolutely right about this, and all the stuff I use, glycolics and the like, comes in the correct packaging format.
This is kind of like the M Asam of QVC isn't it? Even the cheapo packaging looks the same, is on HSE, and is available in Germany as is M Asam.
Like the M Asam lady she keeps waffling on about cold-pressed oils and how affordable (and miraculous) it is, and at first I was tempted but decided against it.
Even £30-odd quid is too much to just waste these days.

Ali peg-on-her-nose Young "Seeeeeeeeee-rum"
Makes Ali Young's so-called trustworthiness as someone with 20,000 years in the beauty business even more laughable. This range seems a bit Gale Hayman-y to me, you know, that other 'prestigious' range that looks like it belongs in a car boot sale.

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