Julia was on at teatime she looked ghastly in that striped maxi dress. It looked like a deck chair on a windy day. She looked enormous.
This is the dress she was in, not a good look
Yesterday I just couldn’t believe what I was continually subjected to rather than the gardening products on offer, it was all about Julia’s garden.
The size of her garden, the size of her lawn, she’s never been camping in a tent but has been in a caravan, having no electric in her shed, the plants in her garden, the delivery of the TSV lawn mover for her to try, the conversation she had previously with Gtech about their original mower, the hoover mower she had given to Sophie cause it didn’t do stripes and she didn’t want it to chew up her lawn.
The fact she has a gardener every two weeks, the laying of her new lawn with the addition of stepping stones, the length of time it takes to cut her lawn, the fern she dug up, the gardener advising she sell her fern rather than just throwing it away, the decision to keep and then the moving of the fern, the signs that her fern had taken in its new position in her garden, she lives in a victorian house, the bay trees she’d bought and put in pots either side of her front door.
I’m sure to have missed off the loads, but stuff was coming thick and fast.
And no QVC I didn’t purchase a thing, I was far too busy being amazed at the sheer boastfulness and self absorption of your presenter.
Her delusional behaviour totally at odds against what she was on air to do, I found flabbergasting and why no one dare guide her back to the items she was to sell, was unreal.
I had a look at Queen Julia in the striped maxi yesterday, she mentioned the Monsoon launch & showed photos from her blog. Interesting to read that she wore a size 14 because there was NO STRETCH, she also said that she really liked the one on the right - wedding dress style?
With reference to that blog she shared a photo with the viewers and the guest of herself as a backing singer on Eurovision. As she did so she put on an act of becoming all coy about it. Who are you kidding Julia? You posted the photo, you pointed it out on screen, you are a show off. It may not bother some people but all this posting of photos by some presenters from their twenties/thirties shows how needy they are. It makes me uncomfortable, my mother is a complete narcissist and a nightmare and she never ceases to share old photographs and tells anyone who will listen that she was the prettiest girl in her village......... she was always like that, it hasn’t come with old age. That’s probably why I cannot abide these show offs. If you are stunning, talented, clever it will be obvious to all, you don’t have to tell people, they will see it for themselves.
To maintain my sanity & stop wasting my life I'm going to stop reading the blogs these wannabe celebs, aka sales assistants, post for our delight. Latest lovefest is for Ickle Claire, a woman who's obviously struggling now that her kids are teens with all the hormonal angst of those years. People are falling over themselves to write the most sickly instagram posts calling her every complimentary adjective in the English language & Ms Everton wrote this: 'And when I have children it’s you I’m turning to for advice! You’re the best Mummy in the world!!!' Good grief.