Jill Franks


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I had to laugh the other day she was on presenting Yankee and she said to Rosa 'I wish Yankee would make a Green Juice Candle'.

My only experience of green juice is when an ex boyfriend tried it once and it went straight through him, I certainly hope the candle wouldn't smell like that :mysmilie_17:
My oldest son went through a phase of juicing the most horrendous concoctions until his wife put her foot down and told him unless the Army housed them somewhere with a West wing and a toilet far enough from the rest of the household, he was banned from making any more green coloured, foul smelling, slimy juices.
So now he sticks to oranges, apples, bananas and soft fruits and his marriage is all the better for it lol.
As a fairly new viewer to selly telly (uni project) I'm can only comment on her behaviour recently, obviously the people on this forum knew her a lot better than me, but to me she appears to be totally stressed out.
I know her husband sold his PR company last year, because he was looking for new challenges and ventures. Maybe things haven't worked out the way they had planned and it's stressing her out. After all the PR lifestyle is not cheap to maintain. You don't present business ideas and PR pitches over coffee in Starbucks.
In relation to her weight issues, lots of people use exercise to cope with stress but it's easy to get caught up in a vicious circle, you exercise to relieve stress, but to much exercise causes more stress, so you exercise more, and so it goes on until either you develope mental health issues or your body just packs up on you. But Jill strikes me as the kind of person who would not ask for or accept advice from people, no matter how well meaning, so continues on her vicious circle. Might also explain her obsession with green smoothies, after all they are meant to do everything for you other than washing the dishes and hoovering the carpet, but I'm sure Jason Vale is currently working on that.
Just as a side note, Jill's husband once said in an interview that when he's preparing campaigns he gets so emmersed it almost becomes an obsession. Secondly, a writer commenting on the sale, wished Larry Luck, but suggested he may have to tone down his abrasive attitude and aggressive pitching style, as it did not sit well with current media gods.
Three words strike me as interesting, obsessive, abrasive, aggressive, remind anybody of a certain QVC presenter.

Welcome Selly, and you wrote a thought provoking post with logical comments.
I saw an old RevitaLash video during the night apart from her over mascaraed eye lashes JF looked so much better than of late She still had a full thick fringe (think it may have been a competition with the guest who had the longest thickest lashes ) her hair and skin and make up generally made her look so much younger ..bring back the fringe Jill and knock some years off!!
Absolutely! Try to watch her without sound, her body language says a lot. And it really is obvious on mute when your ears are not being fooled by ‘Amaaaaaazing, Wonderful’ and the likes.

99.99% of the time I have it on mute and the body language and facial expressions are quite telling. The females are all very aggressive whereas Dale and the other males are more laid back. In fact the aggression levels are quite worrying (well they would be if I was the least bit worried about them)
99.99% of the time I have it on mute and the body language and facial expressions are quite telling. The females are all very aggressive whereas Dale and the other males are more laid back. In fact the aggression levels are quite worrying (well they would be if I was the least bit worried about them)

I gather they have quite stringent targets to achieve.
Heck, cheety, she'd never eat real food. I've been longing to see her fronting a food show when I flick over - preferably something uber-fattening like fudge or pies, but I think she'd rather stick pins in her eyes than front anything like that. Agree she looks dreadful - I've been saying for a while I wish someone would gently have a word, and how she can front fashion, beauty, hair products just amazes me.

I've been saying for months that they really need to keep her off the beauty shows - she is NOT a good advertisement for any of the leading brands she allegedly uses - and if you listen to her she uses them all and they are all her favourites (Just depending on which show she's doing that night!)

I'm not a fan, I think she looks awful, and has done for several years now - the skeletal frame, sunken eyes, lank hair, scraggy neck. That is not a good look on anyone but particularly not in a woman over a certain age and only ages one even more.

