Jane Plan TSV 11/01/23


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Interested to see the price on this. Ideal World are doing a 20 day hamper for £215. I have tried this before and I didn't really rate it, however, it is better than Diet Chef IMO.
Interested to see the price on this. Ideal World are doing a 20 day hamper for £215. I have tried this before and I didn't really rate it, however, it is better than Diet Chef IMO.
I didnt rate Jane Plan either (and unfortunately that is an understatement ......) I did order from IW
I thought that DC was better, but best when you can choose dishes you want rather than have the ones preselected by IW or QVC.
Wowcher did a half price deal a few years back and you could choose whatever you wanted
These plans seem so expensive, there is a lot of that cost going on ‘convenience’.I am sure if I was to dive in and try my supplementary ingredients would be as much again, so I steal well clear.
I've never been tempted by any of these diet plans. I took-up intermittent fasting early last summer and I'd shed just under the stone I needed to by December. I stuck to it over the holidays and when I checked the scales today, my weight is static. I don't have a sweet tooth so apart from the odd chocolate and some pudding, trifle with cream etc, the only thing I over-indulged in was more wine than usual, and I snacked quite a bit on cheese and crackers. Nevertheless, I stuck within the eight-hour period for eating so it does work. I also noticed I have much more energy since I started the routine and it's said to have numerous other benefits too.
Looks like overpriced and over hyped food to me. The mark ups must be massive. No wonder they can offer these meals at so called knockdown prices. There are better and cheaper ways to eat yourself healthier and slimmer than lining that annoyingly smarmy woman‘s pockets.
Looks like overpriced and over hyped food to me. The mark ups must be massive. No wonder they can offer these meals at so called knockdown prices. There are better and cheaper ways to eat yourself healthier and slimmer than lining that annoyingly smarmy woman‘s pockets.
Absolutely! You're gonna lose pounds with it, if you stick to it, but at the end of the day it'll be the pounds in your pocket. Why? Because it's unsustainable financially as well as nutritionally as soon as you start eating "regular" food again the weight will soon start creeping back up and probably then some! It's simple eat less, move more - job done. If mobility is a problem then do your best you can. Cut down on empty calories, swap to lower sugar/fat options. No need to line this bony old bag's pockets!
I’d a friend who bought a couple of months’ direct from Jane Plan and got so hungry one day she ate all the lunches for the week in one go 🤣. She said she wasn’t even full!! She tried to sell what she had left on eBay but others had the same idea and she hardly got anything for her remaining stuff 😞
I’d a friend who bought a couple of months’ direct from Jane Plan and got so hungry one day she ate all the lunches for the week in one go 🤣. She said she wasn’t even full!! She tried to sell what she had left on eBay but others had the same idea and she hardly got anything for her remaining stuff 😞

I could believe that, watching the shows on Ideal World most of the portions are quite small and it only looks big because the big plates they use for the demos are filled up with vegetables etc that aren't part of the plan.

I always laugh during the shows when they say it's not a Diet, it's a healthy eating plan, and they had her book on display called The Jane Plan Diet. :ROFLMAO:


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I've never been tempted by any of these diet plans. I took-up intermittent fasting early last summer and I'd shed just under the stone I needed to by December. I stuck to it over the holidays and when I checked the scales today, my weight is static. I don't have a sweet tooth so apart from the odd chocolate and some pudding, trifle with cream etc, the only thing I over-indulged in was more wine than usual, and I snacked quite a bit on cheese and crackers. Nevertheless, I stuck within the eight-hour period for eating so it does work. I also noticed I have much more energy since I started the routine and it's said to have numerous other benefits too.
I started intermittently fasting eight years ago after researching the science. It has been refined since. I lost weight. But I feel so much better after a fast day- energised and clean, my skin glows. I am 58 , no wrinkles, shiny, thick hair. I do have a sweet tooth, which I indulge and fast to maintain.
I started intermittently fasting eight years ago after researching the science. It has been refined since. I lost weight. But I feel so much better after a fast day- energised and clean, my skin glows. I am 58 , no wrinkles, shiny, thick hair. I do have a sweet tooth, which I indulge and fast to maintain.
So do you fast for a whole day - ie zero food, ordoes fast actually mean 500 cals? Can you drink coffee/tea etc on a fast day?
I found on both DC and JP the sauces in the food were very watery and yes, you do have to add lots of green veg on top. There was also a lot of biscuity things that I don't eat and porridge which I definitely don't eat lol. Not great value for me but some people have lost weight on these plans. If you're in a couple and the other person's not on a diet then you have to buy other food for them so it's not really financially sustainable. I'll be honest with you, I ended up chucking a lot of it in the bin.

So do you fast for a whole day - ie zero food, ordoes fast actually mean 500 cals? Can you drink coffee/tea etc on a fast day?
I do two fast days: Monday and Thursday where I keep to 500 calories and then eat mindfully the other days. I love it. I don’t fast on holiday or special occasions but I miss it. I look forward to the fast days because of the boosted feeling afterwards. I keep my mind busy and don’t miss food. I realise it is not for everyone, I never try to persuade people or family to do it, I only talk about me and my experiences.
Before I started, I had a terrible relationship with food- binging, yo-yo, secret eating. Fasting, which has been done for thousands of years, seem to reset everything- I stop eating now when I have had enough, not necessarily full. If my body says eat grapes, then I do etc.
I do at least 10000 steps a day. Five years ago at health check, they told me I had less than half apercent of getting cancer or heart disease. They said my bloods and cholesterol levels were amazing.
I do drink coffee occasionally, never tea on fast days, just splash of milk. Oh I don’t drink alcohol.

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