John Barrowman


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Oh.... And then there was him out of Emmerdale

Oh FGS, I've only just posted! How am I supposed to keep up? Can't you just make a list & lump them altogether in one post, instead of adding them on in dribs & drabs......gawd.....! :tongue: :grin:
Burlz , Can we have a thread called "close encounters of a Burly kind" please. I want to know more!!!

There'll be no kiss and telling from me!

It's amusing, the people who turn up on the gay scene unexpectedly. Gaultier certainly had *ahem* tongues wagging....
Auspicious doesn't come into it, more the thought of you as a 'pet' with the prize being, well, a lucky escape I guess! LOL

And sorry Burlz, I really don't think you'd have fitted in with the Dale, Cilla & Biggins brigade; Cilla is a total mega b*tch by all accounts for a start & unlike you in your b*tchy moments, not remotely amusing with it! Not enough champers in the world to be able to put up with that bunch for long I fear.....?

Any more, or is that definitely it? :wonder: :grin:

really?? what's the goss on that then. can't stand her but didn't know that.
I always think "what a waste" whenever I see him.

(John Barrowman.... Not Burlz...)

And what's wrong with John Barrowman doing skincare? If female celebs do it (or jewelery or fashion) we don't seem to mind. No different than those shockingly awful celeb perfumes.
I know. Hardly auspicious is it?i mean, if it had been the Supermarket Sweep years things could have turned out very differently. I could be quaffing champers with Dale, Cilla and Biggins now.

I need to polish my specs!! I thought KWC had been propositioned by Dale Winton!! I was a tad confused until I kept reading. I thought Dale had gone to the other side!

It was in a gay club in Sheffield (my home town). He turned up with his couple of hangers on and stared at me all night. Understandable cos I was ****-hot back then :wave: I pretended it wasn't happening, whilst at the same time secretly loving it,obviously. At the end I was stood outside the club waiting for a taxi and he appeared next to me. A brief conversation ensued which ill not repeat in the interest of Dales privacy. then his mates pulled up in a flashy car and he left. Probably to his grans!

It was one of those bizarre episodes where you wake up next day and wonder if you dreamed it.

In a gay club? Why, is Dale Winton gay? :smirk:
Pauline John Hub 7.jpg

JB is a lovely lovely man. He knows he is cheezy but it gives him a living.
Im not keen on him, when he goes over the top, which seems to be most of the time. I ordered his kit night before last think it was, when he was on with Jill Franks. They made it sound so good, I thought give it a try. Will let you know what all the fuss is about when it arrives.

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