I'd be curious to see her presenting an actual food show like the ones they had on the other day (although it seems she may have been on a day off that day!) - The Real Pie Company, Green Seasons, Thorntons, those chocolate brownies etc ......... I wonder if she'd eat anything??

The only "food" related show I've ever seen her do recently was that juicer TSV a few weeks ago. I wonder if that's intentional? Because it seems everything she does is almost all beauty shows - which is not great if you're a beauty fan and you can't watch most of the shows because it's her rambling on a load of lies and rubbish all the time.

Maybe QVC could "gift" her a Green Seasons hamper for Christmas as she's so fond of "gifting" :angry: :angry: :angry:
I really think she is quite deluded when it comes to her own self-image. She imagines herself as someone glamorous, attractive and uber healthy when in reality she's little more than a vapid, middle-aged scrawnbag!
i really think she is quite deluded when it comes to her own self-image. She imagines herself as someone glamorous, attractive and uber healthy when in reality she's little more than a vapid, middle-aged scrawnbag!

Ohhhh if this woman has got problems I really hope she doesn't read this last comment. I do not like her presentation style or her look but she is human and has feelings!
I really think she is quite deluded when it comes to her own self-image. She imagines herself as someone glamorous, attractive and uber healthy when in reality she's little more than a vapid, middle-aged scrawnbag!

Oh come on now, I'm not Jill Franks biggest fan but she doesn't deserve that! I'm sure the presenters do come on here for a nose and that would be a horrible thing for her to read :sad: You should really think before you post.
Oh come on now, I'm not Jill Franks biggest fan but she doesn't deserve that! I'm sure the presenters do come on here for a nose and that would be a horrible thing for her to read :sad: You should really think before you post.

I don't think she is the worst person in the world ever, however she is vapid, self-centred and scrawny. I am not out to upset her, but maybe she does need a reality check. The only person she is deluding is herself and it would be nicer if she presented with more integrity. She can't "simply die without" every product going. Nobody's life pivots on a bit of mascara, for goodness sake! I'm fed up with her "me me me" approach all the time. And she does look like a bag o' bones, just like that woman with the bunions who presented the Pilates equipment.
I don't think she is the worst person in the world ever, however she is vapid, self-centred and scrawny. I am not out to upset her, but maybe she does need a reality check. The only person she is deluding is herself and it would be nicer if she presented with more integrity. She can't "simply die without" every product going. Nobody's life pivots on a bit of mascara, for goodness sake! I'm fed up with her "me me me" approach all the time. And she does look like a bag o' bones, just like that woman with the bunions who presented the Pilates equipment.

Does anyone believe any presenter when they claim every product is a life-changing essential? It's underestimating the viewers' ability to filter the BS.
Does anyone believe any presenter when they claim every product is a life-changing essential? It's underestimating the viewers' ability to filter the BS.

I don't know but I'd rather they didn't insult my intelligence by saying it in the first place. Some of the claims are downright spurious. Jill Franks always loves everything and her life always depends on everything etc etc etc. I am just so sick of it. She should get real. I think if she lightened up and showed a bit more authenticity she'd come across as a far nicer person. The self-obsessed banshee shtick really doesn't do her any favours, I'm afraid.
Does anyone believe any presenter when they claim every product is a life-changing essential? It's underestimating the viewers' ability to filter the BS.

A lot of the products sold on QVC are definitely not essential and the ones that are essential can be bought elsewhere far cheaper than at QVC.
It's all academic as there is no way that any of the presenters read this. If they did they would mend their ways PDQ. Even if by some remote chance they did they would never ever think it applied to them as they are totally deluded and full of their own importance.

In the past JB andDG may have lurked but the present lot have heads full of sweetie mice.
I'm fairly sure DF comes on here. You know how obsessed with social media / online comments she is, the silly cow! Written any books lately, Debs? I could do with a laugh!
I'm quite new to this Forum and joined after lurking for ages.......Julius take a chill pill. QVC had lots of things which we don't like but you sound very bitter.

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